zhmc_partition_messages – Get console messages for OS in a partition (DPM mode)


  • Get the OS console messages for the OS running in an active partition.


  • The targeted CPC must be in the DPM operational mode.

  • The targeted partition must be active (i.e. running an operating system).

  • The HMC userid must have these task permissions: ‘Operating System Messages’ (view-only is sufficient)

  • The HMC userid must have object-access permissions to these objects: Target CPC, target partition.



The hostnames or IP addresses of a single HMC or of a list of redundant HMCs. A single HMC can be specified as a string type or as an HMC list with one item. An HMC list can be specified as a list type or as a string type containing a Python list representation.

The first available HMC of a list of redundant HMCs is used for the entire execution of the module.

required: True
type: raw

The authentication credentials for the HMC.

required: True
type: dict

The userid (username) for authenticating with the HMC. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.session_id.

required: False
type: str

The password for authenticating with the HMC. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.session_id.

required: False
type: str

HMC session ID to be used. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.userid and hmc_auth.password and can be created as described in the zhmc_session module.

required: False
type: str

Path name of certificate file or certificate directory to be used for verifying the HMC certificate. If null (default), the path name in the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable or the path name in the CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable is used, or if neither of these variables is set, the certificates in the Mozilla CA Certificate List provided by the ‘certifi’ Python package are used for verifying the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: str

If True (default), verify the HMC certificate as specified in the hmc_auth.ca_certs parameter. If False, ignore what is specified in the hmc_auth.ca_certs parameter and do not verify the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

The name of the CPC with the target partition.

required: True
type: str

The name of the target partition.

required: True
type: str

A message sequence number to limit returned messages. Messages with a sequence number less than this are omitted from the results.

If null, no such filtering is performed.

required: False
type: int

A message sequence number to limit returned messages. Messages with a sequence number greater than this are omitted from the results.

If null, no such filtering is performed.

required: False
type: int

File path of a log file to which the logic flow of this module as well as interactions with the HMC are logged. If null, logging will be propagated to the Python root logger.

required: False
type: str


# Note: The following examples assume that some variables named 'my_*' are set.

- name: Get OS console messages for the OS in the partition
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
    cpc_name: "{{ my_cpc_name }}"
    name: "{{ my_part_name }}"
  register: part_messages

Return Values


Indicates if any change has been made by the module. This will always be false.

returned: always
type: bool

An error message that describes the failure.

returned: failure
type: str

The list of operating system console messages.

returned: success
type: list
elements: dict
        "is_held": false,
        "is_priority": false,
        "message_id": 2328551,
        "message_text": "Uncompressing Linux... ",
        "os_name": null,
        "prompt_text": "",
        "sequence_number": 0,
        "sound_alarm": false,
        "timestamp": null
        "is_held": false,
        "is_priority": false,
        "message_id": 2328552,
        "message_text": "Ok, booting the kernel. ",
        "os_name": null,
        "prompt_text": "",
        "sequence_number": 1,
        "sound_alarm": false,
        "timestamp": null

The sequence number assigned to this message by the HMC.

Although sequence numbers may wrap over time, this number can be considered a unique identifier for the message.

type: int

The text of the message

type: str

The message identifier assigned to this message by the operating system.

type: str

The point in time (as an ISO 8601 date and time value) when the message was created, or null if this information is not available from the operating system.

type: str

Indicates whether the message should cause the alarm to be sounded.

type: bool

Indicates whether the message is a priority message.

A priority message indicates a critical condition that requires immediate attention.

type: bool

Indicates whether the message is a held message.

A held message is one that requires a response.

type: bool

The prompt text that is associated with this message, or null indicating that there is no prompt text for this message.

The prompt text is used when responding to a message. The response is to be sent as an operating system command where the command is prefixed with the prompt text and followed by the response to the message.

type: str

The name of the operating system that generated this message, or null indicating there is no operating system name associated with this message.

This name is determined by the operating system and may be unrelated to the name of the partition in which the operating system is running.

type: str