The NPI events in this dataset are automatically extracted daily from Wikipedia articles using natural language processing techniques. In order to ensure accuracy and veracity of the data, each automatically extracted event was manually validated by a human annotator. Some of the data is corroborated through and complemented by news items and executive orders. These events are classified into a taxonomy of 16 NPI types. The dataset was further augmented with manually curated NPI events for certain event types. More information about the automated extraction can be found in the paper.

The NPI measures are modeled as events and evidences for information extraction purposes. Each event corresponds to an imposition or lifting of a particular NPI. An NPI event is defined to be a 5-tuple:
- What: the type NPI that was imposed or lifted. There are 16 types NPI events that have been gathered.
- Value: sub-category or attribute that qualifies the NPI more specifically. A detailed listing the types and the corresponding possible values is shown in the taxonomy table below.
- Where: the region (either a country, territory, province or state) where the NPI event was imposed or lifted.
- When: date in which the NPI event was imposed or lifted.
- Restriction: specifies whether the NPI event corresponds to an imposition or lifting of a NPI measure.
An evidence is a span of text extracted from Wikipedia that discusses the particular event. An event may have one or more evidences. In addition to the above, the dataset contains additional attributes for each event.
NPI event types and values
The event types and the corresponding values are shown below.
NPI | Field name | Example | Value type | Value description |
Prison-related Policies | changes in prison-related policies | On March 30, the GNA announced the release of 466 detainees in Tripoli, as part of an effort to stop the spread of the virus in prisons. | Integer | Number of prisoners that were released |
Confinement | confinement | On 19 March, President Alberto Fernández announced a mandatory lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus. | Category | Mandatory/advised for all the population |
Mandatory/advised for people at risk | ||||
Contact Tracing | contact tracing | On 2 March, a case in Nimes was traced to the mid-February Mulhouse Megachurch event. | Category | Tracing back 14 days of contacts of a confirmed patient through electronic information |
Tracing contacts of a person who needs to be isolated as was in contact with a confirmed patient through electronic information | ||||
Domestic Flight Restrictions | domestic flight restriction | On 1 April, the Government of Afghanistan suspended flights between Kabul and Herat. | String | Name of the state where the passenger is arriving from |
Economic Impact* | economic impact | Up until 14 March, the Afghan government had spent $25 million to tackle the outbreak, which included $7 million of aid packages. | Category | Stock market |
Unemployment rate | ||||
Industrial production | ||||
Entertainment/Cultural Sector Closures | entertainment / cultural sector closure | On April 7, Rockland and Sullivan counties closed their parks. | Category | Bars, restaurants, night clubs |
Museums, theaters, cinema, libraries, festivities | ||||
Parks and public gardens | ||||
Gyms and pools | ||||
Churches | ||||
Freedom of Movement (International) | freedom of movement (nationality dependent) | Iran was added to the list of countries whose nationals were suspended entry to Cambodia, making a total of six. | String | Name of the country the citizen is from |
International Flight Restrictions | international flight restrictions | With effect from midnight on 1 April, Cuba suspended the arrival of all international flights. | String | Name of the country or state where the passenger is arriving from |
Travel Quarantine Policies | introduction of travel quarantine policies | Israeli nationals returning from Egypt were required to enter an immediate 14-day quarantine. | String | Name of the country or state where the passenger travelled from |
Mask Wearing | mask wearing | On April 15, Cuomo signed an executive order requiring all New York State residents to wear face masks or coverings in public places. | Category | Mandatory |
Mandatory in some public spaces | ||||
Recommended | ||||
Restrictions on Gatherings | mass gatherings | On 13 March, it was announced at an official press conference that a four-week ban on public gatherings of more than 100 persons would be put into effect as of Monday 16 March. | Integer | Maximum number of people in social gatherings allowed by the government |
Public Services Closures | public services closure | On 19 March, Election Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya revealed that the 2020 Sri Lankan parliamentary election will be postponed indefinitely until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic. | Category | Government/parliament system closed |
Legal system closed | ||||
Public Transportation | public transportation | On March 20, Regina Transit and Saskatoon Transit suspended fares for all bus service, but with reduced service. | Category | Partial cancellation of routes/stops during the week/weekend |
Total cancellation of transport (special case for some states in China) | ||||
School Closures | school closure | On 13 March, the Punjab and Chhattisgarh governments declared holidays in all schools and colleges till 31 March. | Category | All schools (general) closed |
Only kindergartens/daycare closed | ||||
Only schools (primary/secondary) closed | ||||
Universities closed | ||||
State of Emergency | state of emergency (legal impact) | Governor Charlie Baker declared a state of emergency for the state of Massachusetts on March 10. | Category | National guard joins the law enforcement |
Army joins the law enforcement | ||||
Work Restrictions | work restrictions | On 10 April, Koike announced closure requests for six categories of businesses in Tokyo. | Category | Suggestion to work from home for non-essential worker |
Mandatory work from home enforcement for non-essential workers |
Data record
Each version of the dataset consists of two CSV files, named ibm-wntrac-yyyy-mm-dd-events.csv
and ibm-wntrac-yyyy-mm-dd-evidences.csv
corresponding to events and evidences respectively. A listing of all the attributes across events and evidences is shown in the table below with an example.
