Source code for ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.vector_store_connector

#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2024.
#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import copy
from enum import Enum

import logging
from typing import Any

from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.base_vector_store import (
from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.langchain_vector_store_adapter import (

from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.utils.utils import (

from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStore as LangChainVectorStore
from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_client_error import MissingExtension

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class VectorStoreDataSourceType(str, Enum): ELASTICSEARCH = "elasticsearch" CHROMA = "chroma" MILVUS = "milvus" UNDEFINED = "undefined" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value
[docs] class VectorStoreConnector: """Creates proper vector store client using provided properties. Properties are arguments to the LangChain VectorStores of desired type. It also parses properties extracted from Connection assets into one that would fit for initialization. Custom or Connection asset properties that are parsed include: - `index_name` - `distance_metric` - `username` - `password` - `ssl_certificate` - `embeddings` :param properties: dictionary with all required key values to establish connection. :type properties: dict """ def __init__(self, properties: dict | None = None) -> None: def deepcopy_if_possible(obj: Any) -> Any: try: return copy.deepcopy(obj) except Exception: return obj dict = ( {key: deepcopy_if_possible(value) for key, value in properties.items()} if isinstance(properties, dict) else {} )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_type_from_langchain_vector_store( langchain_vector_store: Any, ) -> VectorStoreDataSourceType: """Returns ``DataSourceType`` for concrete LangChain ``VectorStore`` class. :param langchain_vector_store: vector store object from LangChain :type langchain_vector_store: Any :return: DataSourceType name :rtype: VectorStoreDataSourceType """ vs_type = langchain_vector_store.__class__.__name__ match vs_type: case "ElasticsearchStore": return VectorStoreDataSourceType.ELASTICSEARCH case "Chroma": return VectorStoreDataSourceType.CHROMA case "Milvus": return VectorStoreDataSourceType.MILVUS case _: return VectorStoreDataSourceType.UNDEFINED
[docs] def get_from_type(self, type: VectorStoreDataSourceType) -> BaseVectorStore: """Gets a vector store based on provided type (matching from DataSource names from SDK API). :param type: DataSource type string from SDK API :type type: VectorStoreDataSourceType :raises TypeError: unsupported type :return: proper BaseVectorStore type constructed from properties :rtype: BaseVectorStore """ match type: case VectorStoreDataSourceType.ELASTICSEARCH: return self.get_elasticsearch() case VectorStoreDataSourceType.CHROMA: return self.get_chroma() case VectorStoreDataSourceType.MILVUS: return self.get_milvus() case _: raise TypeError("Data source type not supported.")
[docs] def get_langchain_adapter( # type: ignore[return] self, langchain_vector_store: Any ) -> LangChainVectorStoreAdapter | None: """Creates adapter for concrete vector store from LangChain. :param langchain_vector_store: object that is subclass of LangChain VectorStore :type langchain_vector_store: Any :raises ImportError: LangChain required :return: proper adapter for the vector store :rtype: LangChainVectorStoreAdapter """ if isinstance(langchain_vector_store, LangChainVectorStore): return LangChainVectorStoreAdapter(vector_store=langchain_vector_store)
[docs] def get_chroma(self) -> LangChainVectorStoreAdapter: """Creates Chroma in-memory vector store. :raises ImportError: langchain required :return: vector store adapter for LangChain's Chroma :rtype: LangChainVectorStoreAdapter """ try: from langchain_chroma import Chroma from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.adapters.chroma_adapter import ( ChromaLangchainAdapter, ) except ImportError: raise MissingExtension("langchain_chroma") parsed_params = parsed_params.pop("datasource_type", None) # Parse collection name # 'collection_name' kwargs for Chroma has priority over generic 'index_name' collection_name = parsed_params.pop("index_name", None) if collection_name: parsed_params["collection_name"] = parsed_params.get( "collection_name", collection_name ) # Parse distance metric - set it in collection_metadata # Distance metric for Chroma is determined by collection metadata # See: Chroma._select_relevance_score_fn() distance_metric = parsed_params.pop("distance_metric", None) if distance_metric == "euclidean": collection_metadata = {"hnsw:space": "l2"} elif distance_metric == "cosine": collection_metadata = {"hnsw:space": "cosine"} else: collection_metadata = None parsed_params["collection_metadata"] = parsed_params.get( "collection_metadata", collection_metadata ) # Set embedding from params parsed_params["embedding_function"] = parsed_params.pop("embeddings", None) if parsed_params["embedding_function"] is None: raise ValueError("Embedding function is required for Chroma.") return ChromaLangchainAdapter(Chroma(**parsed_params))
