Attention: This version of Event Streams has reached End of Support. For more information about supported versions, see the support matrix.

Rollback fails


Rolling back from Event Streams version 2019.1.1 to 2018.3.1 (Helm chart version 1.2.0 to 1.1.0) results in an Invalid request (..) field is immutable error.

The rollback status shows as failed, for example:

$ helm history event-streams
REVISION        UPDATED                         STATUS          CHART                           DESCRIPTION
1               Tue Dec 10 16:28:19 2018        SUPERSEDED      ibm-eventstreams-prod-1.1.0     Install complete
2               Fri Mar 29 14:15:24 2019        SUPERSEDED      ibm-eventstreams-prod-1.2.0     Upgrade complete
3               Fri Mar 29 15:23:46 2019        FAILED          ibm-eventstreams-prod-1.1.0     Rollback "event-streams" failed: Job.batch "event-streams...

Attempting to log in to the Event Streams UI on the new port results in the following error:

CWOAU0062E: The OAuth service provider could not redirect the request because the redirect URI was not valid. Contact your system administrator to resolve the problem.


The oauth job was not removed before performing the rollback steps.

Resolving the problem

Run the following command:

kubectl -n kube-system get job <release-name>-ibm-es-ui-oauth2-client-reg -o json | jq 'del(.spec.selector)' | jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels)' | kubectl replace --force -f -

Where <release-name> is the name that identifies your Event Streams installation.

If you are still experiencing issues with your installation, you might need to uninstall Event Streams, and clean up after uninstallation before installing again.