zos_job_submit – Submit JCL


  • Submit JCL in a data set, USS file, or file on the controller.

  • Submit a job and monitor for completion.

  • For an uncataloged dataset, specify the volume serial number.



The source file or data set containing the JCL to submit.

It could be a physical sequential data set, a partitioned data set qualified by a member or a path. (e.g “USER.TEST”,”USER.JCL(TEST)”)

Or a USS file. (e.g “/u/tester/demo/sample.jcl”)

Or a LOCAL file in ansible control node. (e.g “/User/tester/ansible-playbook/sample.jcl”)

required: True
type: str

The JCL location. Supported choices are DATA_SET, USS or LOCAL.

DATA_SET can be a PDS, PDSE, or sequential data set.

USS means the JCL location is located in UNIX System Services (USS).

LOCAL means locally to the ansible control node.

required: False
type: str
default: DATA_SET

Setting this option will yield no change, it is disabled. There is no need to set wait; setting wait_times_s is the correct way to configure the amount of time to wait for a job to execute.

This option will be removed in ibm.ibm_zos_core collection version 1.10.0

See option wait_time_s.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Option wait_time_s is the total time that module zos_job_submit will wait for a submitted job to complete. The time begins when the module is executed on the managed node.

wait_time_s is measured in seconds and must be a value greater than 0 and less than 86400.

required: False
type: int
default: 10

Specifies the maximum return code allowed for any job step for the submitted job.

required: False
type: int

Whether to print the DD output.

If false, an empty list will be returned in the ddnames field.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

The volume serial (VOLSER)is where the data set resides. The option is required only when the data set is not cataloged on the system.

When configured, the zos_job_submit will try to catalog the data set for the volume serial. If it is not able to, the module will fail.

Ignored for location=USS and location=LOCAL.

required: False
type: str

Specifies which encoding the local JCL file should be converted from and to, before submitting the job.

This option is only supported for when location=LOCAL.

If this parameter is not provided, and the z/OS systems default encoding can not be identified, the JCL file will be converted from UTF-8 to IBM-1047 by default, otherwise the module will detect the z/OS system encoding.

required: False
type: dict

The character set of the local JCL file; defaults to UTF-8.

Supported character sets rely on the target platform; the most common character sets are supported.

required: False
type: str
default: UTF-8

The character set to convert the local JCL file to on the remote z/OS system; defaults to IBM-1047 when z/OS systems default encoding can not be identified.

If not provided, the module will attempt to identify and use the default encoding on the z/OS system.

Supported character sets rely on the target version; the most common character sets are supported.

required: False
type: str
default: IBM-1047

Whether the module should treat src as a Jinja2 template and render it before continuing with the rest of the module.

Only valid when src is a local file or directory.

All variables defined in inventory files, vars files and the playbook will be passed to the template engine, as well as Ansible special variables, such as playbook_dir, ansible_version, etc.

If variables defined in different scopes share the same name, Ansible will apply variable precedence to them. You can see the complete precedence order in Ansible’s documentation

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Options to set the way Jinja2 will process templates.

Jinja2 already sets defaults for the markers it uses, you can find more information at its official documentation.

These options are ignored unless use_template is true.

required: False
type: dict

Marker for the beginning of a statement to print a variable in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {{

Marker for the end of a statement to print a variable in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: }}

Marker for the beginning of a block in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {%

Marker for the end of a block in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: %}

Marker for the beginning of a comment in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {#

Marker for the end of a comment in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: #}

Prefix used by Jinja2 to identify line-based statements.

required: False
type: str

Prefix used by Jinja2 to identify comment lines.

required: False
type: str

Whether Jinja2 should strip leading spaces from the start of a line to a block.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Whether Jinja2 should remove the first newline after a block is removed.

