
The Ray Workflow is a backend for executing the functions within a workflow graph on a Ray cluster, which is a framework for scaling and parallelizing python applications (see the Ray documentation).

After declaring a frontend-defined workflow, e.g.:

from functionfuse import workflow

def sum(a, b):
    return a + b

a, b = 1, 1

a_plus_b = sum(a, b).set_name("node1")
a_plus_two_b = sum(a_plus_b, b).set_name("node2")

a RayWorkflow can be instantiated, and calling run() will initialize a local Ray cluster with default settings:

from functionfuse.backends.builtin.rayback import RayWorkflow

ray_workflow = RayWorkflow(a_plus_two_b, workflow_name="sums")
c = ray_workflow.run()

Ray cluster options

Usually the RayWorkflow will target an existing Ray cluster, and/or define a set of initialization options to use with ray.init(). These are passed to the RayWorkflow using ray_init_args:

from functionfuse.backends.builtin.rayback import RayWorkflow

ray_options = {
    "address": "ray://localhost:10001",
    "ignore_reinit_error": True,
    "runtime_env": {"working_dir": "."}

ray_workflow = RayWorkflow(a_plus_two_b, workflow_name="sums", ray_init_args=ray_options)
c = ray_workflow.run()

See the ray.init API for all available options.

Ray remote task options

The functions assigned to nodes in the workflow graph are executed as Ray remote tasks, which can be assigned individual task-specific options and resources within Ray. Specific options are assigned to the .backend_info field of each node using :ref:background/introduction:Queries through the Query.set_remote_args() function:

node1_remote_args = {"num_cpus": 1}
node2_remote_args = {"resources": {"custom_resource": 0.1}}

c = ray_workflow.run()

See the ray.remote API for all available options.


Ray tasks are usually run in a distributed environment across multiple machines in a Ray cluster. The state of the process on a remote machine may need some configuration prior to execution of a node. Common scenarios for this include global setting of package features, or synchronizing states like random number generators. :ref:backends/backends:Plugins (and collections of plugins) can be assigned to nodes through the Query.set_plugins() function:

from functionfuse.backends.plugins import PluginCollection, InitializerPlugin, RandomStatePlugin

def init_float():
    import torch

def set_seed(seed):
    import torch

random_state_plugin = RandomStatePlugin(min= -0x8000_0000_0000_0000, max= 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff, seed = -0x8000_0000_0000_0000, seed_func= set_seed)
initializer_plugin = InitializerPlugin(init_float)
plugin_collection = PluginCollection([initializer_plugin, random_state_plugin])


c = ray_workflow.run()


The main storage class for a RayWorkflow is in rayfilestorage, and is attached using set_storage(). The typical way to use this Ray version of FileStorage is to specify a custom resource type in the ray remote arguments to ensures that save and load functions are processed on a machine with appropriate attached storage within a distributed cluster.

from functionfuse.storage import storage_factory

ray_storage_remote_args = {
    "resources": {"_disk": 0.001}

store_config = {
    "kind": "ray",
    "options": {
        "remoteArgs": ray_storage_remote_args,
        "path": "storage"

storage = storage_factory(opt)

RayWorkflow.run() uses the get_writer_funcs() to assign Storage class functions to a save_func used to queue up Ray save commands, and uses the read_task() property of the read_object returned by get_writer_funcs() of Storage, so any attached Storage class needs to implement those functions.