Upgrading the RMF for z/OS plugin on Grafana
You must ensure that the IBM RMF for z/OS Grafana plugin is up to date to leverage its enhanced functionalities. You can do so by either installing or upgrading to the latest version of the plugin.
About this task
- Stop the Grafana server.
Run the following command to upgrade the plugin by using Grafana CLI:
grafana cli --pluginUrl https://github.com/IBM/RMF/releases/download/ibm-rmf-grafana/v<version>/ibm-rmf-grafana-<version>.zip plugins install ibm-rmf
Note: You must replace the value of <version> for the pluginURL option with the plugin's version number to be upgraded.For example, if you want to install the v1.0.3 version of the plugin, the value of pluginURL is https://github.com/IBM/RMF/releases/download/ibm-rmf-grafana/v1.0.3/ibm-rmf-grafana-1.0.3.zip.
The CLI tool downloads the mentioned version of the plugin and replaces the existing files. - Restart the Grafana server, and then go to step 7.
Run the following command to stop the docker container:
docker stop rmf-grafana
Where rmf-grafana is the name of the container.
Run the following command to remove the docker container:
docker rm rmf-grafana
Run the following command to upgrade the plugin by creating and running a
docker run --name rmf-grafana --hostname rmf-grafana --detach --restart unless-stopped --volume rmf-grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana --publish 3000:3000 --env "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=https://github.com/IBM/RMF/releases/download/ibm-rmf-grafana/v<version>/ibm-rmf-grafana-<version>.zip;ibm-rmf" --env "GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS=ibm-rmf,ibm-rmf-datasource,ibm-rmf-report" <image>
Remember: You must replace the values of the following options in the command:- <version> for the env option to the version number of the plugin to be upgraded.
- <image> to the version of the Grafana image used.
Perform the following sub-steps to re-import the dashboards.
After upgrading the plugin to a new version, it is essential to re-import the dashboard. This ensures that you are utilizing the most up-to-date features in the dashboards.Tip: You can find the updated dashboards for each release by referring to the CHANGELOG of the plugin. You do not need to re-import all the dashboards.