The Local Workflow is a backend for executing the functions within a workflow graph locally and in serial in the current Python process.
The simplest way to test a frontend-defined workflow is to declare a LocalWorkflow, and call run():
from functionfuse import workflow
def sum(a, b):
return a + b
a, b = 1, 1
a_plus_b = sum(a, b).set_name("node1")
a_plus_two_b = sum(a_plus_b, b).set_name("node2")
from functionfuse.backends.builtin.localback import LocalWorkflow
local_workflow = LocalWorkflow(node1, workflow_name="sums")
c = local_workflow.run()
Any Storage class can be added to a LocalWorkflow using set_storage():
from functionfuse.storage import storage_factory
opt = {
"kind": "file",
"options": {
"path": "storage"
storage = storage_factory(opt)
LocalWorkflow.run() uses the save(), read_task(), and always_read properties of Storage, so any Storage class implementing those functions can be attached.