Attention: This version of Event Streams has reached End of Support. For more information about supported versions, see the support matrix.

Error when downloading Java dependencies for schema registry in 2019.4.2


Event Streams 2019.4.2 icon In Event Streams 2019.4.2, when clicking on the link to download the schema registry Java dependencies .zip file, a network error is returned and no file is downloaded.

The link appears in the following scenario when you are preparing Java applications to be used with a schema:

  1. You have selected a schema, clicked the Connect to this version button.
  2. You have provided or generated an API key.
  3. You have clicked Generate connection details.
  4. You have downloaded the Java truststore file which contains the server certificate.
  5. In section 2. Download the schema registry dependencies or configure Maven to install dependencies in your project, you have clicked the Use JARs tab and clicked Java dependencies to download the Event Streams schema registry JAR files to use for your application.

    A File not found error is displayed, and no file download option is displayed.


The link published in the Event Streams 2019.4.2 UI is incorrect.

Resolving the problem

  1. Right-click on the existing link and select the option to copy the link.
  2. Open a new browser tab.
  3. Paste the copied link into the address bar and change the file name 2019.4.2 to 2019.4.1 in the URL: /
  4. Submit the URL by pressing enter.

You can now download the 2019.4.1 version of the dependencies, which are fully functional with 2019.4.2 as well.