Everything you need to know about IBM RSE API Plug-in for Zowe CLI 1.2.0

by Billie Simmons
Last updated: 17 March 2021

We are excited to announce the release of IBM® RSE API Plug-in for Zowe™ CLI (RSE CLI plug-in) 1.2.0 with the following key updates:

Support for encoding conversion for z/OS MVS

Starting from RSE CLI plug-in 1.2.0, there are multiple ways to support encoding conversions for MVS. These ways follow the precedence rules below:

  1. Add the --encoding tag to the end of upload and download CLI commands.

  2. --mappings-file tag with location of a mappings file that follows the schemaopen in new window set in place.

    The --mappings-file tag can be used via CLI command at the end of MVS upload and download commands to point to a mappings file that is saved locally and not in the default location within the ~/.zowe/profiles/rse directory, or a ZAPP file that includes the MVS mappings schema.

  3. An encoding found in the current workspace within the ZAPP (Z APPlication) fileopen in new window.

    The ZAPP file is created in your development workspace's top-level directory. It can contain project-level property groups as well as other information. This file can be in JSON or YAML format.

  4. An encoding found in the default mappings file.

    The default mappings file is a new file that can be downloaded from the RSE API host component using the CLI command zowe rse check conversion-mappings. This default mappings file will then be downloaded to the ~/.zowe/profiles/rse directory. To learn more about RSE CLI plug-in's mappings files, check out the documentation on MVS EBCIDIC code pages and mappings filesopen in new window.

  5. An encoding set during RSE profile creation.

    When creating your RSE profile via CLI command, the --encoding tag can added to the command to set a default encoding that can be put in place while using that profile. When you create your RSE profile using Zowe Explorer, you will see an encoding option pop up to enter a default encoding value. In both cases, this value is optional and no default will be set in case you would prefer to use the host encoding settings set by a system administrator.

  6. Server default mappings.

Support for SSO

Starting from 1.2.0, the RSE CLI plug-in has full support for SSO using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that are provided by the RSE API host component and the use of a base profileopen in new window. This support can also be used by IBM Z® Open Editor remote file resolutionopen in new window.

Uploading and downloading MVS files as binary

You can now add the --binary tag to the commands of uploading and downloading of MVS files. This tag was added to the following commands:

  • upload dir-to-pds
  • upload file-to-data-set
  • download data-set
  • download all-members

MVS member filter search is supported starting from RSE CLI plug-in 1.2.0, and is realized as a tag to the CLI command zowe rse list all-members by adding --pattern <memberPattern> to the end of the list command.

You can also use this feature in Zowe Explorer 1.12.0 or later versions by clicking the magnifying glass next to a profile's session name and entering a search pattern similar to HLQ.DATA.SET(*MEM).

Copying and pasting PDS members

You can copy and paste PDS members via CLI command and within the Zowe Explorer VS Code extension:

  • CLI command: Use the zowe rse copy data-set command to copy PDS members to a new member in another PDS as well as copy a Sequential data set to a new Sequential data set.
  • Zowe Explorer VS Code extension: Right-click on a PDS member to copy it, and right-click on a different PDS to paste and name the new member.

Support for UNIX shell commands

You can now issue UNIX shell commands by using a CLI command. The zowe rse issue unix <command> --cwd <workingDir> command can be issued via terminal, and a JSON that includes stdout and stderr will be returned.

Changing your password on z/OS

Starting from RSE CLI plug-in 1.2.0, you can change your password on z/OS via a CLI command, rather than green screen. You can now enter the CLI command zowe rse change password in a terminal to change your password on z/OS and update the profile's YAML file if the password is stored locally with or without the Secure Credential Store Plug-in for Zowe CLIopen in new window installed.

You can check out all of the commands and their syntax at IBM RSE API Plug-in for Zowe CLI commandsopen in new window.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Billie Simmons, Min Huang, Lauren Li