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Other / Utilities


Utility view shows the list of utilites. This view could be used to check the progress and state of each utility.



Metric shown


In a partitioned database environment, this is the numeric identifier for the database member. For Db2 Enterprise Server Edition and in a Db2 pureScale environment, this value is 0.

Utility ID

The unique identifier corresponding to the utility invocation.

Utility type

The class of utility.

Utility start_time

The date and time when the current utility was originally invoked.


Progress start_time

A timestamp representing the start of the phase.


Utility description

A brief description of the work a utility is performing.

Reorg end

The end time of a table or data partition reorganization.

Utility state

The state of a utility.


Invoke type

Describes how a utility was invoked.

Table schema

The schema of the table.

Table name

The name of the table.

Partition ID

The identifier of the data partition for which information is returned.

Index schema

Schema name of the index.

Index name

Unqualified name of the index.

Reorg type

Table reorganize attribute settings.

Utility priority

The amount of relative importance of a throttled utility with respect to its throttled peers.

Reorg phase

Indicates the reorganization phase of the table.

Percentage complete

The percentage of work units for the current phase which have been completed.

If UTILITY_TYPE does not equal to ‘REORG’, the value is PROGRESS_TOTAL_UNITS / PROGRESS_COMPLETED_UNITS; If UTILITY_TYPE equals to ‘REORG’ and REORG_STATUS equals to ‘COMPLETED’, then the value is 100; For all the rest cases, the value is REORG_CURRENT_COUNTER / REORG_MAX_COUNTER.


Progress complete unit

The number of work units for the current phase which have been completed.

Reorg rows compressed

The number of rows compressed in the table during reorganization.

Reorg rows rejected

The number of rows that were not compressed during reorganization due to the record length being less than or equal to the minimum record length.

Reorg completion

Indicator for table reorganization success.

If REORG_END is not NULL, then the value is REORG_COMPLETION; Otherwise, the value is NULL


Progress total units

The total amount of work to perform in order for the phase to be complete.

Progress description

Describes the phase of work.

Progress work metric

The metric for interpreting the PROGRESS_TOTAL_UNITS and PROGRESS_COMPLETED_UNITS elements.



Progress seq num

Phase number.

Progress list cur seq num

This element describes how to interpret a list of progress elements.