
class ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.rerank.Rerank(model_id, params=None, credentials=None, project_id=None, space_id=None, verify=None, api_client=None)[source]

Bases: WMLResource

Rerank texts based on some queries.

  • model_id (str) – type of model to use

  • params (dict, RerankParameters, optional) – parameters to use during request generation

  • credentials (Credentials or dict, optional) – credentials for the Watson Machine Learning instance

  • project_id (str, optional) – ID of the Watson Studio project

  • space_id (str, optional) – ID of the Watson Studio space

  • verify (bool or str, optional) –

    You can pass one of the following as verify:

    • the path to a CA_BUNDLE file

    • the path of directory with certificates of trusted CAs

    • True - default path to truststore will be taken

    • False - no verification will be made

  • api_client (APIClient, optional) – initialized APIClient object with a set project ID or space ID. If passed, credentials and project_id/space_id are not required.


from ibm_watsonx_ai import Credentials
from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models import Rerank

generate_params = {
    "truncate_input_tokens": 10

wx_ranker = Rerank(
    model_id="<RERANK MODEL>",
        api_key = "***",
        url = ""),
generate(query, inputs, params=None)[source]

Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • query (str) – The rank query.

  • inputs (list[str], list[dict['text', str]]) – The rank input strings.

  • params (dict, RerankParameters, optional)


query = "As a Youth, I craved excitement while in adulthood I followed Enthusiastic Pursuit."
inputs = [
    "In my younger years, I often reveled in the excitement of spontaneous adventures and embraced the thrill of the unknown, whereas in my grownup life, I have come to appreciate the comforting stability of a well-established routine.",
    "As a young man, I frequently sought out exhilarating experiences, craving the adrenaline rush of lifes novelties, while as a responsible adult, I have come to understand the profound value of accumulated wisdom and life experience."
response = wx_ranker.generate(query=query, inputs=inputs)

# Print all response