zmf_sca – Automate z/OS security requirements validation and provision


  • This module supports automatically validating and provisioning security requirements/configuration based on the security descriptor JSON file.

  • This module drives z/OSMF Security Configuration Assistant REST API undercover.



The desired final state.

If state=check, this module performs security validation for the security requirements specified in path_of_security_requirements.

If state=provisioned, this module performs security provision for the security requirements specified in path_of_security_requirements.

required: False
type: str
default: check
choices: check, provisioned

User ID or group ID to be validated or provisioned for the security requirements documented by the security descriptor JSON file that is specified by the parameter path_of_security_requirements.

If this parameter is not specified, the current logon user ID is used for validation or provision.

required: False
type: str

The location of path_of_security_requirements.

required: False
type: str
default: remote
choices: remote, local

Absolute path of the security descriptor JSON file that contains the security requirements to be validated or provisioned.

required: True
type: str

Expected validation result of the security requirements.

This parameter is ignored when state=provisioned

For all-passed, the module returns success when all security requirements are satisfied. If any requirement is not met or can not be determined, this module fails.

For all-failed, the module returns success when all security requirements have failed. If any requirement is satisfied or can not be determined, this module fails.

The value “all-passed” can be used in security validation use cases. The value “all-failed” may be used in security auditing use cases to check if any over permission exists.

required: False
type: str
default: all-passed
choices: all-failed, all-passed

Authentication credentials, returned by module zmf_authenticate, for successful authentication with the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host, zmf_port, zmf_user, zmf_password, zmf_crt and zmf_key are ignored.

required: False
type: dict

The value of the Lightweight Third Party Access (LTPA) token, which supports strong encryption.

If jwt_token is not supplied, ltpa_token_2 is required.

required: False
type: str

The value of the JSON web token, which supports strong encryption.

If ltpa_token_2 is not supplied, jwt_token is required.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

required: True
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

required: False
type: int

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_host is required.

required: False
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_port is ignored.

required: False
type: int

User name to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_user is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_user is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str

Password to be used for authentication with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_password is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_password is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted certificate chain file to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_crt is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_crt is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted file with your private key to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_key is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_key is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str


- name: Authenticate with the z/OSMF server by username/password, and register the result for later use.
    zmf_host: "{{ zmf_host }}"
    zmf_port: "{{ zmf_port }}"
    zmf_user: "{{ zmf_user }}"
    zmf_password: "{{ zmf_password }}"
  register: result_auth

- name: Validate security requirements defined in a z/OS security descriptor file and \
        expect all requirements are satisfied.
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    target_userid: IBMUSER
    path_of_security_requirements: /global/zosmf/sample/configuration/security/descriptor.json

- name: Validate security requirements defined in a local (Ansible control node) security descriptor file\
        and expect no access to any items.
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    target_userid: IBMUSER
    path_of_security_requirements: /home/user/descriptor.json
    location: local
    expected_result: all-failed

- name: Provision security requirements defined in a z/OS security descriptor file and \
        expect all requirements are satisfied.
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    state: provisioned
    target_userid: IBMUSER
    path_of_security_requirements: /global/zosmf/sample/configuration/security/descriptor.json

- name: Provision resources defined in a local (Ansible control node) security descriptor file and \
        expect all requirements are satisfied.
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    state: provisioned
    target_userid: IBMUSER
    path_of_security_requirements: /home/user/descriptor.json
    location: local

Return Values


Indicates whether any change is made during the module operation.

returned: always
type: bool

Error message.

returned: always on error
type: str

Array of security requirements that need attention.

If state=check, indicate security requirements which do not match with the expected result.

If state=provisioned, indicate security requirements that are failed to provision.

returned: always on fail
type: list
elements: dict

Item ID.

type: str
sample: 5695DF18658I10001000

Item type.

type: str

Item category.

type: str

Item description.

type: str
sample: DFSMSrmm inventory management CHANGEDATASET VX command protection.

Name of the security resource profile.

At current stage,

Variable in the name is not supported.

Generic resource name is not supported.

returned: always
type: str

SAF resource class.

returned: always
type: str
sample: FACILITY

Level of access that is required for the security resource for the specified user ID or group ID.

Value can be the following

returned: always
type: str
sample: [‘READ’, ‘UPDATE’, ‘CONTROL’, ‘ALTER’]

“validate” will be returned if SCA only did validation for this security requirement.

“provision” will be returned if SCA provisioned the security requirement.

returned: always
type: str
sample: [‘validate’, ‘provision’]

The object ID of this action. For validation action, this ID is the same as validatedId below.

This field can also be used for other actions in future versions.

returned: always
type: str

User ID or group ID that is used for resource validation.

returned: always
type: str

Validation result

returned: always
type: str
sample: [‘Passed’, ‘Failed’, ‘Unknown’]

Additional info.

type: str

Users (security groups) who require access to this resource.

The Security Configuration Assistant does not verify that security groups are defined;

your security administrator must verify that the groups exist.

type: str
sample: <Inventory Management>

Message Id.

type: str

Message text.

type: str

http status code if error.

returned: on error
type: str

http request method if error.

returned: on error
type: str

Request uri if error.

returned: on error
type: str