ibmi_spooled_file_data – Returns the content of a spooled file.


  • The ibmi_spooled_file_data returns the content of a spooled file.



The name of the user profile that the IBM i task will run under.

Use this option to set a user with desired privileges to run the task.

required: false
type: str

Use this option to set the password of the user specified in become_user.

required: false
type: str

A character string containing a qualified job name.

required: True
type: str

If supplied, only return lines that match this shell-style (fnmatch) wildcard. If this parameter is omitted, all the spooled file content is returned.

required: false
type: str
default: *

A character string containing the name of the spooled file. If this parameter is an incorrect value or the spooled file is not existed, nothing will return to spooled_data.

required: True
type: str

A character string containing the number of the spooled file for current job. If this parameter is omitted, the spooled file with the highest number matching spooled-file-name is used.

required: false
type: str
default: *LAST


- name: print the spooled file data
    job_name: '024800/CHANGLE/QDFTJOBD'
    spooled_file_name: 'QPSECUSR'

See Also

Return Values

The command return code (0 means success, non-zero means failure).
returned: always
type: int
sample: 255
Simple description of the error.
returned: when rc as non-zero(failure)
type: str
sample: 255
The spooled file content split in lines.
returned: when rc as 0(success)
type: list
["5770SS1 V7R4M0  190621                                 MIRRORS   11/25/20  10:08:37 CST ", " Report type  . . . . . . . . . :   *PWDLVL                                             ", " Select by  . . . . . . . . . . :   *SPCAUT                                             ", " Special authorities  . . . . . :   *ALL                                                ", "                Password      Password      Password                                    ", " User           for level     for level        for                                      ", " Profile         0 or 1        2 or 3       NetServer                                   ", " CHANGLE          *YES          *YES          *YES                                      ", " DHQB             *NO           *YES          *NO                                       ", " QANZAGENT        *NO           *NO           *NO                                       ", " QAUTPROF         *NO           *NO           *NO                                       ", " QBRMS            *NO           *NO           *NO                                       "]
The IBM i job log of the task executed.
returned: when rc as non-zero(failure) and error happened for CL command CPYSPLF used in this module.
type: list
[{"FROM_INSTRUCTION": "318F", "FROM_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "FROM_MODULE": "", "FROM_PROCEDURE": "", "FROM_PROGRAM": "QWTCHGJB", "FROM_USER": "CHANGLE", "MESSAGE_FILE": "QCPFMSG", "MESSAGE_ID": "CPD0912", "MESSAGE_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "MESSAGE_SECOND_LEVEL_TEXT": "Cause . . . . . :   This message is used by application programs as a general escape message.", "MESSAGE_SUBTYPE": "", "MESSAGE_TEXT": "Printer device PRT01 not found.", "MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP": "2020-05-20-", "MESSAGE_TYPE": "DIAGNOSTIC", "ORDINAL_POSITION": "5", "SEVERITY": "20", "TO_INSTRUCTION": "9369", "TO_LIBRARY": "QSYS", "TO_MODULE": "QSQSRVR", "TO_PROCEDURE": "QSQSRVR", "TO_PROGRAM": "QSQSRVR"}]