Setting this option to False will result in newlines being added to the rendered template. This could create invalid code when working with JCL templates or empty records in destination data sets.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

Whether Jinja2 should keep the first trailing newline at the end of a template after rendering.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Sequence that starts a newline in a template.

required: False
type: str
default: \n
choices: \n, \r, \r\n

Whether to reload a template file when it has changed after the task has started.

required: False
type: bool
default: False


- name: Submit JCL in a PDSE member
    location: DATA_SET
  register: response

- name: Submit JCL in USS with no DDs in the output.
    src: /u/tester/demo/sample.jcl
    location: USS
    return_output: false

- name: Convert local JCL to IBM-037 and submit the job.
    src: /Users/maxy/ansible-playbooks/provision/sample.jcl
    location: LOCAL
      from: ISO8859-1
      to: IBM-037

- name: Submit JCL in an uncataloged PDSE on volume P2SS01.
    location: DATA_SET
    volume: P2SS01

- name: Submit a long running PDS job and wait up to 30 seconds for completion.
    location: DATA_SET
    wait_time_s: 30

- name: Submit a long running PDS job and wait up to 30 seconds for completion.
    location: DATA_SET
    wait_time_s: 30

- name: Submit JCL and set the max return code the module should fail on to 16.
    src: HLQ.DATA.LLQ
    location: DATA_SET
    max_rc: 16



For supported character sets used to encode data, refer to the documentation.

This module uses zos_copy to copy local scripts to the remote machine which uses SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) for the underlying transfer protocol; SCP (secure copy protocol) and Co:Z SFTP are not supported. In the case of Co:z SFTP, you can exempt the Ansible user id on z/OS from using Co:Z thus falling back to using standard SFTP. If the module detects SCP, it will temporarily use SFTP for transfers, if not available, the module will fail.

Return Values


List of jobs output. If no job status is found, this will return an empty ret_code with msg_txt explanation.

