Install IShield to a local cluster (minikube)

This section describe the steps for deploying Integrity Shield (IShield) on your local minikube cluster via oc or kubectl CLI commands.

  1. Retrive the source from integrity-enforcer Git repository.

    git clone this repository and moved to integrity-enforcer directory

     $ git clone
     $ cd integrity-shield
     $ pwd /home/repo/integrity-enforcer

    In this document, we clone the code in /home/repo/integrity-enforcer.

  2. Prepare a namespace to deploy Integrity Shield.

    The following command uses integrity-shield-operator-system as default namespace for Integrity Shield.

    make create-ns

    We swtich to integrity-shield-operator-system namespace.

    oc project integrity-shield-operator-system
  3. Prepare a private registry for hosting IShield container images, if not already exist.

    The following example create a private local container image registry to host the IShield container images.

    $ make create-private-registry
  4. Define a public key secret for verifying signature by Integrity Shield.

    Integrity Shield requires a secret that includes a pubkey ring for verifying signatures of resources that need to be protected. Integrity Shield supports X509 or PGP key for signing resources.

    By default, Integrity Shield provides a key setup.

    If you would like to use default key setup, the following command creates a public key secret for verifying signature

     $ make create-key-ring

    If you would like to use your own key, please follow the steps in doc to generate a one:

    Once you have the encoded content of a verification key /tmp/pubring.gpg, embed it to /tmp/keyring-secret.yaml as follows.

        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          name: keyring-secret
          type: Opaque
          pubring.gpg: mQGNBF5nKwIBDADIiSiWZkD713UWpg2JBPomrj/iJRiMh ...

    Create keyring-secret in a namespace integrity-shield-operator-system in the cluster.

     $ oc create -f  /tmp/keyring-secret.yaml -n `integrity-shield-operator-system`
  5. Define which signers (identified by email) should sign the resources in a specific namespace.

    If you use default key setup, the following command setup signers.

     make setup-tmp-cr

    If you use your own key setup, configure signerConfig and keyConfig in the following integrity-shield Custom Resource file:

    Edit config/samples/apis_v1alpha1_integrityshield.yaml to specify a signer for a namespace secure-ns.

    Example below shows a signer SampleSigner identified by email is configured to sign rosources to be protected in any namespace.

       - namespaces:
         - "*"
         - "SampleSigner"
       - scope: "Cluster"
         - "SampleSigner"
       - name: "SampleSigner"
         keyConfig: sample-signer-keyconfig
         - email: ""
     - name: sample-signer-keyconfig
       secretName: keyring-secret
  1. Install Integrit Shield to a cluster

    Integrity Shield can be installed to cluster using a series of steps which are bundled in make commands.

    Before execute the make command, setup local environment as follows:

    • ISHIELD_REPO_ROOT=<set absolute path of the root directory of cloned integrity-shield source repository>
    • KUBECONFIG=~/kube/config/minikube (for deploying IShield on minikube cluster)

      ~/kube/config/minikube is the Kuebernetes config file with credentials for accessing a cluster via kubectl.

      The following example shows how to set up a local envionement.

      $ export ISHIELD_ENV=local
      $ export ISHIELD_REPO_ROOT=/home/repo/integrity-enforcer
      $ export KUBECONFIG=~/kube/config/minikube

      In this document, we clone the code in /home/repo/integrity-enforcer.

      Execute the following make commands to build Integrity Shield container images and pushes them to a local private container image registry..

      $ cd integrity-shield
      $ make build-images
      $ make push-images-to-local

      Execute the following make commands to deploy Integrity Shield in a cluster.

      $ make install-crds
      $ make install-operator

      If you use default key setup, the following command create Integrity Shield CR in cluster.

      $ make create-tmp-cr

      If you use your own key setup, the following command create Integrity Shield CR in cluster.

      $ make create-cr
  2. Confirm if integrity-shield is running successfully in a cluster.

    Check if there are two pods running in the namespace integrity-shield-operator-system:

     $ oc get pod -n integrity-shield-operator-system
     integrity-shield-operator-c4699c95c-4p8wp   1/1     Running   0          5m
     integrity-shield-server-85c787bf8c-h5bnj    2/2     Running   0          82m
  3. Clean up integrity-shield from a cluster

    Execute the following script to remove all resources related to IShield deployment from cluster.

     $ cd integrity-shield
     $ make delete-tmp-cr
     $ make delete-operator

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    No results matching ""