Source code for ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.vector_store

#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2024.
#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Literal
import logging
import copy
from warnings import warn

from langchain_core.documents import Document

from ibm_watsonx_ai.client import APIClient
from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_client_error import WMLClientError
from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.embeddings import BaseEmbeddings
from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.base_vector_store import (
from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.langchain_vector_store_adapter import (
from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.vector_store_connector import (

from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStore as LangChainVectorStore

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class VectorStore(BaseVectorStore): """Universal vector store client for a RAG pattern. Instantiates the vector store connection in the Watson Machine Learning environment and handles necessary operations. The parameters given by the keyword arguments are used to instantiate the vector store client in their particular constructor. Those parameters might be parsed differently. For details, refer to VectorStoreConnector ``get_...`` methods. Can utilize the custom embedding function. This function can be provided in the constructor or by the ``set_embeddings`` method. For available embeddings, refer to the ``ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.embeddings`` module. :param api_client: WatsonX API client required if connecting by connection_id, defaults to None :type api_client: APIClient, optional :param connection_id: connection asset ID, defaults to None :type connection_id: str, optional :param embeddings: default embeddings to be used, defaults to None :type embeddings: BaseEmbeddings, optional :param index_name: name of the vector database index, defaults to None :type index_name: str, optional :param datasource_type: data source type to use when ``connection_id`` is not provided, keyword arguments will be used to establish connection, defaults to None :type datasource_type: VectorStoreDataSourceType, str, optional :param distance_metric: metric used for determining vector distance, defaults to None :type distance_metric: Literal["euclidean", "cosine"], optional :param langchain_vector_store: use LangChain vector store, defaults to None :type langchain_vector_store: VectorStore, optional **Example** To connect, provide the connection asset ID. You can use custom embeddings to add and search documents. .. code-block:: python from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag import VectorStore from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.embeddings import SentenceTransformerEmbeddings api_client = APIClient(credentials) embedding = Embeddings( model_id=EmbeddingTypes.IBM_SLATE_30M_ENG, api_client=api_client ) vector_store = VectorStore( api_client, connection_id='***', index_name='my_test_index', embeddings=embedding ) vector_store.add_documents([ {'content': 'document one content', 'metadata':{'url':''}} {'content': 'document two content', 'metadata':{'url':''}} ])'one', k=1) .. note:: Optionally, like in LangChain, it is possible to use a cloud ID and API key parameters to connect to Elastic Cloud. The keyword arguments can be used as direct params to LangChain's ``ElasticsearchStore`` constructor. .. code-block:: python from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag import VectorStore api_client = APIClient(credentials) vector_store = VectorStore( api_client, index_name='my_test_index', model_id=".elser_model_2_linux-x86_64", cloud_id='***', api_key='***' ) vector_store.add_documents([ {'content': 'document one content', 'metadata':{'url':''}} {'content': 'document two content', 'metadata':{'url':''}} ])'one', k=1) """ def __init__( self, api_client: APIClient | None = None, *, connection_id: str | None = None, embeddings: BaseEmbeddings | None = None, index_name: str | None = None, datasource_type: VectorStoreDataSourceType | str | None = None, distance_metric: Literal["euclidean", "cosine"] | None = None, langchain_vector_store: LangChainVectorStore | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__() self._client = api_client if "client" in kwargs and self._client is None: warn( "Parameter `client` is deprecated. Use `api_client` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) self._client = kwargs.pop("client") self._connection_id = connection_id self._embeddings = embeddings self._index_name = index_name self._datasource_type = datasource_type self._distance_metric = distance_metric self._vector_store: BaseVectorStore self._index_properties = kwargs if self._connection_id:"Connecting by connection asset.") if self._client: self._datasource_type, connection_properties = self._connect_by_type( self._connection_id ) f"Initializing vector store of type: {self._datasource_type}" ) self._vector_store = VectorStoreConnector( properties={ "embeddings": self._embeddings, "index_name": self._index_name, "distance_metric": self._distance_metric, **connection_properties, **self._index_properties, } ).get_from_type( self._datasource_type # type: ignore[arg-type] )"Success. Vector store initialized correctly.") else: raise ValueError( "Client is required if connecting by connection asset." ) elif langchain_vector_store:"Connecting by already established LangChain vector store.") if