ibmi_synchronize – Synchronize a save file from IBM i node A to another IBM i node B


  • The ibmi_synchronize plugin synchronize a save file from IBM i node A to another IBM i node B.

  • ibmi_synchronize plugin calls ibmi_sync module.

  • Only support to synchronize save file by now.

  • For non-IBMi native targets, use the synchronize module instead.

  • delegate_to must be set to IBM i node A, and set hosts to IBM i node B.

  • Be careful to set delegate_to or hosts to node groups. The synchronized data may be overridden.



Path on the destination host that will be synchronized from the source.

The path must be absolute, and dest must be a IBM i native library. For example, /qsys.lib/test.lib.

If not specify, dest will be equal to src.

required: false
type: str

Specifies SSH private key path on IBM i node A used to connect to remote IBM i node B.

The path can be absolute or relative.

required: false
type: str
default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa

The user name to connect to the remote IBM i node B.

If not specify, remote_user will be the ansible_ssh_user of IBM i node B, which stored in ansible inventory.

required: false
type: str

Save file path on the source host that will be synchronized to the destination.

The path must be absolute. For example, /qsys.lib/test.lib/c1.file.

required: True
type: str


- name: Synchronize c1 save file from IBM i node A to another IBM i node B.
    src: '/qsys.lib/test.lib/c1.file'
    remote_user: 'user'
    private_key: '/home/test/id_rsa'
  delegate_to: nodeA



ansible.cfg needs to specify interpreter_python=/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/python3 under [defaults] section.

delegate_to must be set to IBM i node A.

Make sure ssh passwordless login works from IBM i node A to IBM i node B.

private_key must be a rsa key in the legacy PEM private key format.

Doesn’t support IASP by now.

Return Values

The execution delta time.
returned: always
type: str
sample: 0:00:00.307534
The standard output.
returned: always
type: str
sample: Successfully synchronize file /QSYS.LIB/TEST.LIB/C1.FILE to remote host
The standard error.
returned: always
type: str
sample: Failed to mv file to qsys. Make sure library exists.
The action return code. 0 means success.
returned: always
type: int
sample: 255
The standard output split in lines.
returned: always
type: list
["Successfully synchronize file /QSYS.LIB/TEST.LIB/C1.FILE to remote host"]
The standard error split in lines.
returned: always
type: list
["Failed to mv file to qsys. Make sure library exists."]