zmf_workflow – Operate z/OS workflows


  • Operate z/OS workflows through the use of z/OSMF workflow REST services.

  • This module supports to compare, start, delete, and check the status of a workflow.



Authentication credentials, returned by module zmf_authenticate, for successful authentication with the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host, zmf_port, zmf_user, zmf_password, zmf_crt and zmf_key are ignored.

required: False
type: dict

The value of the Lightweight Third Party Access (LTPA) token, which supports strong encryption.

If jwt_token is not supplied, ltpa_token_2 is required.

required: False
type: str

The value of the JSON web token, which supports strong encryption.

If ltpa_token_2 is not supplied, jwt_token is required.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

required: True
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

required: False
type: int

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_host is required.

required: False
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_port is ignored.

required: False
type: int

User name to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_user is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_user is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str

Password to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_password is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_password is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted certificate chain file to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_crt is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_crt is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted file with your private key to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_key is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_key is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

The desired final state for the specified workflow.

If state=existed, checks whether a workflow instance exists or not.
  • If only workflow_name is specified, the module looks for a workflow instance with same name.

  • If workflow_file, workflow_vars, workflow_vars_file are also specified, the module not only looks for workflow instance with same name, but also validates if content of workflow definition and variables are consistent.

If state=started, starts the workflow instance.
  • If workflow_key is specified, finds the workflow instance and starts it.

  • If workflow_key is not specified, checks if workflow exists by workflow_name:

    • If exists, starts the workflow instance.

    • If not exist, creates a new workflow instance and starts it.

If state=deleted, delete a workflow instance if it exists.
  • If workflow_key is specified, delete the workflow instance.

  • If workflow_key is not specified, checks if workflow exists by workflow_name and delete the workflow instance if it exists.

If state=check, check the status of a workflow.
  • If the status of the workflow is ‘automation-in-progress’, return message:

    • Workflow instance with key:{} is still in progress. Current step is: {}. Percent complete is xx%.

  • If the status of the workflow is ‘complete’, return message:

    • Workflow instance with key:{} is is completed.

  • If the status of the workflow is not ‘automation-in-progress’ or ‘complete’, return message:

    • Workflow instance with key:{} is not completed. No step is started.

    • Workflow instance with key:{} is not completed. Failed step is: {}. You can manually complete this step in z/OSMF Workflows task, and start this workflow instance again with next step name: {} specified in argument: workflow_step_name.

    • Workflow instance with key:{} is not completed. Failed step is: {}. While one or more steps may be skipped.

required: True
type: str
choices: existed, started, deleted, check

Descriptive name of the workflow.

The workflow name is case insensitive, for example, MyWorkflow and MYWORKFLOW are the same workflow.

It is recommended that you use the naming rule ansible_workflowName_{{ workflow_host }} when state=started.

Required when state=existed.

Either workflow_name or workflow_key is required when state=started/deleted/check.

required: False
type: str

Location of the workflow definition file.

required: False
type: str

Nickname of the target z/OS system on which the workflow is to be performed.

This variable should be specified as {{ inventory_hostname }}. Its value should be specified in the inventory file as a managed node.

required: False
type: str

User name of the workflow owner.

If this value is omitted, zmf_user is used as workflow owner.

required: False
type: str

Nickname of the system on which the specified workflow definition file and any related files reside.

required: False
type: str

Location of the optional properties file to be used to pre-specify the values of one or more variables that are defined in workflow definition file.

required: False
type: str

Values of one or more workflow variables in JSON format.

For example, {"user_to_list": "DEBUG1", "tsocmd_to_issue": "TIME"}

required: False
type: dict

Version of the variable to be used if the supplied workflow variable conflicts with an existing global variable in z/OSMF Workflows task.

required: False
type: str
default: global
choices: global, input

User-specified information to be associated with the workflow at creation time.

required: False
type: str

Specifies whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner when the workflow is created.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

Access type for the workflow when the workflow is created.

The access type determines which users can view the workflow steps and edit the step notes.

required: False
type: str
default: Public
choices: Public, Restricted, Private

For a workflow step that submits a batch job, this variable specifies the account information for the JCL JOB statement.

required: False
type: str

For a workflow that submits a batch job, this variable specifies the JOB statement JCL for the job.

required: False
type: str

For a workflow that submits a batch job, this variable specifies whether the job is deleted from the JES spool after it completes.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Specifies how to handle variable conflicts if any are detected at workflow creation time.