issubclass(type(langchain_vector_store), LangChainVectorStore): self._vector_store = LangChainVectorStoreAdapter(langchain_vector_store) self._datasource_type = ( VectorStoreConnector.get_type_from_langchain_vector_store( langchain_vector_store ) ) else: raise TypeError("Langchain vector store was of incorrect type.") elif self._datasource_type:"Connecting by manually set data source type.") self._vector_store = VectorStoreConnector( properties={ "embeddings": self._embeddings, "index_name": self._index_name, "distance_metric": self._distance_metric, **self._index_properties, } ).get_from_type( self._datasource_type # type: ignore[arg-type] ) else: raise TypeError( "To establish connection, please provide 'connection_id', 'langchain_vector_store' or 'datasource_type'." ) def _get_connection_type(self, connection_details: dict[str, list | dict]) -> str: """Determine the connection type from the connection details by comparing it to the available list of data source types. :param connection_details: dict containing the connection details :type connection_details: dict[str, list] :raises KeyError: if the connection data source is invalid :return: name of the data source :rtype: str """ if self._client is not None: with contextlib.redirect_stdout(None): datasource_types_df = self._client.connections.list_datasource_types() datasource_id_to_name_mapping = datasource_types_df.set_index( "DATASOURCE_ID" )["NAME"].to_dict() datasource_type = datasource_id_to_name_mapping.get( connection_details["entity"]["datasource_type"], None # type: ignore[call-overload] ) if datasource_type is None: raise WMLClientError("Connection type not found or not supported.") else: return datasource_type else: raise WMLClientError( "Client is required if connecting by connection asset." ) def _connect_by_type(self, connection_id: str) -> tuple[str, dict]: """Get the datasource type and the connection properties from the connection ID. :param connection_id: ID of the connection asset :type connection_id: str :return: string representing datasource type, connection properties :rtype: tuple[str, str] """ if self._client is not None: connection_data = self._client.connections.get_details(connection_id) datasouce_type = self._get_connection_type(connection_data) properties = connection_data["entity"]["properties"]"Initializing vector store of type: {datasouce_type}") return datasouce_type, properties else: raise WMLClientError( "Client is required if connecting by connection asset." )
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Serialize ``VectorStore`` into a dict that allows reconstruction using ``from_dict`` class method. :return: dict for the from_dict initialization :rtype: dict """ return { "connection_id": self._connection_id, "embeddings": ( self._embeddings.to_dict() if isinstance(self._embeddings, BaseEmbeddings) else {} ), "index_name": self._index_name, "datasource_type": ( str(self._datasource_type) if self._datasource_type else None ), "distance_metric": self._distance_metric, **self._index_properties, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict( cls, client: APIClient | None = None, data: dict | None = None ) -> VectorStore: """Creates ``VectorStore`` using only a primitive data type dict. :param data: dict in schema like ``to_dict()`` method :type data: dict :return: reconstructed VectorStore :rtype: VectorStore """ d = copy.deepcopy(data) if isinstance(data, dict) else {} d["embeddings"] = BaseEmbeddings.from_dict(data=d.get("embeddings", {})) return cls(client, **d)
[docs] def get_client(self) -> Any: return self._vector_store.get_client()
[docs] def set_embeddings(self, embedding_fn: BaseEmbeddings) -> None: warn( "Setting embeddings after VectorStore initialization may cause issues for `langchain>=0.2.0`", DeprecationWarning, ) self._embeddings = embedding_fn self._vector_store.set_embeddings(embedding_fn)
[docs] async def add_documents_async(self, content: list[Any], **kwargs: Any) -> list[str]: return await self._vector_store.add_documents_async(content, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_documents(self, content: list[Any], **kwargs: Any) -> list[str]: return self._vector_store.add_documents(content, **kwargs)
[docs] def search( self, query: str, k: int, include_scores: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> list: """Searches for most similar documents to the query. The method is designed as a wrapper for respective LangChain VectorStores' similarity search methods. Therefore, additional search parameters passed in ``kwargs`` should be consistent with those methods, and can be found in the LangChain documentation as they may differ depending on the connection type: Milvus, Chroma, Elasticsearch etc. :param query: text query :type query: str :param k: number of documents to retrieve :type k: int :param include_scores: whether similarity scores of found documents should be returned, defaults to False :type include_scores: bool :param verbose: whether to display a table with found documents, defaults to False :type verbose: bool :return: list of found documents :rtype: list """ return query, k=k, verbose=verbose, include_scores=include_scores, **kwargs )
[docs] def delete(self, ids: list[str], **kwargs: Any) -> None: return self._vector_store.delete(ids, **kwargs)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: return self._vector_store.clear()
[docs] def count(self) -> int: return self._vector_store.count()
[docs] def as_langchain_retriever(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return self._vector_store.as_langchain_retriever(**kwargs)