[docs] def get_milvus(self) -> LangChainVectorStoreAdapter: """Creates Milvus vector store. :raises ImportError: langchain required :return: vector store adapter for LangChain's Milvus :rtype: LangChainVectorStoreAdapter """ try: from langchain_milvus import Milvus from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.adapters.milvus_adapter import ( MilvusLangchainAdapter, ) except ImportError: raise MissingExtension("langchain_milvus") parsed_params = parsed_params.pop("datasource_type", None) # Connection 'index_name' is 'collection_name' in Milvus if parsed_params.get("index_name"): parsed_params["collection_name"] = parsed_params.pop("index_name") elif not parsed_params.get("collection_name"): raise ValueError("Provide 'index_name' or 'collection_name'.") # Parse distance metric # Distance metric is set in `index_params`. # Here we replace the default `index_params` with different metric type. # See: `Milvus._create_index()`. distance_metric = parsed_params.pop("distance_metric", None) if distance_metric == "cosine": index_params = { "metric_type": "COSINE", "index_type": "HNSW", "params": {"M": 8, "efConstruction": 64}, } else: index_params = None parsed_params["index_params"] = parsed_params.get("index_params", index_params) # Prepare connection_args (if not present) if "connection_args" not in parsed_params: parsed_params["connection_args"] = {} # Set secure=True also when user set it in Connection UI if "ssl" in parsed_params: is_ssl = parsed_params.pop("ssl") parsed_params["secure"] = True if is_ssl == "true" else False # Get SSL certificate saved to file if "ssl_certificate" in parsed_params: parsed_params["ca_pem_path"] = save_ssl_certificate_as_file( parsed_params.pop("ssl_certificate"), "milvus_ca_ssl.crt" ) # Connection 'username' is 'user' in Milvus if "username" in parsed_params: parsed_params["user"] = parsed_params.pop("username") # Connection 'database' is 'db_name' in Milvus if "database" in parsed_params: parsed_params["db_name"] = parsed_params.pop("database") # Move each param that was in parsed_params to connection_args if we expect it here for param in [ "uri", "host", "port", "user", "password", "db_name", "secure", "client_key_path", "client_pem_path", "ca_pem_path", "server_pem_path", "server_name", ]: if param in parsed_params.keys(): parsed_params["connection_args"][param] = parsed_params.pop(param) parsed_params["embedding_function"] = parsed_params.pop("embeddings", None) return MilvusLangchainAdapter(Milvus(**parsed_params))
[docs] def get_elasticsearch(self) -> LangChainVectorStoreAdapter: """Creates Elasticsearch vector store. :raises ImportError: langchain required :return: vector store adapter for LangChain's Elasticsearch :rtype: LangChainVectorStoreAdapter """ try: from langchain_elasticsearch import ( ElasticsearchStore, SparseVectorStrategy, DenseVectorScriptScoreStrategy, RetrievalStrategy, DistanceMetric, ) from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extensions.rag.vector_stores.adapters.es_adapter import ( ElasticsearchLangchainAdapter, ) except ImportError: raise MissingExtension("langchain_elasticsearch") parsed_params = parsed_params.pop("datasource_type", None) # Always use empty es_params if not provided parsed_params["es_params"] ="es_params", {}) # Drop unnecessary stuff from connection asset if they are present parsed_params.pop("auth_method", None) parsed_params.pop("use_anonymous_access", None) # Parse ES connection data - select proper connection type # Connecting by 'url': username/password or api_key if "url" in parsed_params: # Get URL of ES instance parsed_params["es_url"] = parsed_params.pop("url") # Detect credentials given in connection asset if "username" in parsed_params and "password" in parsed_params: # Connect by username and password extracted from connection parsed_params["es_user"] = parsed_params.pop("username") parsed_params["es_password"] = parsed_params.pop("password") parsed_params.pop("api_key", None) elif "api_key" in parsed_params: # Connect by api key parsed_params["es_api_key"] = parsed_params.pop("api_key") parsed_params.pop("username", None) parsed_params.pop("password", None) else: raise ValueError( """To connect to given hostname ['url'] provide either ['username', 'password'] or ['api_key']. Make sure those fields are present in connection details or parameters given upon VectorStore initialization. """ ) elif "es_url" in parsed_params: if "es_user" in parsed_params and "es_password" in parsed_params: pass elif "es_api_key" in parsed_params: pass else: raise ValueError( """To connect to given hostname ['es_url'] provide either ['es_user', 'es_password'] or ['es_api_key']. Make sure those fields are present in parameters given upon VectorStore initialization. """ ) # Connecting by '(es_)cloud_id' to Elasticsearch cloud elif "cloud_id" in parsed_params and "api_key" in parsed_params: parsed_params["es_cloud_id"] = parsed_params.pop("cloud_id", None) parsed_params["es_api_key"] = parsed_params.pop("api_key", None) elif "es_cloud_id" in parsed_params and "es_api_key" in parsed_params: pass else: raise ValueError( """Connection data was not sufficent. Either provide: - ['url', 'username', 'password'], - ['url', 'api_key'], - ['cloud_id', 'api_key'] or - ['es_url', 'es_user', 'es_password'], - ['es_url', 'es_api_key'], - ['es_cloud_id', 'es_api_key'], in your connection asset or in params for VectorStore.""" ) if not parsed_params.get("index_name"): raise ValueError("Provide 'index_name'.") # Parse SSL certificate ssl_certificate_content = parsed_params.pop("ssl_certificate", None) if ssl_certificate_content: parsed_params["es_params"]["ca_certs"] = save_ssl_certificate_as_file( ssl_certificate_content, "es_ca_ssl.crt" ) # Parse distance metric # Match with ES DistanceMetric. # Default is cosine. distance_metric = parsed_params.pop("distance_metric", None) if distance_metric == "euclidean": distance_metric = DistanceMetric.EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE elif distance_metric == "cosine": distance_metric = DistanceMetric.COSINE else: distance_metric = DistanceMetric.COSINE parsed_params["distance_strategy"] = parsed_params.pop( "distance_strategy", distance_metric ) # Determine retrieval strategy type from parameters if "strategy" not in parsed_params or not isinstance( parsed_params["strategy"], RetrievalStrategy ): if "model_id" in parsed_params: parsed_params["strategy"] = SparseVectorStrategy( model_id=parsed_params.pop("model_id") ) else: parsed_params["strategy"] = DenseVectorScriptScoreStrategy( distance=distance_metric, ) # Set embedding from params parsed_params["embedding"] = parsed_params.pop("embeddings", None) return ElasticsearchLangchainAdapter(ElasticsearchStore(**parsed_params))