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The Kubernetes Storage Special Interest Group (SIG) defines three methods to implement a volume plugin:

  1. In-tree volume plugin [deprecated],
  2. Out-of-tree FlexVolume driver [deprecated],
  3. Out-of-tree CSI driver.

Flexvolume is deprecated, but the Kubernetes Storage-SIG plans to continue to support and maintain the Flex Volume API.

As of Kubernetes 1.9, there are two out-of-tree methods to implement volume plugins: Container Storage Interface (CSI) and FlexVolume.

Out-of-tree volume plugins enable storage developers to create custom storage plugins. Before the introduction of the CSI and FlexVolume, all volume plugins were in-tree meaning they were built, linked, compiled, and shipped with the core Kubernetes binaries and extend the core Kubernetes API.

FlexVolume has existed since Kubernetes 1.2, and is a GA feature since Kubernetes 1.8. FlexVolume uses an exec-based model to interface with drivers. The FlexVolume driver binaries must be installed in a pre-defined volume plugin path on each node and in some cases the control plane nodes as well. Pods interact with FlexVolume drivers through the flexvolume in-tree volume plugin.

The plugin expects the following call-outs are implemented for the backend drivers. Call-outs are invoked from Kubelet and Controller Manager.

  • Init,
  • Attach,
  • Detach,
  • Wait for attach,
  • Volume is attached,
  • Mount device,
  • Unmount device,
  • Mount,
  • Unmount.

For more information about FlexVolume, see flex.