returned: success
type: list
elements: dict
        "asid": 0,
        "class": "K",
        "content_type": "JOB",
        "creation_date": "2023-05-03",
        "creation_time": "12:13:00",
        "ddnames": [
                "byte_count": "677",
                "content": [
                    "1                       J E S 2  J O B  L O G  --  S Y S T E M  S T L 1  --  N O D E  S T L 1            ",
                    "0 ",
                    " 12.50.08 JOB00361 ---- FRIDAY,    13 MAR 2020 ----",
                    " 12.50.08 JOB00361  IRR010I  USERID OMVSADM  IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB.",
                    " 12.50.08 JOB00361  ICH70001I OMVSADM  LAST ACCESS AT 12:50:03 ON FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2020",
                    " 12.50.08 JOB00361  $HASP373 DBDGEN00 STARTED - INIT 15   - CLASS K        - SYS STL1",
                    " 12.50.08 JOB00361  SMF000I  DBDGEN00    C           ASMA90      0000",
                    " 12.50.09 JOB00361  SMF000I  DBDGEN00    L           IEWL        0000",
                    " 12.50.09 JOB00361  $HASP395 DBDGEN00 ENDED - RC=0000",
                    "0------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------",
                    "-  13 MAR 2020 JOB EXECUTION DATE",
                    "-           28 CARDS READ",
                    "-          158 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS",
                    "-            0 SYSOUT PUNCH RECORDS",
                    "-           12 SYSOUT SPOOL KBYTES",
                    "-         0.00 MINUTES EXECUTION TIME"
                "ddname": "JESMSGLG",
                "id": "2",
                "procstep": "",
                "record_count": "16",
                "stepname": "JES2"
                "byte_count": "2136",
                "content": [
                    "         1 //DBDGEN00 JOB MSGLEVEL=1,MSGCLASS=E,CLASS=K,                           JOB00361",
                    "           //   LINES=999999,TIME=1440,REGION=0M,                                          ",
                    "           //   MEMLIMIT=NOLIMIT                                                           ",
                    "         2 /*JOBPARM  SYSAFF=*                                                             ",
                    "           //*                                                                             ",
                    "         3 //DBDGEN   PROC MBR=TEMPNAME                                                    ",
                    "           //C        EXEC PGM=ASMA90,                                                     ",
                    "           //             PARM=\u0027OBJECT,NODECK,NOLIST\u0027                                      ",
                    "           //SYSLIB   DD DISP=SHR,                                                         ",
                    "           //      DSN=IMSBLD.I15RTSMM.SDFSMAC                                             ",
                    "           //SYSLIN   DD DISP=(NEW,PASS),RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80,                      ",
                    "           //         UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,5),RLSE,,)                                 ",
                    "           //SYSUT1   DD DISP=(NEW,DELETE),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,                          ",
                    "           //         (10,5),,,)                                                           ",
                    "           //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          ",
                    "           //L        EXEC PGM=IEWL,                                                       ",
                    "           //             PARM=\u0027XREF,NOLIST\u0027,                                              ",
                    "           //             COND=(0,LT,C)                                                    ",
                    "           //SYSLMOD  DD DISP=SHR,                                                         ",
                    "           //      DSN=IMSTESTL.IMS1.DBDLIB(\u0026MBR)                                          ",
                    "           //SYSLIN   DD DSN=*.C.SYSLIN,DISP=(OLD,DELETE)                                  ",
                    "           //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          ",
                    "           //*                                                                             ",
                    "           //         PEND                                                                 ",
                    "         4 //DLORD6   EXEC DBDGEN,                                                         ",
                    "           //             MBR=DLORD6                                                       ",
                    "         5 ++DBDGEN   PROC MBR=TEMPNAME                                                    ",
                    "         6 ++C        EXEC PGM=ASMA90,                                                     ",
                    "           ++             PARM=\u0027OBJECT,NODECK,NOLIST\u0027                                      ",
                    "         7 ++SYSLIB   DD DISP=SHR,                                                         ",
                    "           ++      DSN=IMSBLD.I15RTSMM.SDFSMAC                                             ",
                    "         8 ++SYSLIN   DD DISP=(NEW,PASS),RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80,                      ",
                    "           ++         UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,5),RLSE,,)                                 ",
                    "         9 ++SYSUT1   DD DISP=(NEW,DELETE),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,                          ",
                    "           ++         (10,5),,,)                                                           ",
                    "        10 ++SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          ",
                    "        11 //SYSIN    DD DISP=SHR,                                                         ",
                    "           //      DSN=IMSTESTL.IMS1.DBDSRC(DLORD6)                                        ",
                    "        12 ++L        EXEC PGM=IEWL,                                                       ",
                    "           ++             PARM=\u0027XREF,NOLIST\u0027,                                              ",
                    "           ++             COND=(0,LT,C)                                                    ",
                    "        13 ++SYSLMOD  DD DISP=SHR,                                                         ",
                    "           ++      DSN=IMSTESTL.IMS1.DBDLIB(\u0026MBR)                                          ",
                    "        14 ++SYSLIN   DD DSN=*.C.SYSLIN,DISP=(OLD,DELETE)                                  ",
                    "        15 ++SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          ",
                    "           ++*                                                                             "
                "ddname": "JESJCL",
                "id": "3",
                "procstep": "",
                "record_count": "47",
                "stepname": "JES2"
                "byte_count": "2414",
                "content": [
                    "  STMT NO. MESSAGE",
                    " ICH70001I OMVSADM  LAST ACCESS AT 12:50:03 ON FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2020",
                    " IEF236I ALLOC. FOR DBDGEN00 C DLORD6",
                    " IEF237I 083C ALLOCATED TO SYSLIB",
                    " IGD100I 0940 ALLOCATED TO DDNAME SYSLIN   DATACLAS (        )",
                    " IGD100I 0942 ALLOCATED TO DDNAME SYSUT1   DATACLAS (        )",
                    " IEF237I JES2 ALLOCATED TO SYSPRINT",
                    " IEF237I 01A0 ALLOCATED TO SYSIN",
                    " IEF142I DBDGEN00 C DLORD6 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000",
                    " IEF285I   IMSBLD.I15RTSMM.SDFSMAC                      KEPT          ",
                    " IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= IMSBG2.                            ",
                    " IEF285I   SYS20073.T125008.RA000.DBDGEN00.R0101894     PASSED        ",
                    " IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= 000000.                            ",
                    " IEF285I   SYS20073.T125008.RA000.DBDGEN00.R0101895     DELETED       ",