Field name | Description | Example |
even_id | Globally unique identifier for the particular NPI | 7db34fd1-d121-479f-9713-af7596a45aa1 |
type | Type of the NPI | School closure |
country | Country where the NPI was implemented. Name in ISO 3166-1 coding | USA |
state/province | State or province where the NPI was implemented. Name in ISO 3166-2 coding | Vermont |
date | Date when the NPI comes to effect. It is not the date of announcement | 2020-03-26 |
epoch | Unix epoch time corresponding to the date | 1589749200000.0 |
value | Value associated with the NPI. | Refer to Table for details |
restriction | Ordinal values representing imposition (1) or lifting (0) of an NPI | 0 |
sent_id | Globally unique identifier for the evidence sentence | d68ea644-24d5-4abf-93b0-dabc1cd3c2eb |
doc_url | Document URL | |
crawl_id | Globally unique identifier for the particular crawl in which this evidence sentence was fetched | 2020-05-06_d0cba9ae-8fda-11ea-b351-069b8ffc8dc8 |
crawl_date | Date of the crawl that fetched this evidence sentence | 20200506 |
text | Evidence sentence in the document where the NPI is discussed | On March 26, Governor Scott ordered all schools in Vermont to remain closed for in-person classes for the rest of the academic year |
citation_url | URL cited for the evidence sentence in the source document | |
anno_provided_url | Additional citation URL provided by the human volunteer who performed the validation. | |
fine_grained_location | Geographic locations mentioned in the evidence sentence separated by pipeline. | Vermont |
source_type | Wikipedia citation source type indicating government (G) or other sources (O) | G |
The data covers 261 geographical regions including 54 US states and territories. The geographies are coded with three letters defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code.
List of regions currently supported by the WNTRAC dataset
Region Code Abkhazia GEO-AB Afghanistan AFG Albania ALB Algeria DZA Andorra AND Angola AGO Anguilla AIA Antarctica ATA Antigua and Barbuda ATG Argentina ARG Armenia ARM Australia AUS Austria AUT Azerbaijan AZE Bahamas BHS Bahrain BHR Bangladesh BGD Barbados BRB Belarus BLR Belgium BEL Belize BLZ Benin BEN Bhutan BTN Bolivia BOL Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH Botswana BWA Brazil BRA Brunei BRN Bulgaria BGR Burkina Faso BFA Burundi BDI Cambodia KHM Cameroon CMR Canada CAN Cape Verde CPV Central African Republic CAF Chad TCD Chile CHL China CHN-TB Colombia COL Comoros COM Costa Rica CRI Croatia HRV Cuba CUB Cyprus CYP Czech Republic CZE Democratic Republic of Congo COD Denmark DNK Djibouti DJI Dominica DMA Dominican Republic DOM Ecuador ECU Egypt EGY El Salvador SLV Equatorial Guinea GNQ Eritrea ERI Estonia EST Eswatini SWZ Ethiopia ETH Faroe Islands DEN-FI Fiji FJI Finland FIN France FRA French Guiana GUF French Polynesia PYF French Saint Martin MAF Gabon GAB Gambia GMB Georgia (country) GEO Germany DEU Ghana GHA Greece GRC Greenland DEN-GR Grenada GRD Guadeloupe FRA-GU Guatemala GTM Guinea GIN Guinea-Bissau GNB Guyana GUY Haiti HTI Honduras HND Hong Kong CHN-HK Hungary HUN Region Code Iceland ISL India IND Indonesia IDN Iran IRN Iraq IRQ Israel ISR Italy ITA Ivory Coast CIV Jamaica JAM Japan JPN Jordan JOR Kazakhstan KAZ Kenya KEN Kosovo KOS Kuwait KWT Kyrgyzstan KGZ Laos LAO Latvia LVA Lebanon LBN Lesotho LSO Liberia LBR Libya LBY Liechtenstein LIE Lithuania LTU Luhansk People’s Republic UKR-09 Luxembourg LUX Madagascar MDG Mainland China CHN Malawi MWI Malaysia MYS Maldives MDV Mali MLI Malta MLT Martinique FRA-MA Mauritania