Basic ML example

Here, we reimplement sklearn example as Function Fuse workflow .

The workflow


from functionfuse import workflow from functionfuse.backends.builtin.localback import LocalWorkflow from import storage_factory @workflow def openml_dataset(): from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml from sklearn.utils import check_random_state X, y = fetch_openml("mnist_784", version=1, return_X_y=True, as_frame=False, parser="pandas") random_state = check_random_state(0) permutation = random_state.permutation(X.shape[0]) X = X[permutation] y = y[permutation] X = X.reshape((X.shape[0], -1)) return X, y @workflow def train_test_split(X, y, train_samples, test_size): from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, train_size=train_samples, test_size=test_size ) return {"X_train": X_train, "X_test": X_test, "y_train": y_train, "y_test": y_test} @workflow def train_model(X, y): from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression train_samples = len(X) clf = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LogisticRegression(C=50.0 / train_samples, penalty="l1", solver="saga", tol=0.1)), y) return clf dataset = openml_dataset().set_name("dataset") X, y = dataset[0], dataset[1] dataset_split = train_test_split(X, y, train_samples = 5000, test_size = 10000).set_name("dataset_split") model = train_model(dataset_split["X_train"], dataset_split["y_train"]).set_name("model") local_workflow = LocalWorkflow(dataset, workflow_name="classifier") opt = { "kind": "file", "options": { "path": "storage" } } storage = storage_factory(opt) local_workflow.set_storage(storage) _ =

Model Prediction

The code above is designed to train models and save the workflow data in the storage. Typically this code should be placed in a separate Python module. We placed the workflow code in the Jupyter Notebook for demonstration purposes only. Final model analysis and data visualization are performed from the stored data in the Jupyter Notebook as shown below.

import pprint
from import storage_factory

the_workflow_name = "classifier"
storage_path = "storage"
opt = {
    "kind": "file",
    "options": {
        "path": storage_path
storage = storage_factory(opt)
all_tasks = storage.list_tasks(workflow_name=the_workflow_name, pattern="*")

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(width=141, compact=True)
print("All graph node names: ")
All graph node names:
['dataset', 'dataset_split', 'model']
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

clf = storage.read_task(workflow_name=the_workflow_name, task_name="model")
dataset_split = storage.read_task(workflow_name=the_workflow_name,  task_name="dataset_split")
X_test, y_test = dataset_split["X_test"], dataset_split["y_test"]

lr = clf.named_steps["logisticregression"]

sparsity = np.mean(lr.coef_ == 0) * 100
score = clf.score(X_test, y_test)
# print('Best C % .4f' % clf.C_)
print("Sparsity with L1 penalty: %.2f%%" % sparsity)
print("Test score with L1 penalty: %.4f" % score)

coef = lr.coef_.copy()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
scale = np.abs(coef).max()
for i in range(10):
    l1_plot = plt.subplot(2, 5, i + 1)
        coef[i].reshape(28, 28),
    l1_plot.set_xlabel("Class %i" % i)
plt.suptitle("Classification vector for...")
Sparsity with L1 penalty: 76.73%
Test score with L1 penalty: 0.8228
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'Classification vector for...')