Schema details not accessible when upper-case letters are used in schema names


A schema that has been registered by a non-IBM client with upper-case letters in its name is not accessible in the Event Streams UI or CLI. Non-IBM clients include the Apicurio and Confluent serdes client libraries. Clicking on the schema name in the UI returns a 404 Not Found error, and the CLI cannot access the schema to retrieve properties.

Similarly, a schema with upper-case letters in its name that has been added to the registry in the Event Streams UI or CLI is not accessible to non-IBM clients, such as the Apicurio and Confluent serdes client libraries.


When using the schema name to search for a schema that has been registered with upper-case letters in the ID, the IBM compatible API client used in the Event Streams UI and CLI cannot find any schemas with IDs containing upper-case letters, so a 404 Not Found error is returned.

Similarly, when using a non-IBM client library to look up a schema that has been pre-registered through the Event Streams UI or CLI, the non-IBM client library will not find the schema. This is because the schema ID has been registered by the Event Streams UI or CLI with lower-case characters only, whereas the non-IBM client client library is searching for the original name with upper-case characters.

Resolving the problem

To use the Event Streams UI or CLI with schemas that have been registered by non-IBM clients, avoid using upper-case letters in schema IDs.

If a schema with an upper-case name is already in use, transition the schema to a new schema with a lower-case name, and delete the previous schema with the following commands for the Apicurio REST API:

curl -u <scram-user-name>:<scram-password> \ https://<apicurioregistry-url>/artifacts/<artifact-id> -X DELETE -k

If you require schema names with upper-case characters, configure the non-IBM client libraries to auto-register schemas. This creates a schema that the non-IBM client library can find and use, but would not be accessible in the Event Streams UI or CLI. In this case, use Apicurio Registry REST API calls to manage the schema directly.