MRT Mauritius MUS Mayotte FRA-MA Mexico MEX Moldova MDA Monaco MCO Mongolia MNG Montenegro MNE Morocco MAR Mozambique MOZ Myanmar MMR Namibia NAM Nepal NPL Netherlands NLD New Caledonia FRA-NC New Zealand NZL Nicaragua NIC Niger NER Nigeria NGA North Korea PRK North Macedonia MKD Northern Cyprus CYP Norway NOR Oman OMN Region Code Pakistan PAK Panama PAN Papua New Guinea PNG Paraguay PRY Peru PER Philippines PHL Poland POL Portugal PRT Qatar QAT Republic of Artsakh ARM Republic of Congo COG Republic of Ireland IRL Romania ROU Russia RUS Rwanda RWA Saint Helena SHN Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA Saint Lucia LCA Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM Saint Vincent and Grenadines VCT San Marino SMR Saudi Arabia SAU Senegal SEN Serbia SRB Seychelles SYC Sierra Leone SLE Singapore SGP Slovakia SVK Slovenia SVN Somalia SOM Somalia SOM South Africa ZAF South Korea KOR South Sudan SSD Spain ESP Sri Lanka LKA State of Palestine PSE Sudan SDN Suriname SUR Sweden SWE Switzerland CHE Syria SYR Taiwan TWN Tajikistan TJK Tanzania TZA Thailand THA Timor-Leste TLS Togo TGO Trinidad and Tobago TTO Tunisia TUN Turkey TUR Turkmenistan TKM Uganda UGA United Arab Emirates ARE United Kingdom GBR Uruguay URY Uzbekistan UZB Vatican City VAT Venezuela VEN Vietnam VNM Western Sahara ESH Yemen YEM Zambia ZMB Zimbabwe ZWE State Code Alabama USA-AL Alaska USA-AK Arizona USA-AZ Arkansas USA-AR California USA-CA Colorado USA-CO Connecticut USA-CT Delaware USA-DE Florida USA-FL Georgia (U.S. state) USA-GA Guam USA-GU Guantanamo Bay Naval Base USA-Guantanamo_Bay_Naval_Base Hawaii USA-HI Idaho USA-ID Illinois USA-IL Indiana USA-IN Iowa USA-IA Kansas USA-KS Kentucky USA-KY Louisiana USA-LA Maine USA-ME Maryland USA-MD Massachusetts USA-MA Michigan USA-MI Minnesota USA-MN Mississippi USA-MS Missouri USA-MO Montana USA-MT Nebraska USA-NE Nevada USA-NV New Hampshire USA-NH New Jersey USA-NJ New Mexico USA-NM New York (state) USA-NY North Carolina USA-NC North Dakota USA-ND Northern Mariana Islands USA-Northern_Mariana_Islands Ohio USA-OH Oklahoma USA-OK Oregon USA-OR Pennsylvania USA-PA Puerto Rico USA-PR Rhode Island USA-RI South Carolina USA-SC South Dakota USA-SD Tennessee USA-TN Texas USA-TX United States Virgin Islands USA-Virgin_Islands Utah USA-UT Vermont USA-VT Virginia USA-VA Washington (state) USA-WA Washington D.C. USA-DC West Virginia USA-WV Wisconsin USA-WI Wyoming USA-WY
Dataset statistics
Distribution of NPIs in WNTRAC dataset

Figure above shows the distribution of the NPIs imposed worldwide as recorded in the dataset. Entertainment / cultural sector closure, confinement and school closure are the predominant NPIs taken by governments.
Total number of regions that implemented NPIs of each type

Figure above summarizes the total number of regions that implemented NPIs of each type. As shown in the graph, confinement, school closure, and freedom of movement are the most common NPIs imposed worldwide.
Breakdown of the NPIs within each region

Figure above shows the breakdown of the NPIs within each region, for the top 20 regions that implemented the highest number of NPIs.
Data use policy
It is important to understand the limitations of this dataset, arising from our semi-automated nature of our data collection method for keeping up with the evolving worldwide developments. Please see our paper for further details. We offer the dataset under the below constraints.
This data is licensed for non-commercial purposes only, under the Community Data License Agreement – Permissive – Version 1.0 available here.