Managing access

You can manage access to your Event Endpoint Management instance through access controls. Users can be defined through custom configuration files or by different login services and identity providers such as Keycloak. Users can be authorized and given permissions based on their roles. For more information, see managing roles.

Event Endpoint Management supports locally defined authorization for testing purposes and OpenID Connect (OIDC) authorization.

Important: Before you begin, ensure you have installed the Event Endpoint Management operator.

Setting up Local authentication

You can define users explicitly with usernames and passwords, which is typically helpful for testing or prototype instances.

Important: Despite being a valid OIDC provider with secure network traffic, the local authentication provider stores user credentials in a single JSON file as unencrypted strings. Therefore, passwords are at a higher risk of being exposed.

Using OpenShift Container Platform UI

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console using your login credentials.
  2. Click the + button in the navigation on the top. The text editor opens.
  3. Paste the following YAML into the editor to create a custom resource that defines an instance of Event Endpoint Management called local-auth:

    kind: EventEndpointManagement
      name: local-auth
      namespace: eem
        accept: true
          authType: LOCAL

    This will create two secrets: <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-credentials and <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles. You can use these secrets to define the credentials and roles (permissions) of your users.

  4. Expand Workloads in the navigation on the left and click Secrets. This lists the secrets available in this project (namespace).
  5. To edit the secret <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-credentials with your local user credentials, go to Actions and click Edit Secret.
  6. Edit the mappings, for example:

        "users": [
                "username": "author1",
                "password": "Password1$"
                "username": "viewer1",
                "password": "Password2$"
  7. Click Save.
  8. Similarly, edit the secret <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles to configure the roles and permissions of your users. For more information, see managing roles.

    The changed configuration files are automatically picked up by the Event Endpoint Management instance, and you can then log in with these users. For more information, see logging in to Event Endpoint Management.

Using the CLI

  1. Log in to your Kubernetes cluster as a cluster administrator by setting your kubectl context.
  2. Run the following command to create an instance of Event Endpoint Management:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: EventEndpointManagement
      name: local-auth
      namespace: eem
        accept: true
           authType: LOCAL

    This will create two secrets: <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-credentials and <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles. You can use these secrets to define the credentials and roles (permissions) of your users.

  3. Create a JSON file called myusers.json that contains the user credentials for your Event Endpoint Management instance, for example:

        "users": [
                "username": "author1",
                "password": "Password1$"
                "username": "viewer1",
                "password": "Password2$"
  4. Obtain the Base64-encoded string representing the file content. For example, you can run the following command to obtain the string:

    cat myusers.json | base64
  5. Patch the <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-credentials secret with the local user credentials by running the following command:

    kubectl patch secret <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-credentials --type='json' -p='[{"op" : "replace" ,"path" : "/data/user-credentials.json" ,"value" : "<your-base64-value>"}]'


    • <custom-resource-name> is the name of your Event Endpoint Management instance.
    • <your-base64-value> is the Base64-encoded string returned from the previous command.

    for example:

    kubectl patch secret quick-start-manager-ibm-eem-user-credentials --type='json' -p='[{"op" : "replace" ,"path" : "/data/user-credentials.json" ,"value" : "ewogICAgInVzZXJzIjogWwogICAgICAgIHsKICAgICAgICAgICAgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogImF1dGhvcjEiLAogICAgICAgICAgICAicGFzc3dvcmQiOiAiUGFzc3dvcmQxJCIKICAgICAgICB9LAogICAgICAgIHsKICAgICAgICAgICAgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogInZpZXdlcjEiLAogICAgICAgICAgICAicGFzc3dvcmQiOiAiUGFzc3dvcmQyJCIKICAgICAgICB9CiAgICBdCn0KCg=="}]'

    Note: Alternatively, edit the secret directly and replace the Base64 value associated with data.user-credentials.json. To edit the secret directly, run the following command:

    oc edit secret/<custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-credentials -o json
  6. Important: For security reasons, delete the local file you created.

  7. Similarly, edit the secret <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles to configure the roles and permissions of your users. For more information, see managing roles.

    Note: The patch replaces a path of "/data/user-mapping.json" not "/data/user-credentials.json" for this secret.

    The changed configuration files are automatically picked up by the Event Endpoint Management instance, and you can then log in with these users. For more information, see logging in to Event Endpoint Management.

Setting up OpenID Connect (OIDC) based authentication

You can authenticate users from an OIDC Identification Provider as follows:

Using OpenShift Container Platform UI

  1. Access your OIDC provider and create a client.

    • If your OIDC provider asks for redirect urls, this needs to be set to the Event Endpoint Management URL. If you have already installed Event Endpoint Management then see step 9 for the value of these URLs before proceeding. Otherwise, add the URL, and proceed with client creation. We will come back to update the redirect urls at a later stage.
  2. Retrieve the following properties from the OIDC provider

