zos_script – Run scripts in z/OS


  • The zos_script module runs a local or remote script in the remote machine.



Change the script’s working directory to this path.

When not specified, the script will run in the user’s home directory on the remote machine.

required: False
type: str

Path to the local or remote script followed by optional arguments.

If the script path contains spaces, make sure to enclose it in two pairs of quotes.

Arguments may need to be escaped so the shell in the remote machine handles them correctly.

required: True
type: str

Path to a file in the remote machine. If it exists, the script will not be executed.

required: False
type: str

Specifies which encodings the script should be converted from and to.

If encoding is not provided, the module determines which local and remote charsets to convert the data from and to.

required: False
type: dict

The encoding to be converted from.

required: True
type: str

The encoding to be converted to.

required: True
type: str

Path of an executable in the remote machine to invoke the script with.

When not specified, the system will assume the script is interpreted REXX and try to run it as such. Make sure to include a comment identifying the script as REXX at the start of the file in this case.

required: False
type: str

If set to false, the module will search the script in the controller.

If set to true, the module will search the script in the remote machine.

required: False
type: bool

Path to a file in the remote machine. If it does not exist, the script will not be executed.

required: False
type: str

Whether the module should treat src as a Jinja2 template and render it before continuing with the rest of the module.

Only valid when src is a local file or directory.

All variables defined in inventory files, vars files and the playbook will be passed to the template engine, as well as Ansible special variables, such as playbook_dir, ansible_version, etc.

If variables defined in different scopes share the same name, Ansible will apply variable precedence to them. You can see the complete precedence order in Ansible’s documentation

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Options to set the way Jinja2 will process templates.

Jinja2 already sets defaults for the markers it uses, you can find more information at its official documentation.

These options are ignored unless use_template is true.

required: False
type: dict

Marker for the beginning of a statement to print a variable in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {{

Marker for the end of a statement to print a variable in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: }}

Marker for the beginning of a block in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {%

Marker for the end of a block in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: %}

Marker for the beginning of a comment in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {#

Marker for the end of a comment in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: #}

Prefix used by Jinja2 to identify line-based statements.

required: False
type: str

Prefix used by Jinja2 to identify comment lines.

required: False
type: str

Whether Jinja2 should strip leading spaces from the start of a line to a block.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Whether Jinja2 should remove the first newline after a block is removed.

Setting this option to False will result in newlines being added to the rendered template. This could create invalid code when working with JCL templates or empty records in destination data sets.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

Whether Jinja2 should keep the first trailing newline at the end of a template after rendering.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Sequence that starts a newline in a template.

required: False
type: str
default: \n
choices: \n, \r, \r\n

Whether to reload a template file when it has changed after the task has started.

required: False
type: bool
default: False


- name: Run a local REXX script on the managed z/OS node.
    cmd: ./scripts/HELLO

- name: Run a local REXX script with args on the managed z/OS node.
    cmd: ./scripts/ARGS "1,2"

- name: Run a remote REXX script while changing its working directory.
    cmd: /u/user/scripts/ARGS "1,2"
    remote_src: true
    chdir: /u/user/output_dir

- name: Run a local Python script in the temporary directory specified in the Ansible environment variable 'remote_tmp'.
    cmd: ./scripts/program.py
    executable: /usr/bin/python3

- name: Run a local script made from a template.
    cmd: ./templates/PROGRAM
    use_template: true

- name: Run a script only when a file is not present.
    cmd: ./scripts/PROGRAM
    creates: /u/user/pgm_result.txt

- name: Run a script only when a file is already present on the remote machine.
    cmd: ./scripts/PROGRAM
    removes: /u/user/pgm_input.txt



When executing local scripts, temporary storage will be used on the remote z/OS system. The size of the temporary storage will correspond to the size of the file being copied.

The location in the z/OS system where local scripts will be copied to can be configured through Ansible’s remote_tmp option. Refer to Ansible’s documentation for more information.

All local scripts copied to a remote z/OS system will be removed from the managed node before the module finishes executing.

Execution permissions for the group assigned to the script will be added to remote scripts. The original permissions for remote scripts will be restored by the module before the task ends.

The module will only add execution permissions for the file owner.

If executing REXX scripts, make sure to include a newline character on each line of the file. Otherwise, the interpreter may fail and return error BPXW0003I.

For supported character sets used to encode data, refer to the documentation.

This module uses zos_copy to copy local scripts to the remote machine which uses SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) for the underlying transfer protocol; SCP (secure copy protocol) and Co:Z SFTP are not supported. In the case of Co:z SFTP, you can exempt the Ansible user id on z/OS from using Co:Z thus falling back to using standard SFTP. If the module detects SCP, it will temporarily use SFTP for transfers, if not available, the module will fail.

This module executes scripts inside z/OS UNIX System Services. For running REXX scripts contained in data sets or CLISTs, consider issuing a TSO command with zos_tso_command.

The community script module does not rely on Python to execute scripts on a managed node, while this module does. Python must be present on the remote machine.

Return Values


Original command issued by the user.

returned: changed
type: str
sample: ./scripts/PROGRAM

Command executed on the remote machine. Will show the executable path used, and when running local scripts, will also show the temporary file used.

returned: changed
type: str
sample: /tmp/zos_script.jycqqfny.ARGS 1,2

Failure or skip message returned by the module.

returned: failure or skipped
type: str
sample: File /u/user/file.txt is already missing on the system, skipping script

Return code of the script.

returned: changed
type: int
sample: 16

The STDOUT from the script, may be empty.

returned: changed
type: str
sample: Allocation to SYSEXEC completed.

The STDERR from the script, may be empty.

returned: changed
type: str
sample: An error has ocurred.

List of strings containing individual lines from STDOUT.

returned: changed
type: list
    "Allocation to SYSEXEC completed."

List of strings containing individual lines from STDERR.

returned: changed
type: list
    "An error has ocurred"