How to Sign Resources

Sign Type

IShield supports two modes of signature verification.

  • pgp: use gpg key for signing. certificate is not used.
  • x509: use signing key with X509 public key certificate.

spec.verifyType should be set either pgp (default) or x509.

kind: IntegrityShield
  name: integrity-shield-server
  verifyType: pgp


IShield requires a secret that includes a pubkey ring for verifying signatures of resources that need to be protected. IShield supports X509 or PGP key for signing resources. For X509 mode, a certificate is supplied along with signature and CA certificate is used to verify the validiy of the given certificate. CA certifivate need to be registered to setup IShield. For PGP mode, no certificate is used. Instead, public keys for verifying signature need to be registered to setup IShield. The following steps show how you can import your keys or certificates to IShield.

PGP mode

First, you need to export public key to a file. The following example shows a pubkey for a signer identified by an email is exported and stored in /tmp/pubring.gpg. (Use the filename pubring.gpg.)

$ gpg --export > /tmp/pubring.gpg

If you do not have any PGP key or you want to use new key, generate new one and export it to a file. See this GitHub document.

Then, create a secret that includes a pubkey ring for verifying signatures of resources

oc create secret generic --save-config keyring-secret  -n integrity-shield-operator-system --from-file=/tmp/pubring.gpg

You can run scripts/ script to generate signature annotations in YAML file which appends a signature for a Yaml file as annotations. For example,

$ ./scripts/ /tmp/test-cm.yaml

Note: would append the signature annotation to the original input file (e.g. /tmp/test-cm.yaml), please back up the original file if needed.

You can run scripts/ script to generate ResourceSignature YAML file which includes signature for a Yaml file. For example,

$ ./scripts/ /tmp/test-cm.yaml /tmp/test-cm-rs.yaml

The ResourceSignature resource must be created to allow admission with the YAML.

ResourceSignature resource has a message field which refers to the encoded content of a resource file to be signed. A resource file may include a specification for single resource or multiple resources. A signature is generated for the entire YAML file, but it is used to verify when any resources are verified with the signature if the resource is to be protected according to ResourceSigningProfile (RSP).

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