Operator watching single namespace has escalated permissions


The IBM Operator for Apache Flink installed on Kubernetes platforms that support the Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI) containers watching single namespace creates ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding instead of Role and RoleBinding.


When watchAnyNamespace is set to false (default), an issue in the Helm templating causes creation of ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding permissions instead of Role and RoleBinding ones for the operator.

Resolving the problem

You can resolve the problem by installing the IBM Operator for Apache Flink that will manage the FlinkDeployment instances in only a single namespace with no custom configurations such as kubernetesServiceDnsDomain, or webhook.create.

Run the following command to install the IBM Operator for Apache Flink in the my-flink namespace:

helm install \
   flink ibm-helm/ibm-eventautomation-flink-operator\
   -n "my-flink" \
   --set watchNamespaces={my-flink}