Such conflicts can be found when z/OSMF Workflows task reads the output file from a step that runs a REXX exec or UNIX shell script.

required: False
type: str
default: outputFileValue
choices: outputFileValue, existingValue, leaveConflict

Name of the workflow step at which automation processing is to begin when the workflow is started.

required: False
type: str

Specifies whether the subsequent automated steps are performed when the workflow is started.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

URL to be used for receiving notifications when the workflow is started.

required: False
type: str

Category of the workflow, which is general or configuration.

required: False
type: str
choices: general, configuration

Name of the vendor that provided the workflow definition file.

required: False
type: str

A string value, generated by z/OSMF to uniquely identify the workflow instance.

Either workflow_name or workflow_key is required when state=started/deleted/check.

required: False
type: str


- name: Authenticate with z/OSMF server by username/password, and register the result for later use.
    zmf_host: "{{ zmf_host }}"
    zmf_port: "{{ zmf_port }}"
    zmf_user: "{{ zmf_user }}"
    zmf_password: "{{ zmf_password }}"
  register: result_auth

- name: Compare whether a workflow with the given name already exists
    state: "existed"
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_SY1"
    workflow_file: "/zosmf/workflow_def/workflow_sample_automation_steps.xml"
    workflow_host: "SY1"

- name: Create a workflow if it does not exist, and start it
    state: "started"
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    workflow_file: "/zosmf/workflow_def/workflow_sample_automation_steps.xml"
    workflow_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

- name: Start the existing workflow from the specified step `workflow_step_name`
    state: "started"
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    workflow_step_name: "StepName"

- name: Delete a workflow if it exists
    state: "deleted"
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_SY1"

- name: Check the status of a workflow
    state: "check"
    zmf_credential: "{{ result_auth }}"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_SY1"



  • Submitting a z/OSMF workflow found on Ansible control node is currently not supported.

  • Only automated steps are supported when starting a z/OSMF workflow.

  • This module is considered to be “weakly” idempotent. That is, this module achieves an idempotent result for the final state of the workflow instance, rather than for the target z/OS systems. A strong idempotent result for the final state of the target z/OS systems depends on the idempotency of the workflow instance steps.

  • This module does not support check mode.

Return Values


Indicates if any change is made during the module operation.

If state=existed/check, always return false.

If state=started and the workflow is started, return true.

If state=deleted and the workflow is deleted, return true.

returned: always
type: bool

The output message generated by the module.

If state=existed, indicate whether a workflow with the given name does not exist, or exists with same or different definition file, variables and properties.

If state=started, indicate whether the workflow is started.

If state=deleted, indicate whether the workflow to be deleted does not exist or is deleted.

If state=check, indicate whether the workflow is completed, is not completed, or is still in progress.

returned: on success
type: str

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 with same definition file, variables and properties is found.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 with different definition file is found.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is found. While it could not be compared since the argument: workflow_file is required, and please supply variables by the argument: workflow_vars rather than the argument: workflow_vars_file.”

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is started, you can use state=check to check its final status.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is still in progress. Current step is: 1.2 Step title. Percent complete is 28%.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is completed.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is not completed. No step is started.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is not completed. Failed step is: 1.2 Step title. IZUWF0145E: Automation processing for the workflow ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 stopped at step Step title. This step cannot be performed automatically. You can manually complete this step in z/OSMF Workflows task, and start this workflow instance again with next step name: subStep3 specified in argument: workflow_step_name.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is not completed. Failed step is: 1.2 Step title. IZUWF0162I: Automation processing for workflow ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is complete. While one or more steps may be skipped.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is deleted.

Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 does not exist.


Generated key to uniquely identify the existing or started workflow.

returned: on success when state=existed/started/check/deleted
type: str
sample: 2535b19e-a8c3-4a52-9d77-e30bb920f912

Descriptive name of the workflow.

returned: on success when state=existed/started/check/deleted
type: str
sample: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1

Indicate whether the existing workflow has the same or different definition file, variables and properties.

returned: on success when state=existed
type: bool

Indicate whether it needs to wait and check again because the workflow is still in progress. Return True if the status of the workflow is ‘automation-in-progress’. Otherwise (the workflow is either completed or paused/failed at some step), return False.

returned: on success when state=check
type: bool

Indicate whether the workflow is completed. Return True if the status of the workflow is ‘complete’. Otherwise, return False.

returned: on success when state=existed/check
type: bool

Indicate what the failed step is if the workflow is not completed, including the step number, step name and step title.

returned: on success when state=check
type: dict
    "step_name": "createInstanceDirectory",
    "step_number": "1.2",
    "step_title": "Create a new instance directory"

Indicate whether the workflow is deleted.

returned: on success when state=deleted
type: bool