Apache Kafka comes with a variety of console tools for simple administration and messaging operations. You can find these console tools in the bin
directory of your Apache Kafka download.
You can use many of them with Event Streams, although Event Streams does not permit connection to its ZooKeeper cluster. As Kafka has developed, many of the tools that previously required connection to ZooKeeper no longer have that requirement. Event Streams has its own command-line interface (CLI) and this offers many of the same capabilities as the Kafka tools in a simpler form.
The following table shows which Apache Kafka (release 2.0 or later) console tools work with Event Streams and whether there are CLI equivalents.
Console tool | Works with Event Streams | CLI equivalent |
kafka-acls.sh |
Yes | |
kafka-broker-api-versions.sh |
Yes | |
kafka-configs.sh --entity-type topics |
No | cloudctl es topic-update |
kafka-configs.sh --entity-type brokers |
No | cloudctl es broker-config |
kafka-configs.sh --entity-type brokers --entity-default |
No | cloudctl es cluster-config |
kafka-configs.sh --entity-type clients |
No | cloudctl es entity-config |
kafka-configs.sh --entity-type users |
No | No |
kafka-console-consumer.sh |
Yes | |
kafka-console-producer.sh |
Yes | |
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --list |
Yes | cloudctl es groups |
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --describe |
Yes | cloudctl es group |
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offsets |
Yes | cloudctl es group-reset |
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --delete |
Yes | cloudctl es group-delete |
kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh |
Yes | |
kafka-delete-records.sh |
Yes | cloudctl es topic-delete-records |
kafka-preferred-replica-election.sh |
No | |
kafka-producer-perf-test.sh |
Yes | |
kafka-streams-application-reset.sh |
Yes | |
kafka-topics.sh --list |
Yes | cloudctl es topics |
kafka-topics.sh --describe |
Yes | cloudctl es topic |
kafka-topics.sh --create |
Yes | cloudctl es topic-create |
kafka-topics.sh --delete |
Yes | cloudctl es topic-delete |
kafka-topics.sh --alter --config |
Yes | cloudctl es topic-update |
kafka-topics.sh --alter --partitions |
Yes | cloudctl es topic-partitions-set |
kafka-topics.sh --alter --replica-assignment |
Yes | cloudctl es topic-partitions-set |
kafka-verifiable-consumer.sh |
Yes | |
kafka-verifiable-producer.sh |
Yes |
Using the console tools with Event Streams
The console tools are Kafka client applications and connect in the same way as regular applications.
Follow the instructions for securing a connection to obtain:
- Your cluster’s broker URL
- The truststore certificate
- An API key
Many of these tools perform administrative tasks and will need to be authorized accordingly.
Create a properties file based on the following example:
sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="token" password="<api_key>";
with the path to your truststore file<truststore_password>
with your API key
Example - console producer
You can use the Kafka console producer tool with Event Streams.
After you’ve created the properties file as described previously, you can run the console producer in a terminal as follows:
./kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list <broker_url> --topic <topic_name> --producer.config <properties_file>
with your cluster’s broker URL<topic_name>
with the name of your topic<properties_file>
with the name of your properties file including full path to it
Example - console consumer
You can use the Kafka console consumer tool with Event Streams.
After you’ve created the properties file as described previously, you can run the console consumer in a terminal as follows:
./kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server <broker_url> --topic <topic_name> --from-beginning --consumer.config <properties_file>
with your cluster’s broker URL<topic_name>
with the name of your topic<properties_file>
with the name of your properties file including full path to it