RMF master dashboard

IBM® RMF for z/OS Grafana is a plugin provides custom panels for the RMF data source and master dashboard that consists of RMF Charts, RMF Reporting, and RMF Time Series dashboards.

Grafana provides a highly flexible and customizable dashboard consisting of one or more rows and panels. You can use various pre-configured panels to construct queries and tailor the visualization to meet your requirements. This enables you to create a personalized dashboard that seamlessly interacts with data from a configured Distributed Data Server (DDS). For more information about creating and managing dashboards, refer to the Grafana documentation.

When you install the RMF for z/OS Grafana plugin for the first time, all the dashboards are imported automatically. You can view the dashboards by navigating to Apps > IBM RMF > Dashboards. The following table lists the dashboards available in RMF Charts, RMF Reporting, and RMF Time Series dashboards:
Table 1. RMF master dashboard
RMF Charts Dashboard RMF Reporting Dashboards RMF Time Series Dashboards
Common Storage Activity CACHDET DSND PROC SYSINFO Common Storage Activity (Timeline)
Coupling Facility Overview CACHSUM EADM PROCU SYSRG Coupling Facility Overview (Timeline)
Execution Velocity CFACT ENCLAVE SPACED SYSSUM Execution Velocity (Timeline)
General Activity CFOVER ENQ SPACEG USAGE General Activity (Timeline)
Overall Image Activity CFSYS HSM STOR XCFGROUP Overall Image Activity (Timeline)
Performance Index CHANNEL IOQ STORC XCFOVW Performance Index (Timeline)
Response Time CPC JES STORCR XCFPATH Response Time
Using & Delays CRYOVW LOCKSP STORF XCFSYS Using & Delays (Timeline)
XCF Activity DELAY LOCKSU STORM ZFSFS XCF Activity (Timeline)
Common Storage Activity DEV OPD STORR ZFSKN Common Storage Activity (Timeline)

The dashboard interface offers several customization options for data presentation. The following is the image of the master dashboard from the IBM RMF for z/OS Grafana plugin:


You can click the import_dashboard option when there is a new version of the plugin, and then re-import the dashboard by clicking the reimport icon. Similarly, if any of the dashboards is no longer required, you can click the icon to remove it from the master dashboard.

For more information about available features in the Dashboard and their descriptions, refer to the Grafana documentation.