
Clone Repo

$ git clone
$ cd integrity-shield


Before executing the script, setup local environment as follows:

  • ISHIELD_REPO_ROOT: set absolute path of the root directory of cloned integrity-shield source repository
  • KUBECONFIG=~/kube/config/minikube (for deploying IShield on minikube cluster)

~/kube/config/minikube is the Kuebernetes config file with credentials for accessing a cluster via kubectl.

For example

$ export KUBECONFIG=~/kube/config/minikube
$ export ISHIELD_REPO_ROOT=/repo/integrity-enforcer
$ export ISHIELD_ENV=local

Make commands

Create private registry for hosting IShield container images

The following example create a private local container image registry to host the IShield container images.

$ make create-private-registry

Build IShield container images

$ make build-images
$ make tag-images-to-local

The make commands refer the steps for

  • Building Integrity Shield container images
  • Tagging Integrity Shield container images to be used locally.

Three images are built.

  • integrity-shield-operator is image for operator which manages Integrity Shield
  • integrity-shield-server is image for IShield server
  • integrity-shield-logging is image for IShield logging side car

Push images

The following command pushes the built IShield images to local container image registry setup above.

$ make push-images-to-local

Alternatively, you can push images to other container image registry as below.

$ make push-images

You may need to setup image registry (e.g. dockerhub, etc.) and change the container images' name and tag as needed.

For example

$ export
$ export DOCKER_USER=integrityshield
$ export DOCKER_PASS=<password>

Install IShield to a cluster

Create verification key as a secret.

The following creates default key-ring secret required by IShield server.

make create-key-ring
$ make install-crds
$ make install-operator
$ make setup-tmp-cr
$ make create-tmp-cr

The make commands refer the steps for

  • Create CRDs
  • Install Integrity Shield operator
  • Prepare Integrity Shield custom resource (operator installs IShield server automatically)
  • Install Integrity Shield custom resource (operator installs IShield server automatically)

Uninstall IShield from cluster

$ make delete-tmp-cr
$ make delete-keyring-secret
$ make delete-operator

The make command refers to the steps for

  • Delete Integrity Shield custom resource (operator installs IShield server automatically)
  • Delete Key-ring secret
  • Delete Integrity Shield operator
  • Delete CRDs

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