Attention: This version of Event Streams has reached End of Support. For more information about supported versions, see the support matrix.

Setting up geo-replication

You can set up geo-replication using the Event Streams UI or CLI. You can then switch your applications to use another cluster when needed.

Ensure you plan for geo-replication before setting it up.

Defining destination clusters

To be able to replicate topics, you must define destination clusters. The process involves logging in to your intended destination cluster and copying its connection details to the clipboard. You then log in to the origin cluster and use the connection details to point to the intended destination cluster and define it as a possible target for your geo-replication.

Using the UI

  1. Log in to your destination Event Streams cluster as an administrator.
  2. Click Topics in the primary navigation and then click Geo-replication.
  3. Click the Origin locations tab, and click Generate connection information for this cluster.
  4. Copy the connection information to the clipboard. This information is what you need to specify the cluster as a destination for replication when you log in to your origin cluster.
    Note: This step generates an API key for your destination cluster that is then used by your origin cluster to authenticate it.
  5. Log in to your origin Event Streams cluster as an administrator.
  6. Click Topics in the primary navigation and then click Geo-replication.
  7. Click Add destination cluster on the Destination location tab.
  8. Paste the information you copied in step 4, wait for the validation of your payload to complete and click Connect cluster.
    The cluster is added as a destination to where you can replicate topics to.
    Note: When logged in to the destination cluster, the origin cluster will not show up in the Origin locations section until you define topics to replicate, and the geo-replicator is created.

Alternatively, you can also use the following steps:

  1. Log in to your destination Event Streams cluster as an administrator.
  2. Click Connect to this cluster on the right, and then go to the Geo-replication tab.
  3. Click the I want this cluster to be able to receive topics from another cluster tile.
  4. Copy the connection information to the clipboard. This information is what you need to specify the cluster as a destination for replication when you log in to your origin cluster.
    Note: This step generates an API key for your destination cluster that is then used by your origin cluster to authenticate it.
  5. Log in to your origin Event Streams cluster as an administrator.
  6. Click Connect to this cluster on the right, and then go to the Geo-replication tab.
  7. Click I want to replicate topics from this cluster to another cluster.
  8. Paste the information you copied in step 4, wait for the validation of your payload to complete and click Connect cluster.
    The cluster is added as a destination to where you can replicate topics to.
    Note: When logged in to the destination cluster, the origin cluster will not show up in the Origin locations section until you define topics to replicate, and the geo-replicator is created.

Using the CLI

  1. Go to your destination cluster. Log in to your cluster as an administrator by using the IBM Cloud Private CLI:
    cloudctl login -a https://<cluster-address>:<cluster-router-https-port>
  2. Run the following command to initialize the Event Streams CLI on the destination cluster: cloudctl es init
  3. Run the following command to create an API key for your destination cluster:
    cloudctl es geo-cluster-apikey
    The command provides the API URL and the API key required for creating a destination cluster, for example:
    --api-address --api-key H4C2S6Moq7KuDcYRJaM4Ye_6-XShEnB6JHnATaDaBFQZ
  4. Go to your origin cluster. Log in to your cluster as an administrator by using the IBM Cloud Private CLI:
    cloudctl login -a https://<cluster-address>:<cluster-router-https-port>
  5. Run the following command to initialize the Event Streams CLI on the origin cluster: cloudctl es init
  6. Run the following command to add the cluster as a destination to where you can replicate your topics to:
    cloudctl es geo-cluster-add --api-address <api-url-from-step-3> --api-key <api-key-from-step-3>

Specifying what and where to replicate

To select the topics you want to replicate and set the destination cluster to replicate to, use the following steps.

Using the UI

  1. Log in to your origin Event Streams cluster as an administrator.
  2. Click Topics in the primary navigation and then click Geo-replication.
  3. Choose a destination cluster to replicate to by clicking the name of the cluster from the Destination locations list.
  4. Choose the topics you want to replicate by selecting the checkbox next to each, and click Geo-replicate to destination.
    Tip: You can also click the Add topic to geo-replication icon icon in the topic’s row to add it to the destination cluster. The icon turns into a Remove button, and the topic is added to the list of topics that are geo-replicated to the destination cluster.
  5. Optional: Select whether to add a prefix to the name of the new replicated topic that is created on the destination cluster. Click Add prefix to destination topic names to add the release name of the origin cluster as a prefix to the replicated topics.
  6. Optional: Select whether you want to include the message history in the replication, or if you only want to copy the messages from the time of setting up geo-replication. Click Include message history if you want to include history.
  7. Click Create to create geo-replicators for the selected topics on the chosen destination cluster. Geo-replication starts automatically when the geo-replicators for the selected topics are set up successfully.
    Note: After clicking Create, it might take up to 5 to 10 minutes before geo-replication becomes active.