    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
    • OIDC Provider Site
  3. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console using your login credentials.
  4. Click the + button in the navigation on the top. The text editor opens.
  5. Paste the following Secret YAML into the editor:

     kind: Secret
     apiVersion: v1
       name: oidc-secret
       namespace: eem
       client-id: <base_64_encoded_client_id>
       client-secret: <base_64_encoded_client_secret>
     type: Opaque
  6. Click the + button in the navigation on the top. The text editor opens.
  7. Paste the following YAML content, into the editor, to create a custom resource that defines an instance of Event Endpoint Management called oidc-auth:

     kind: EventEndpointManagement
       name: oidc-auth
       namespace: eem
         accept: true
           authType: OIDC
             clientIDKey: client-id
             clientSecretKey: client-secret
             discovery: true
             secretName: oidc-secret
             site: <oidc_provider_site>

    Note: If your OIDC provider does not support OIDC Discovery, add the following parameters in the oidcConfig block:

     tokenPath: (required) <path to the token endpoint of this provider>
     authorizationPath: (required) <path to the authorization endpoint of this provider>
     endSessionPath: (Optional) <path to the end session endpoint of this provider>
  8. You can now log in with these users. For more information, see logging in to Event Endpoint Management.
  9. Retrieve the login URL, open the client configuration of your OIDC provider, and update the redirect URLs to include the following addresses:

  10. Retrieve the subject value of your user either from your OIDC provider, or by logging in to the Event Endpoint Management UI by adding /auth/protected/userinfo to the URL.
  11. Open the secret <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles to configure the roles and permissions of your user with the subject value. For more information, see managing roles.

Using the CLI

  1. Access your OIDC provider and create a client.

    • If your OIDC provider asks for redirect urls, this needs to be set to the Event Endpoint Management URL. If you have already installed Event Endpoint Management then see step 7 for the value of these URLs before proceeding. Otherwise, add the URL, and proceed with client creation. We will come back to update the redirect urls at a later stage.
  2. Retrieve the following properties from the OIDC provider

    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
    • OIDC Provider Site
  3. Log in to your Kubernetes cluster as a cluster administrator by setting your kubectl context.
  4. Run the following command to create a secret containing the OIDC credentials:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: oidc-secret
      namespace: eem
      client-id: <base_64_encoded_client_id>
      client-secret: <base_64_encoded_client_secret>
    type: Opaque
  5. Run the following command to create an instance of Event Endpoint Management:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: EventEndpointManagement
        name: oidc-auth
        namespace: eem
        accept: true
            authType: OIDC
              clientIDKey: client-id
              clientSecretKey: client-secret
              discovery: true
              secretName: oidc-secret
              site: <oidc_provider_site>

    This will create the secret <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles and can be used to define user roles (permissions).

    Note: If your OIDC provider does not support OIDC Discovery, then you will need to add the following parameters in the oidcConfig block:

    tokenPath: (required) <path to the token endpoint of this provider>
    authorizationPath: (required) <path to the authorization endpoint of this provider>
    endSessionPath: (optional) <path to the end session endpoint of this provider>
  6. You can now log in with these users. For more information, see logging in to Event Endpoint Management.
  7. Retrieve the login URL, open the client configuration of your OIDC provider, and update the redirect URLs to include the following addresses:

  8. Retrieve the subject value of your user either from your OIDC provider, or by logging in to the Event Endpoint Management UI by adding /auth/protected/userinfo to the URL.
  9. Run the following command to edit the secret <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles to manage the user roles.

    kubectl edit secret/<custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles -o json

Setting up OIDC based authorization with a custom role identifier

You can use the custom role identifiers from the OIDC provider for defining user roles and permissions. This means the user-roles secret does not need to be updated every time a new user id is created.

This is done by asking the OIDC provider to send back additional properties in the authorization token which can be used as the subject in the user-roles secrets to identify and assign roles.

For this functionality to work, you must add some parameters to the Event Endpoint Management Custom Resource YAML before applying it to a cluster. Add the following parameters under spec.manager.authConfig.oidcConfig:

authorizationClaimPointer: <path to properties in OIDC token>
additionalScopes: <additional scopes to be request during OIDC connection to retrieve properties>

The following example shows the default OIDC token:

  "sub": "user-xyz-123",
  "name": "xyz-123",
  "exp": 123456

The following example shows requesting the OIDC with additionalScopes: roles:

  "sub": "user-xyz-123",
  "name": "xyz-123",
  "exp": 123456
  "resource_access": {
    "demonstration-id": {
      "roles": [

Now Event Endpoint Management can use the roles values to define permissions for all users who have these roles in their OIDC token.

To do this, the Event Endpoint Management Custom Resource should set authorizationClaimPointer: /resource_access/demonstration-id/roles, which allows the Event Endpoint Management instance to read the properties from this path in the token.

Note: The referenced path must contain a value of type string or array of strings.

Finally, you can edit the secret <custom-resource-name>-ibm-eem-user-roles to manage the user roles.

Setting up OIDC based authentication and authorization with custom certificates

If you want to use an OIDC provider with custom certificates that are not publicly available, then the Event Endpoint Management Custom Resource can be extended to contain reference to the certificates.

For example:

kind: EventEndpointManagement
  name: custom-certs-auth
  namespace: eem
    accept: true
      authType: OIDC
        clientIDKey: client-id
        clientSecretKey: client-secret
        discovery: true
        secretName: oidc-secret
        site: <oidc_provider_site>
        - certificate: ca.crt
          secretName: oidc-ca
        - ...