Problems downloading the CASE bundle


  • When downloading the CASE bundle in preparation for installing Event Endpoint Management on OpenShift in an offline environment, or to install version 11.0.4 specifically, the download fails with the following error:

     Downloading and extracting the CASE ...
     - Success
     Retrieving CASE version ...
     - Success
     Validating the CASE ...
     Validating the signature for the ibm-eventendpointmanagement CASE...
     - Success
     Creating inventory ...
     - Success
     Finding inventory items
     - Success
     Resolving inventory items ...
     Parsing inventory items
     Error: No Helm repositories found for chart ibm-eem-operator-crd-v11.0.4.tgz with the given repository URL information
  • Downloading the CASE bundle might also result in the following warning messages that can be safely ignored:

     [WARNING]: no digest file found for case "ibm-eventendpointmanagement" so unable to check helm reference "ibm-eem-operator-crd" in inventory item "eemOperatorSetup"
     [WARNING]: no digest file found for case "ibm-eventendpointmanagement" so unable to check helm reference "ibm-eem-operator" in inventory item "eemOperatorSetup"


A known issue in the code means the URL for the IBM Cloud repository is incorrect, causing the download to fail as it cannot locate the required repository. This is only an issue in Event Endpoint Management CASE version 11.0.4.

Resolving the problem

To resolve the problem, ensure you download and use Event Endpoint Management CASE version 11.0.5 or later.