Attention: This version of Event Streams has reached End of Support. For more information about supported versions, see the support matrix.

Post-installation tasks

Consider the following tasks after installing Event Streams.

Verifying your installation

To verify that your Event Streams installation deployed successfully, check the status of your release as follows.

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud Private cluster management console as an administrator. For more information, see the IBM Cloud Private documentation.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Workloads > Helm Releases.
  3. Locate your installation in the NAME column, and ensure the STATUS column for that row states Deployed.
  4. Optional: Click the name of your installation to check further details of your Event Streams installation. For example, you can check the ConfigMaps used, or check the logs for your pods.
  5. Log in to your Event Streams UI to get started.

Installing the command-line interface (CLI)

The Event Streams CLI is a plugin for the IBM Cloud Private CLI. Use the CLI to manage your Event Streams instance from the command line, such as creating, deleting, and updating topics.

To install the Event Streams CLI:

  1. Ensure you have the IBM Cloud Private CLI installed.
  2. Log in to the Event Streams as an administrator.
  3. Click Toolbox in the primary navigation.
  4. Go to the Event Streams command-line interface section and click Find out more.
  5. Download the Event Streams CLI plug-in for your system by using the appropriate link.
  6. Install the plugin using the following command:
    cloudctl plugin install <full_path>/es-plugin

To start the Event Streams CLI and check all available command options in the CLI, use the cloudctl es command. To get help on each command, use the --help option.

To use the Event Streams CLI against a deployed IBM Cloud Private cluster, run the following commands, replacing <master_ip_address> with your master node IP address, <master_port_number> with the master node port number, and <my_cluster> with your cluster name:

cloudctl login -a https://<master_ip_address>:<master_port_number> -c <my_cluster>
cloudctl es init

Firewall and load balancer settings

Consider the following guidance about firewall and load balancer settings for your deployment.

Using OpenShift Container Platform

If installed on the OpenShift Container Platform, Event Streams uses OpenShift routes. Ensure your OpenShift router is set up as required.

Using IBM Cloud Private

If you installed Event Streams on IBM Cloud Private, see the following guidance.

In your firewall settings, ensure you enable communication for the node ports that Event Streams services use.

If you are using an external load balancer for your master or proxy nodes in a high availability environment, ensure that the external ports are forwarded to the appropriate master and proxy nodes.

To find the node ports to expose by using the UI:

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud Private cluster management console as an administrator. For more information, see the IBM Cloud Private documentation.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Workloads > Helm Releases.
    Menu > Workloads > Helm releases
  3. Locate the release name of your Event Streams installation in the NAME column, and click the name.
  4. Scroll down to the Service table. The table lists information about your Event Streams services.
  5. In the Service table, look for NodePort in the TYPE column.
    In each row that has NodePort as type, look in the PORT(S) column to find the port numbers you need to ensure are open to communication.
    The port numbers are paired as <internal_number:external_number>, where you need the second (external) numbers to be open (for example, 30314 in 32000:30314).
    The following image provides an example of the table:
    Service table

    For your firewall settings, ensure the external ports are open. For example, in the previous screen capture, it is the second number for the highlighted NodePort rows in the table: 32292, 31212, 30429, 32618, 30477, 30015, and 30594.

    For your load balancer settings, you need to expose the following ports:

    • For the CLI, ensure you forward the external port to both the master and the proxy nodes. This is the second port listed in the <release_name>-<namespace>-rest-proxy-external-svc row. In the previous example, the ports are the second number in the PORT(S) column of the es1-ibm-es-rest-proxy-external-svc row: 30477 and 30015.
    • For the UI, ensure you forward the external port to both the master and the proxy nodes. This is the second port listed in the <release_name>-<namespace>-ui-svc row. In the previous example, the port is the second number in the PORT(S) column of the es1-ibm-es-ui-svc row: 30594.
    • For Kafka, ensure you forward the external port to the proxy node. This is the second port listed in the <release_name>-<namespace>-proxy-svc row. In the previous example, the ports are the second numbers in the PORT(S) column of the es1-ibm-es-proxy-svc row: 32292, 31212, 30429, and 32618.