For each topic that has geo-replication set up, a visual indicator is shown in the topic’s row as follows:

  • If topics are being replicated from the cluster you are logged in to, the Geo-replication column displays the number of clusters the topic is being replicated to. Clicking the column for the topic expands the row to show details about the geo-replication for the topic. You can then click View to see more details about the geo-replicated topic in the side panel:
    Geo-replication for topic on origin

  • If topics are being replicated to the cluster you are logged in to, the Geo-replication column displays the number of clusters the topic is being replicated from.

Using the CLI

To set up replication by using the CLI:

  1. Go to your origin cluster. Log in to your cluster as an administrator by using the IBM Cloud Private CLI:
    cloudctl login -a https://<cluster-address>:<cluster-router-https-port>
  2. Run the following command to initialize the Event Streams CLI: cloudctl es init
  3. Choose a destination cluster to replicate to by listing all available destination clusters, making the ID of the clusters available to select and copy: cloudctl es geo-clusters
  4. Choose the topics you want to replicate by listing your topics, making their names available to select and copy: cloudctl es topics
  5. Specify the destination cluster to replicate to, and set the topics you want to replicate. Use the required destination cluster ID and topic names retrieved in the previous steps. The command creates one replicator for each topic. To set up more that one geo-replicators at once, list each topic you want to replicate using a comma-separated list without spaces in between:
    cloudctl es geo-replicator-create --destination <cluster-ID-from-step-3> --topics <comma-separated-list-of-topic-names-from-step-4>
    Geo-replication starts automatically when the geo-replicators for the selected topics are set up successfully.
    • Optional: You can specify to add a prefix to the name of the new replicated topic that is created on the destination cluster by using the --prefix <prefix-name> option.
    • Optional: Select whether you want to include message history in the replication, or if you only want to copy the messages from the time of setting up geo-replication. Set one of the following:
      • Use the --from earliest option to include available message history in geo-replication. This means all available message data for the topic is copied.
      • Use the --from latest option to exclude available message history. This means that only message data from the time of setting up replication is copied.

For example, to use all options to create the geo-replicators:
cloudctl es geo-replicator-create --destination <cluster-ID-from-step-3> --topics <comma-separated-list-of-topic-names-from-step-4> --from <earliest or latest> --prefix <topic-name-prefix>

For example:
cloudctl es geo-replicator-create --destination DestinationClusterId --topics MyTopicName1,MyTopicName2 --from latest --prefix GeoReplica-

When your geo-replication is set up, you can monitor and manage it.

Switching clusters

When one of your origin Event Streams clusters experiences problems and goes down, you are notified on the destination cluster UI that the origin cluster is offline.

You can switch your applications over to use the geo-replicated topics on the destination cluster as follows.

  1. Log in to your destination Event Streams cluster as an administrator.
  2. Click Connect to this cluster on the right.
  3. Go to the Connect a client tab, and use the information on the page to change your client application settings to use the geo-replicated topic on the destination cluster. You need the following information to do this:
    • Bootstrap server: Copy the Broker URL to connect an application to this topic.
    • Certificates: Download a certificate that is required by your Kafka clients to connect securely to this cluster.
    • API key: To connect securely to Event Streams, your application needs an API key with permission to access the cluster and resources such as topics. Follow the instructions to generate an API key authorized to connect to the cluster, and select what level of access you want it to grant to your resources (topics). You can then select which topics you want included or to include all topics, and set consumer groups as well.

After the connection is configured, your client application can continue to operate using the geo-replicated topics on the destination cluster.

Decide whether you want your client application to continue processing messages on the destination cluster from the point they reached on the topic on the origin cluster, or if you want your client application to start processing messages from the beginning of the topic.

  • To continue processing messages from the point they reached on the topic on the origin cluster, you can specify the offset for the consumer group that your client application is using:

    cloudctl es group-reset --group <your-consumer-group-id> --topic <topic-name> --mode datetime --value <timestamp>

    For example, the following command instructs the applications in consumer group consumer-group-1 to start consuming messages with timestamps from after midday on 28th September 2018:

    cloudctl es group-reset --group consumer-group-1 --topic GEOREPLICATED.TOPIC --mode datetime --value 2018-09-28T12:00:00+00:00 --execute

  • To start processing messages from the beginning of the topic, you can use the --mode earliest option, for example:
    cloudctl es group-reset --group consumer-group-1 --topic GEOREPLICATED.TOPIC --mode earliest --execute

These methods also avoid the need to make code changes to your client application.