Auto-detection message format issues


Event Processing tries to automatically determine the message format by analyzing the most recent message in the topic. However, this auto-detection might sometimes result in incorrect message format, resulting in flow failures.


The following are some of the causes when Event Processing is unable to detect the correct message format:

  • Detected format is Avro but the message is not encoded using an Avro schema: Event Processing detects binary-encoded messages and assumes that the message was encoded using an Avro schema, however, it is possible that the message might not be encoded using an Avro schema.
  • Auto-detected format is Avro (schema registry) but the actual format of the message is Avro: Depending on the definition of the Avro schema and the value of the first property in the last message on the topic, Event Processing could interpret the message as encoded with an Avro schema from a registry.
  • Auto-detected format is Avro (schema registry) but the encoding of the message is not compatible with the Avro confluent format: Messages are not produced to use a compatible schema registry.

Resolving the problem

  • If the auto-detected format does not match the actual expected format of the messages of your topic, you can manually set the message format.
  • When you produce messages to the topic, ensure that following requirements are followed:
    • A valid JSON format must be used for JSON messages.
    • Binary-encoded Avro format must be used for Avro schemas.
    • Schema registry requirements are met before producing messages that use Avro schemas that are stored in schema registry.