                    " IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= 333333.                            ",
                    " IEF285I   OMVSADM.DBDGEN00.JOB00361.D0000101.?         SYSOUT        ",
                    " IEF285I   IMSTESTL.IMS1.DBDSRC                         KEPT          ",
                    " IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= USER03.                            ",
                    " IEF373I STEP/C       /START 2020073.1250",
                    " IEF032I STEP/C       /STOP  2020073.1250 ",
                    "         CPU:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.03 SEC    SRB:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC    ",
                    "         VIRT:   252K  SYS:   240K  EXT:  1876480K  SYS:    11896K",
                    "         ATB- REAL:                  1048K  SLOTS:                     0K",
                    "              VIRT- ALLOC:      14M SHRD:       0M",
                    " IEF236I ALLOC. FOR DBDGEN00 L DLORD6",
                    " IEF237I 01A0 ALLOCATED TO SYSLMOD",
                    " IEF237I 0940 ALLOCATED TO SYSLIN",
                    " IEF237I JES2 ALLOCATED TO SYSPRINT",
                    " IEF142I DBDGEN00 L DLORD6 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000",
                    " IEF285I   IMSTESTL.IMS1.DBDLIB                         KEPT          ",
                    " IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= USER03.                            ",
                    " IEF285I   SYS20073.T125008.RA000.DBDGEN00.R0101894     DELETED       ",
                    " IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= 000000.                            ",
                    " IEF285I   OMVSADM.DBDGEN00.JOB00361.D0000102.?         SYSOUT        ",
                    " IEF373I STEP/L       /START 2020073.1250",
                    " IEF032I STEP/L       /STOP  2020073.1250 ",
                    "         CPU:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC    SRB:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC    ",
                    "         VIRT:    92K  SYS:   256K  EXT:     1768K  SYS:    11740K",
                    "         ATB- REAL:                  1036K  SLOTS:                     0K",
                    "              VIRT- ALLOC:      11M SHRD:       0M",
                    " IEF375I  JOB/DBDGEN00/START 2020073.1250",
                    " IEF033I  JOB/DBDGEN00/STOP  2020073.1250 ",
                    "         CPU:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.03 SEC    SRB:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC    "
                "ddname": "JESYSMSG",
                "id": "4",
                "procstep": "",
                "record_count": "44",
                "stepname": "JES2"
                "byte_count": "1896",
                "content": [
                    "1z/OS V2 R2 BINDER     12:50:08 FRIDAY MARCH 13, 2020                                                                    ",
                    " BATCH EMULATOR  JOB(DBDGEN00) STEP(DLORD6  ) PGM= IEWL      PROCEDURE(L       )                                         ",
                    " IEW2278I B352 INVOCATION PARAMETERS - XREF,NOLIST                                                                       ",
                    " IEW2650I 5102 MODULE ENTRY NOT PROVIDED.  ENTRY DEFAULTS TO SECTION DLORD6.                                             ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "1                                       C R O S S - R E F E R E N C E  T A B L E                                         ",
                    "                                        _________________________________________                                        ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    " TEXT CLASS = B_TEXT                                                                                                     ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    " ---------------  R E F E R E N C E  --------------------------  T A R G E T  -------------------------------------------",
                    "   CLASS                            ELEMENT       |                                            ELEMENT                  |",
                    "   OFFSET SECT/PART(ABBREV)          OFFSET  TYPE | SYMBOL(ABBREV)   SECTION (ABBREV)           OFFSET CLASS NAME       |",
                    "                                                  |                                                                     |",
                    "                                        *** E N D  O F  C R O S S  R E F E R E N C E ***                                 ",
                    "1z/OS V2 R2 BINDER     12:50:08 FRIDAY MARCH 13, 2020                                                                    ",
                    " BATCH EMULATOR  JOB(DBDGEN00) STEP(DLORD6  ) PGM= IEWL      PROCEDURE(L       )                                         ",
                    " IEW2850I F920 DLORD6 HAS BEEN SAVED WITH AMODE  24 AND RMODE    24.  ENTRY POINT NAME IS DLORD6.                        ",
                    " IEW2231I 0481 END OF SAVE PROCESSING.                                                                                   ",
                    " IEW2008I 0F03 PROCESSING COMPLETED.  RETURN CODE =  0.                                                                  ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "1----------------------                                                                                                  ",
                    " MESSAGE SUMMARY REPORT                                                                                                  ",
                    " ----------------------                                                                                                  ",
                    "  TERMINAL MESSAGES      (SEVERITY = 16)                                                                                 ",
                    "  NONE                                                                                                                   ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "  SEVERE MESSAGES        (SEVERITY = 12)                                                                                 ",
                    "  NONE                                                                                                                   ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "  ERROR MESSAGES         (SEVERITY = 08)                                                                                 ",
                    "  NONE                                                                                                                   ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "  WARNING MESSAGES       (SEVERITY = 04)                                                                                 ",
                    "  NONE                                                                                                                   ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "  INFORMATIONAL MESSAGES (SEVERITY = 00)                                                                                 ",
                    "  2008  2231  2278  2650  2850                                                                                           ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "                                                                                                                         ",
                    "  **** END OF MESSAGE SUMMARY REPORT ****                                                                                ",
                    "                                                                                                                         "
                "ddname": "SYSPRINT",
                "id": "102",
                "procstep": "L",
                "record_count": "45",
                "stepname": "DLORD6"
        "job_class": "K",
        "job_id": "JOB00361",
        "job_name": "DBDGEN00",
        "owner": "OMVSADM",
        "priority": 1,
        "program_name": "IEBGENER",
        "queue_position": 3,
        "ret_code": {
            "code": 0,
            "msg": "CC 0000",
            "msg_code": "0000",
            "msg_txt": "",
            "steps": [
                    "step_cc": 0,
                    "step_name": "DLORD6"
        "subsystem": "STL1",
        "svc_class": "?",
        "system": "STL1"