To find the node ports to expose by using the CLI:

  1. Log in to your cluster as an administrator by using the IBM Cloud Private CLI:
    cloudctl login -a https://<cluster-address>:<cluster-router-https-port>
  2. Run the following command to list information about your Event Streams services:
    kubectl get services -n <namespace>
    The following is an example of the output (this is the same result as shown in the previous UI screen capture example):
    NAME                                         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                           AGE
    es1-ibm-es-access-controller-svc             ClusterIP   None           <none>        8443/TCP                                                          92m
    es1-ibm-es-collector-svc                     ClusterIP   None           <none>        7888/TCP                                                          92m
    es1-ibm-es-elastic-svc                       ClusterIP   None           <none>        9200/TCP,9300/TCP                                                 92m
    es1-ibm-es-indexmgr-svc                      ClusterIP   None           <none>        9080/TCP,8080/TCP                                                 92m
    es1-ibm-es-kafka-external-headless-svc       ClusterIP   None           <none>        9092/TCP,8093/TCP,8084/TCP,8085/TCP,8081/TCP,7070/TCP             92m
    es1-ibm-es-kafka-headless-svc                ClusterIP   None           <none>        9092/TCP,8093/TCP,8084/TCP,8085/TCP,8081/TCP,7070/TCP             92m
    es1-ibm-es-proxy-svc                         NodePort   <none>        30000:32292/TCP,30001:31212/TCP,30051:30429/TCP,30101:32618/TCP   92m
    es1-ibm-es-replicator-svc                    ClusterIP   None           <none>        8083/TCP                                                          92m
    es1-ibm-es-rest-producer-svc                 ClusterIP     <none>        8080/TCP                                                          92m
    es1-ibm-es-rest-proxy-external-svc           NodePort    <none>        32000:30477/TCP,32001:30015/TCP                                   92m
    es1-ibm-es-rest-proxy-internal-svc           ClusterIP     <none>        9443/TCP                                                          92m
    es1-ibm-es-rest-svc                          ClusterIP     <none>        9443/TCP                                                          92m
    es1-ibm-es-schemaregistry-svc                ClusterIP    <none>        3000/TCP                                                          92m
    es1-ibm-es-ui-svc                            NodePort    <none>        3000:30594/TCP                                                    92m
    es1-ibm-es-zookeeper-external-headless-svc   ClusterIP   None           <none>        2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP                                        92m
    es1-ibm-es-zookeeper-headless-svc            ClusterIP   None           <none>        2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP                                        92m

Connecting clients

You can set up external client access during installation. After installation, clients can connect to the Kafka cluster by using the externally visible IP address for the Kubernetes cluster. The port number for the connection is allocated automatically and varies between installations. To look up this port number after the installation is complete:

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud Private cluster management console as an administrator. For more information, see the IBM Cloud Private documentation.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Workloads > Helm Releases.
  3. In the NAME column, locate and click the release name used during installation.
  4. Scroll down through the sections and locate the Service section.
  5. In the NAME column, locate and click the <releasename>-ibm-es-proxy-svc NodePort entry.
  6. In the Type column, locate the list of Node port links.
  7. Locate the top entry in the list named bootstrap <bootstrap port>/TCP.
  8. If no external hostname was specified when Event Streams was installed, this is the IP address and port number that external clients should connect to.
  9. If an external hostname was specified when Event Streams was installed, clients should connect to that external hostname using this bootstrap port number.

Before connecting a client, ensure the necessary certificates are configured within your client environment. Use the TLS and CA certificates if you provided them during installation, or export the self-signed public certificate from the browser.

To export the self-signed public certificate from the browser:

  1. Log in to the Event Streams UI.
  2. Click Connect to this cluster on the right.
  3. On the Resources tab, copy the address from the Bootstrap server section. This gives the bootstrap address for Kafka clients.
  4. From the Certificates section, download the server certificate. If you are using a Java client, use the Java truststore. Otherwise, use the PEM certificate.

Setting up access

Secure your installation by managing the access your users and applications have to your Event Streams resources.

For example, associate your IBM Cloud Private teams with your Event Streams instance to grant access to resources based on roles.


Depending on the size of the environment that you are installing, consider scaling and sizing options. You might also need to change scale and size settings for your services over time. For example, you might need to add additional Kafka brokers over time.

See how to scale your environment

Considerations for GDPR readiness

Consider the requirements for GDPR, including encrypting your data for protecting it from loss or unauthorized access.