zos_unarchive – Unarchive files and data sets in z/OS.


  • The zos_unarchive module unpacks an archive after optionally transferring it to the remote system.

  • For supported archive formats, see option format.

  • Supported sources are USS (UNIX System Services) or z/OS data sets.

  • Mixing MVS data sets with USS files for unarchiving is not supported.

  • The archive is sent to the remote as binary, so no encoding is performed.



The remote absolute path or data set of the archive to be uncompressed.

src can be a USS file or MVS data set name.

USS file paths should be absolute paths.

MVS data sets supported types are SEQ, PDS, PDSE.

required: True
type: str

The compression type and corresponding options to use when archiving data.

required: True
type: dict

The compression format to use.

required: True
type: str
choices: bz2, gz, tar, zip, terse, xmit, pax

Options specific to a compression format.

required: False
type: dict

Provide the name of a data set to store xmit log output.

If the data set provided does not exist, the program will create it.

If the data set provided exists, the data set must have the following attributes: LRECL=255, BLKSIZE=3120, and RECFM=VB

When providing the xmit_log_data_set name, ensure there is adequate space.

required: False
type: str

If set to true, the zos_archive module will use Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem data set services (DFSMSdss) program ADRDSSU to uncompress data sets from a portable format after using xmit or terse.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

When use_adrdssu=True, specify the volume the data sets will be written to.

If no volume is specified, storage management rules will be used to determine the volume where the file will be unarchived.

If the storage administrator has specified a system default unit name and you do not set a volume name for non-system-managed data sets, then the system uses the volumes associated with the default unit name. Check with your storage administrator to determine whether a default unit name has been specified.

required: False
type: list
elements: str

The remote absolute path or data set where the content should be unarchived to.

dest can be a USS file, directory or MVS data set name.

If dest has missing parent directories, they will not be created.

required: False
type: str

Name of the group that will own the file system objects.

When left unspecified, it uses the current group of the current user unless you are root, in which case it can preserve the previous ownership.

This option is only applicable if dest is USS, otherwise ignored.

required: False
type: str

The permission of the uncompressed files.

If dest is USS, this will act as Unix file mode, otherwise ignored.

It should be noted that modes are octal numbers. The user must either add a leading zero so that Ansible’s YAML parser knows it is an octal number (like 0644 or 01777)or quote it (like '644' or '1777') so Ansible receives a string and can do its own conversion from string into number. Giving Ansible a number without following one of these rules will end up with a decimal number which will have unexpected results.

The mode may also be specified as a symbolic mode (for example, u+rwx or u=rw,g=r,o=r) or a special string preserve.

mode=preserve means that the file will be given the same permissions as the source file.

required: False
type: str

Name of the user that should own the filesystem object, as would be passed to the chown command.

When left unspecified, it uses the current user unless you are root, in which case it can preserve the previous ownership.

required: False
type: str

A list of directories, files or data set names to extract from the archive.

When include is set, only those files will we be extracted leaving the remaining files in the archive.

Mutually exclusive with exclude.

required: False
type: list
elements: str

List the directory and file or data set names that you would like to exclude from the unarchive action.

Mutually exclusive with include.

required: False
type: list
elements: str

Will list the contents of the archive without unpacking.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Data set attributes to customize a dest data set that the archive will be copied into.

required: False
type: dict

Desired name for destination dataset.

required: False
type: str

Organization of the destination

required: False
type: str
default: SEQ
choices: SEQ, PDS, PDSE

If the destination dest data set does not exist , this sets the primary space allocated for the data set.

The unit of space used is set using space_type.

required: False
type: int

If the destination dest data set does not exist , this sets the secondary space allocated for the data set.

The unit of space used is set using space_type.

required: False
type: int

If the destination data set does not exist, this sets the unit of measurement to use when defining primary and secondary space.

Valid units of size are K, M, G, CYL, and TRK.

required: False
type: str
choices: K, M, G, CYL, TRK

If the destination data set does not exist, this sets the format of the data set. (e.g FB)

Choices are case-insensitive.

required: False
type: str
choices: FB, VB, FBA, VBA, U

The length of each record in the data set, in bytes.

For variable data sets, the length must include the 4-byte prefix area.

Defaults vary depending on format: If FB/FBA 80, if VB/VBA 137, if U 0.

required: False
type: int

The block size to use for the data set.

required: False
type: int

The number of directory blocks to allocate to the data set.

required: False
type: int

The key offset to use when creating a KSDS data set.

key_offset is required when type=KSDS.

key_offset should only be provided when type=KSDS

required: False
type: int

The key length to use when creating a KSDS data set.

key_length is required when type=KSDS.

key_length should only be provided when type=KSDS

required: False
type: int

The storage class for an SMS-managed dataset.

Required for SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule.

Not valid for datasets that are not SMS-managed.

Note that all non-linear VSAM datasets are SMS-managed.

required: False
type: str

The data class for an SMS-managed dataset.

Optional for SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule.

Not valid for datasets that are not SMS-managed.

Note that all non-linear VSAM datasets are SMS-managed.

required: False
type: str

The management class for an SMS-managed dataset.

Optional for SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule.

Not valid for datasets that are not SMS-managed.

Note that all non-linear VSAM datasets are SMS-managed.

required: False
type: str

Override the default high level qualifier (HLQ) for temporary data sets.

The default HLQ is the Ansible user used to execute the module and if that is not available, then the environment variable value TMPHLQ is used.

required: False
type: str

If set to true and the remote file or data set dest exists, the dest will be deleted.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

If set to true, zos_unarchive retrieves the archive from the remote system.

If set to false, zos_unarchive searches the local machine (Ansible controller) for the archive.

required: False
type: bool
default: False


# Simple extract
- name: Copy local tar file and unpack it on the managed z/OS node.
    src: "./files/archive_folder_test.tar"
      name: tar

# use include
- name: Unarchive a bzip file selecting only a file to unpack.
    src: "/tmp/test.bz2"
      name: bz2
      - 'foo.txt'

# Use exclude
- name: Unarchive a terse data set and excluding data sets from unpacking.
      name: terse

# List option
- name: List content from XMIT
      name: xmit
        use_adrdssu: True
    list: True



VSAMs are not supported.

This module uses zos_copy to copy local scripts to the remote machine which uses SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) for the underlying transfer protocol; SCP (secure copy protocol) and Co:Z SFTP are not supported. In the case of Co:z SFTP, you can exempt the Ansible user id on z/OS from using Co:Z thus falling back to using standard SFTP. If the module detects SCP, it will temporarily use SFTP for transfers, if not available, the module will fail.

Return Values


File path or data set name unpacked.

returned: always
type: str

Destination path where archive was unpacked.

returned: always
type: str

List of files or data sets in the archive.

returned: success
type: list
elements: str

Any files or data sets not found during extraction.

returned: success
type: str