The z/OS job ID of the job containing the spool file.

type: str
sample: JOB00134

The name of the batch job.

type: str
sample: HELLO

The total lapsed time the JCL ran for.

type: int

Data definition names.

type: list
elements: dict

Data definition name.

type: str
sample: JESMSGLG

Count of the number of lines in a print data set.

type: int
sample: 17

The file ID.

type: str
sample: 2

A step name is name that identifies the job step so that other JCL statements or the operating system can refer to it.

type: str
sample: JES2

Identifies the set of statements inside JCL grouped together to perform a particular function.

type: str
sample: PROC1

Byte size in a print data set.

type: int
sample: 574

The ddname content.

type: list
elements: str
    "         1 //HELLO    JOB (T043JM,JM00,1,0,0,0),\u0027HELLO WORLD - JRM\u0027,CLASS=R,       JOB00134",
    "           //             MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=1,NOTIFY=S0JM                                ",
    "           //*                                                                             ",
    "           //* PRINT \"HELLO WORLD\" ON JOB OUTPUT                                         ",
    "           //*                                                                             ",
    "           //* NOTE THAT THE EXCLAMATION POINT IS INVALID EBCDIC FOR JCL                   ",
    "           //*   AND WILL CAUSE A JCL ERROR                                                ",
    "           //*                                                                             ",
    "         2 //STEP0001 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                                                    ",
    "         3 //SYSIN    DD DUMMY                                                             ",
    "         4 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          ",
    "         5 //SYSUT1   DD *                                                                 ",
    "         6 //SYSUT2   DD SYSOUT=*                                                          ",
    "         7 //                                                                              "

Return code output collected from the job log.

type: dict
    "ret_code": {
        "code": 0,
        "msg": "CC 0000",
        "msg_code": "0000",
        "msg_txt": "",
        "steps": [
                "step_cc": 0,
                "step_name": "STEP0001"

Job status resulting from the job submission.

Job status ABEND indicates the job ended abnormally.

Job status AC indicates the job is active, often a started task or job taking long.

Job status CAB indicates a converter abend.

Job status CANCELED indicates the job was canceled.

Job status CNV indicates a converter error.

Job status FLU indicates the job was flushed.

Job status JCLERR or JCL ERROR indicates the JCL has an error.

Job status SEC or SEC ERROR indicates the job as encountered a security error.

Job status SYS indicates a system failure.

Job status ? indicates status can not be determined.

type: str
sample: AC

The return code from the submitted job as a string.

type: str

Returns additional information related to the submitted job.

type: str
sample: The job JOB00551 was run with special job processing TYPRUN=SCAN. This will result in no completion, return code or job steps and changed will be false.

The return code converted to an integer value when available.

Jobs which have no return code will return NULL, such is the case of a job that errors or is active.

type: int

Series of JCL steps that were executed and their return codes.

type: list
elements: dict

Name of the step shown as “was executed” in the DD section.

type: str
sample: STEP0001

The CC returned for this step in the DD section.

type: int

Job class for this job.

type: str
sample: A

Service class for this job.

type: str
sample: C

A numeric indicator of the job priority assigned through JES.

type: int
sample: 4

The address Space Identifier (ASID) that is a unique descriptor for the job address space. Zero if not active.

type: int

Date, local to the target system, when the job was created.

type: str
sample: 2023-05-04

Time, local to the target system, when the job was created.

type: str
sample: 14:15:00

The position within the job queue where the jobs resides.

type: int
sample: 3

The name of the program found in the job’s last completed step found in the PGM parameter. Returned when Z Open Automation Utilities (ZOAU) is 1.2.4 or later.

type: str
sample: IEBGENER

This option is being deprecated

returned: success
type: str
sample: Submit JCL operation succeeded.