
The frontend employs a single decorator for user functions


The decorator to create a node of the DAG


func (function) – A function that is placed in the DAG node.


a DAG node.

Nodes created with calls of decorated user functions have a method set_name:


Return a list of random ingredients as strings.


name (str) – Name of the node to set.


The node that is named.

An example code:

from functionfuse import workflow

def sum(a, b):
    return a + b

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b

a, b = 1, 1

a_plus_b = sum(a, b).set_name("node1")
a_plus_two_b = sum(a_plus_b, b).set_name("node2")
result_of_mult = multiply(a_plus_b, a_plus_two_b).set_name("node3")

The above code defines a graph with 3 nodes: node1, node2, node3:

digraph {
   "node1" -> "node2" -> "node3";
   "node1" -> "node3"

The variables a_plus_b, a_plus_two_b, and result_of_mult contains references to the nodes.

To make stateful nodes, we apply @workflow decorator to classes. Nodes can be arguments of constructors and methods of decorated clasess:

from functionfuse import workflow

class IncrementalSum:
    def __init__(self, start):
        self.start = start

    def add(self, n):
        self.start += n
        return self.start

def minus(a, b):
    return a - b

one = minus(4, 3).set_name("four_minus_three")
incremental_sum = IncrementalSum(start = one).set_name("IncrementalSum")

two = minus(3, one).set_name("three_minus_one")
six = incremental_sum.add(one).set_name("five_plus_one")
result = minus(six, 2).set_name("six_minus_two")

The above code defines a graph with 7 nodes:

digraph {
   "four_minus_three" -> "IncrementalSum";
   "four_minus_three" -> "five_plus_one";
   "IncrementalSum" -> "one_plus_two" -> "three_plus_two" -> "five_plus_one" -> "six_minus_two";
   "four_minus_three" -> "three_minus_one";
   "three_minus_one" -> "one_plus_two";
   "three_minus_one" -> "three_plus_two"

Note that edges between methods of the same class instance are generated automatically to produce a chain of sequentially called methods.

To run the DAG use one of the backends.