
Function Fuse Serializers specify how storage classes should handle serialization of node results for particular types of objects. The default serializer is pickle. Serializers are registered with the storage object, e.g.:

from import storage_factory
from functionfuse.serializers.daskarray import DaskArraySerializer

opt = {
   "kind": "file",
   "options": {
      "path": "storage"
storage = storage_factory(opt)

The registered serializers are then added to the pool of serializers for different object types that the storage class can call upon. To manage which objects are serialized by which registered serializers, serializers have a serializer_class field that is registered to the storage. The pickle() and unpickle() functions of the serializer will then be used in place of the defaults during the save() and read_task() functions of the storage, if the type of the object being saved matches the serializer’s serializer_class field.


A key concept to aid the interface between storage classes and serializers is the concept of protocols. Currently 2 protocols are used across storage and serializers:

from import storage_factory
from functionfuse.serializers import FILE_PROTOCOL, S3_PROTOCOL

FILE_PROTOCOL = "file_protocol"
S3_PROTOCOL = "s3 protocol"

Protocols are essentially specified by a given type of storage, and the behavior of a serializer during pickle() and unpickle() can depend on the protocol specified by a class of storage. For example, currently the DaskArraySerializer handles both FILE_PROTOCOL and S3_PROTOCOL. If a storage class specifies pickling with FILE_PROTOCOL, it will open an hdf5 file, create a dataset for the passed object (Dask Array). Alternatively, if the storage class specifies pickling with S3_PROTOCOL, it will connect to an S3 client, and store the object using an s3fs map in a zarr file.

The actual protocols used to, for example, open a file or access an S3 server, are defined in the storage class, and the protocol variables are used as keys into a protocols dictionary that is accessed by the serializer and contains the interface the serializer will use during pickling (see Storage).

Serializer Classes