Version 1.5.0
Added new roles for z/OSMF Software Management
Updated the z/OSMF Software Management roles from a previous release to support UUID
New roles
Version 1.4.2
The README has been updated with a new template.
Fixed role zmf_workflow_complete which previously failed to return final_result.
Version 1.4.1
Documentation updates
Fixed ansible-lint issues
Version 1.4.0
Added a new z/OSMF Management Services Catalog role zmf_zmsc_run_management_service to run a z/OS management service published in B(z/OS Management Services Catalog).
Updated module zmf_workflow to return the failed step if the workflow is not completed.
New roles
The new z/OS Management Services Catalog role zmf_zmsc_run_management_service works with z/OSMF V2R4 and above with the APAR PH52813 installed.
Version 1.3.0
Added a new z/OSMF Software Management role zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_critical_updates to determine if a software instance is missing software updates to resolve PE PTFs, HIPER fixes, or other exception SYSMODs identified by ERROR HOLDDATA. It also helps you identify the SYSMODs that resolve those exceptions.
Added a new z/OSMF Software Management role zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_fixcat_updates to determine if a software instance is missing updates for fix categories that might be applicable to the software instance. It also helps you identify the SYSMODs that resolve the missing updates.
Added a new z/OSMF Software Management role zmf_swmgmt_search_software_updates to search a software instance for one or more software updates to determine which updates are installed or updates that need to be installed.
New roles
The new software management roles only work with z/OSMF V2R5 and above with the APAR PH47050 installed.
The new software management roles require proper input values and users who will use these roles should be provided appropriate access on z/OS system.
Version 1.2.1
Removed dependency on Requests library for Python on the control node.
Version 1.2.0
Updated module zmf_sca for SAF based z/OS security automation, which adds support for provisioning security requirements.
The updated module zmf_sca is based on the REST API of the z/OSMF Security Configuration Assistant (SCA) with APAR PH47746. SCA supports the json format of the security descriptor file. This file can be used to document security requirements by function or by product. With the security descriptor file that is easy to create, SCA is able to display and automatically provision security requirements in a flexible granularity, either by individual requirement, by function or by product. SCA is based on the SAF interface, therefore it supports all SAF based security products in most cases. To learn more about z/OSMF SCA, please refer to SCA blog and the SCA demo in IBM MediaCenter.
The updated module zmf_sca requires that z/OSMF SCA is configured properly. For the required configuration of z/OSMF SCA, please refer to z/OSMF SCA Configuration
The updated module zmf_sca only works with z/OSMF V2R4 and above with the APAR PH47746 installed.
Version 1.1.0
Added a new module zmf_sca for SAF based z/OS security automation, which starts with the security validation.
The new module zmf_sca is based on the REST API of the z/OSMF Security Configuration Assistant (SCA). SCA supports the json format of the security descriptor file. This file can be used to document security requirements by function or by product. With the security descriptor file that is easy to create, SCA is able to display and automatically validate security requirements in a flexible granularity, either by individual requirement, by function or by product. SCA is based on the SAF interface, therefore it supports all SAF based security products in most cases. To learn more about z/OSMF SCA, please refer to SCA blog and the SCA demo in IBM MediaCenter.
The new module zmf_sca can be used in use cases like security validation, security audit, etc.
Added a new cloud provisioning and management (CP&M) role zmf_cpm_list_software_templates to obtain list of published software templates that can be provisioned by user who is requesting to obtain the list. List of templates is saved in a file system and contains detailed information about each software template.
Added a new CP&M role zmf_cpm_create_software_instance to create a software instance in z/OSMF CP&M software instance registry. A json file with various properties for the instance can be provided to save instance specific properties in the registry.
Added a new CP&M role zmf_cpm_get_software_instance to obtain a specific software instance from the z/OSMF CP&M software instance registry. Retrieved software instance along with associated properties is saved in a file system.
New modules
New roles
The new module zmf_sca requires that z/OSMF SCA is configured properly. For the required configuration of z/OSMF SCA, please refer to z/OSMF SCA Configuration
The new module zmf_sca only works with z/OSMF V2R4 and above with the APAR PH41248 installed.
The new cloud provisioning and management roles requires z/OSMF cloud provisioning and management configured properly and users who will use these roles should be provided appropriate access on z/OS system.
Version 1.0.1
Initial release of IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) collection, referred to as ibm_zosmf, which is part of the broader offering Red Hat® Ansible Certified Content for IBM Z.
Generic documentation is available at the documentation site, covering guidance on installation, modules, roles and other references.
Sample playbooks are available at the samples repository. Each playbook contains a README file that explains which configurations are needed to run a sample playbook.
New modules
New roles
Supported by z/OS V2R3 or later.
Supported by z/OS Management Facility V2R3 or later.
Module zmf_authenticate is supported by z/OSMF APAR PH12143 (PTF UI66511 for V2R3, PTF UI66512 for V2R4).