Parameters for the timeSeriesForecast operation.

interface TimeSeriesForecastParams {
    data: WatsonXAI.JsonObject;
    headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders;
    modelId: string;
    parameters?: WatsonXAI.TSForecastParameters;
    projectId?: string;
    schema: WatsonXAI.TSForecastInputSchema;
    spaceId?: string;


A payload of data matching schema. We assume the following about your data:

  • All timeseries are of equal length and are uniform in nature (the time difference between two successive rows is constant). This implies that there are no missing rows of data;
  • The data meet the minimum model-dependent historical context length which can be 512 or more rows per timeseries;

Note that the example payloads shown are for illustration purposes only. An actual payload would necessary be much larger to meet minimum model-specific context lengths.

headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders
modelId: string

The model to be used for generating a forecast.

The parameters for the forecast request.

projectId?: string

The project that contains the resource. Either space_id or project_id has to be given.

Contains metadata about your timeseries data input.

spaceId?: string

The space that contains the resource. Either space_id or project_id has to be given.