Backend Development

Function Fuse backends need to define how the DAG specified by the frontend will be executed. We recommend that developers of a new backend first familiarize themselves with the source code for the Local Backend, then with the Ray Backend for an example based on asynchronous processing with futures.

Some of the basic functions and interfaces used by all of the backends are introduced below.

Basic Workflow Functionality

The BaseWorkflow class is the parent class for all backends, and provides functions for backends to rely on:

_find_roots() – called when initializing a backend, given a set of leaf nodes (i.e. output nodes of a DAG), _find_roots follows the chain of node inputs to find root nodes (i.e. input nodes to a DAG that do not have another node as an input).

graph_traversal() – traverses the DAG of nodes from the root nodes identified by _find_roots(), yielding each node in turn. This function is the basis for executing each node using a backend.

find_nodes(pattern) – traverses the DAG and returns a list of nodes with names matching the pattern provided.

Workflow Interface

Backends can perform any operations on the nodes yielded by BaseWorkflow.graph_traversal(). Typically, an interface should implement at least two primary functions:

set_storage() – set a Storage class within the Workflow instance to be referenced during workflow execution

run() – call graph_traversal() and perform an operation on each node in the DAG, usually executing the node’s func()


Query() – a backend may define a Query class that handles backend-specific assignment of information to the .backend_info field of individual Nodes. Typical implementation is that a Workflow.query("pattern") function is defined that uses BaseWorkflow.find_nodes() to find a list of Nodes with names matching the pattern, which are assigned to a new Query object. Methods of the Query class can then set specific items within the .backend_info field of the Nodes assigned to that Query object.


Plugins are additional functions that are executed for each node during DAG execution, prior to the node’s main function call. Typical use includes state initialization on a remote machine (InitializerPlugin) and maintenance of random state across machines (RandomStatePlugin). We also implement PluginCollection as a wrapper for multiple plugins.

Plugins implement two functions: local_initialize() and remote_initialize() that a backend can call at the appropriate time. For example, during graph traversal the RayWorkflow calls plugin.local_initialize() in the main process, then passes plugin.remote_initialize() as the plugin function to call as part of the remote function. The intention is that local_initialize can access information in the main process and help synchronize state, and that information can be available to remote_initialize if required.


Backends that interface with Storage should provide the option to add the Storage class to a Workflow instance using the set_storage() function. The backend can make use of functions in the Storage class for checking and searching storage, such as list_tasks() and file_exists(). The standard function for saving a node is save(), and for loading results from a stored node is read_task(). See LocalWorkflow and RayWorkflow backend source code for examples of using file storage locally compared with file storage on a remote machine accessed in a setting using futures for asynchronous computation.