ibmi_download_fix – Download fix through SNDPTFORD


  • The ibmi_download_fix module download fix through SNDPTFORD.

  • The supported fixs are individual PTFs, cumulative PTF package and PTF Groups.



The name of the user profile that the IBM i task will run under.

Use this option to set a user with desired privileges to run the task.

required: false
type: str

Use this option to set the password of the user specified in become_user.

required: false
type: str

Specifies whether checking is performed on the service requester system to determine if PTFs are ordered based on whether or not the PTF product is installed or supported.

required: false
type: str
default: *NO
choices: *NO, *YES

Specifies the format of the delivered PTFs.

required: false
type: str
default: *SAVF
choices: *SAVF, *IMAGE

Specifies the image catalog to create based on the PTFs ordered.

required: false
type: str
default: *NONE

Specifies the directory where the optical image files are stored. If IMGCLG parameter is specified, the directory specified will be associated with the image catalog.

required: false
type: str
default: *DFT

If set to true, output the available joblog even the rc is 0(success).

required: false
type: bool

Specifies if requisite PTFs should be included with the ordered PTFs.

required: false
type: str
default: *REQUIRED
choices: *REQUIRED, *PTFID

The parameters that SNDPTFORD command will take. Other than options above, all other parameters need to be specified here.

The default values of parameters for SNDPTFORD will be taken if not specified.

required: false
type: str

Specifies the product ID associated with the PTF.

required: false
type: str
default: *ONLYPRD

Specify the identifier of the PTF information being ordered.

For Cumulative PTF package and PTF group ID, please see

*CUMPKG Order the latest level of the Cumulative PTF package group (SF99vrm) for the operating system release that is installed on the system. The HIPER and DB2 for IBM i PTF groups are automatically included when the Cumulative PTF package PTF group is specified. This value cannot be specified with any other PTF identifier or special value.

*ALLGRP Order the latest level of all PTF groups for the installed operating system release, except the Cumulative PTF package group.

*HIPERGRP Order the latest level of the HIPER PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.

*DB2GRP Order the latest level of the DB2 for IBM i PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.

*BRSGRP Order the latest level of the Backup Recovery Solutions PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.

*HTTPGRP Order the latest level of the IBM HTTP Server for i PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.

*JVAGRP Order the latest level of the Java PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.

*PFRGRP Order the latest level of the Performance Tools PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.

required: True
type: str

Specifies the release level of the PTF in one of the following formats, VxRyMz, where Vx is the version number, Ry is the release number, and Mz is the modification level. The variables x and y can be a number from 0 through 9, and the variable z can be a number from 0 through 9 or a letter from A through Z. vvrrmm, where version vv and release rr must be a number from 00 through 35, and modification mm must be a number from 00 through 09 or a letter from 0A through 0Z. The leading zeros are required. This format must be used if the version or release of the product is greater than 9.

required: false
type: str
default: *ONLYRLS

Specifies whether a PTF that is currently loaded, applied, or on order should be ordered again.

required: false
type: str
default: *YES
choices: *NO, *YES

The max time that the module waits for the SNDPTFORD command complete.

The unit can be ‘s’, ‘m’, ‘h’, ‘d’ and ‘w’.

required: false
type: str
default: 15m

Only works when delivery_format is *SAVF.

If delivery_format is *SAVF, and wait set to true, module will wait until all PTF save files are delivered or time is up.

required: false
type: bool
default: True


- name: Download a single PTF
    ptf_id: 'SI63556'
    reorder: '*YES'
    order: '*PTFID'

- name: Download a PTF group with become user
    ptf_id: 'SF99740'
    delivery_format: '*IMAGE'
    become_user: 'USER1'
    become_user_password: 'yourpassword'



Only support English language ibm i system, language ID 2924.

See SNDPTFORD command for more information.

Return Values

The module execution delta time.
returned: always
type: str
sample: 0:00:00.307534
The command standard output.
returned: always
type: str
sample: PTF 5770UME-SI63556 V1R4M0 received and stored in library QGPL.
The command standard error.
returned: always
type: str
sample: CPD0043: Keyword LOGOUTPUT not valid for this command.n
The excuted SNDPTFORD command.
returned: always
type: str
The command action return code. 0 means success.
returned: always
type: int
sample: 255
The command standard output split in lines.
returned: always
type: list
["CPC3703: 2 objects restored from test to test."]
The command standard error split in lines.
returned: always
type: list
["CPD0043: Keyword LOGOUTPUT not valid for this command.", "CPD0099: Previous 1 errors found in embedded command SNDPTFORD."]
The successful downloaded fix list.
returned: always
type: list
[{"download_time": "2020-07-30T22:55:11.754388", "file_name": "QSI63556", "file_path": "/qsys.lib/qgpl.lib/QSI63556.FILE", "order_id": "2348376546", "product": "5770UME", "ptf_id": "SI63556", "release": "V1R4M0"}]
The order identifier of the PTF order.
returned: always
type: int
sample: 2021278656
The general message returned.
returned: always
type: str
sample: PTF order cannot be processed. See joblog
The IBM i job log of the task executed.
returned: always
type: list
[{"FROM_INSTRUCTION": "54", "FROM_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "FROM_MODULE": "QESECARE", "FROM_PROCEDURE": "SendMsg__FPcT1iT1", "FROM_PROGRAM": "QESECARE", "FROM_USER": "QSECOFR", "MESSAGE_FILE": "QCPFMSG", "MESSAGE_ID": "CPI35F1", "MESSAGE_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "MESSAGE_SECOND_LEVEL_TEXT": "\u0026N Cause . . . . . :   The cover letter has been copied to file QAPZCOVER in library QGPL with member name of QSI63556 from file *N member *N. \u0026N Recovery  . . . :   Use the Display Program Temporary Fix (DSPPTF) command to display the cover letter. Specify product 5770UME, PTF SI63556, release  and request cover letter only.", "MESSAGE_SUBTYPE": null, "MESSAGE_TEXT": "Cover letter has been copied to file QAPZCOVER member QSI63556.", "MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP": "2020-07-30T22:55:12.865122", "MESSAGE_TYPE": "INFORMATIONAL", "ORDINAL_POSITION": 7, "SEVERITY": 0, "TO_INSTRUCTION": "54", "TO_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "TO_MODULE": "QESECARE", "TO_PROCEDURE": "SendMsg__FPcT1iT1", "TO_PROGRAM": "QESECARE"}, {"FROM_INSTRUCTION": "54", "FROM_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "FROM_MODULE": "QESECARE", "FROM_PROCEDURE": "SendMsg__FPcT1iT1", "FROM_PROGRAM": "QESECARE", "FROM_USER": "QSECOFR", "MESSAGE_FILE": "QCPFMSG", "MESSAGE_ID": "CPZ8C12", "MESSAGE_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "MESSAGE_SECOND_LEVEL_TEXT": "\u0026N Cause . . . . . :   Program temporary fix (PTF) SI63556 product 5770UME at release V1R4M0 was received and is stored in library QGPL.  Use the Display PTF (DSPPTF) command to view the status of the PTF on your system.", "MESSAGE_SUBTYPE": null, "MESSAGE_TEXT": "PTF 5770UME-SI63556 V1R4M0 received and stored in library QGPL.", "MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP": "2020-07-30T22:55:11.754388", "MESSAGE_TYPE": "INFORMATIONAL", "ORDINAL_POSITION": 6, "SEVERITY": 0, "TO_INSTRUCTION": "54", "TO_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "TO_MODULE": "QESECARE", "TO_PROCEDURE": "SendMsg__FPcT1iT1", "TO_PROGRAM": "QESECARE"}]