zos_copy – Copy data to z/OS


  • The zos_copy module copies a file or data set from a local or a remote machine to a location on the remote machine.



If set to true, indicates that either src or dest or both contain ASA control characters.

When src is a USS file and dest is a data set, the copy will preserve ASA control characters in the destination.

When src is a data set containing ASA control characters and dest is a USS file, the copy will put all control characters as plain text in the destination.

If dest is a non-existent data set, it will be created with record format Fixed Block with ANSI format (FBA).

If neither src or dest have record format Fixed Block with ANSI format (FBA) or Variable Block with ANSI format (VBA), the module will fail.

This option is only valid for text files. If is_binary is true or executable is true as well, the module will fail.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Specifies whether a backup of the destination should be created before copying data.

When set to true, the module creates a backup file or data set.

The backup file name will be returned on either success or failure of module execution such that data can be retrieved.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Specify a unique USS file name or data set name for the destination backup.

If the destination dest is a USS file or path, the backup_name must be an absolute path name.

If the destination is an MVS data set name, the backup_name provided must meet data set naming conventions of one or more qualifiers, each from one to eight characters long, that are delimited by periods.

If the backup_name is not provided, the default backup_name will be used. If the dest is a USS file or USS path, the name of the backup file will be the destination file or path name appended with a timestamp, e.g. /path/file_name.2020-04-23-08-32-29-bak.tar. If the dest is an MVS data set, it will be a data set with a randomly generated name.

If dest is a data set member and backup_name is not provided, the data set member will be backed up to the same partitioned data set with a randomly generated member name.

required: False
type: str

When used instead of src, sets the contents of a file or data set directly to the specified value.

Works only when dest is a USS file, sequential data set, or a partitioned data set member.

If dest is a directory, then content will be copied to /path/to/dest/inline_copy.

required: False
type: str

The remote absolute path or data set where the content should be copied to.

dest can be a USS file, directory or MVS data set name.

If dest has missing parent directories, they will be created.

If dest is a nonexistent USS file, it will be created.

If dest is a new USS file or replacement, the file will be appropriately tagged with either the system’s default locale or the encoding option defined. If the USS file is a replacement, the user must have write authority to the file either through ownership, group or other permissions, else the copy will fail.

If dest is a nonexistent data set, it will be created following the process outlined here and in the volume option.

If dest is a nonexistent data set, the attributes assigned will depend on the type of src. If src is a USS file, dest will have a Fixed Block (FB) record format and the remaining attributes will be computed. If is_binary=true, dest will have a Fixed Block (FB) record format with a record length of 80, block size of 32760, and the remaining attributes will be computed. If executable=true,``dest`` will have an Undefined (U) record format with a record length of 0, block size of 32760, and the remaining attributes will be computed.

When dest is a data set, precedence rules apply. If dest_data_set is set, this will take precedence over an existing data set. If dest is an empty data set, the empty data set will be written with the expectation its attributes satisfy the copy. Lastly, if no precendent rule has been exercised, dest will be created with the same attributes of src.

When the dest is an existing VSAM (KSDS) or VSAM (ESDS), then source can be an ESDS, a KSDS or an RRDS. The VSAM (KSDS) or VSAM (ESDS) dest will be deleted and recreated following the process outlined in the volume option.

When the dest is an existing VSAM (RRDS), then the source must be an RRDS. The VSAM (RRDS) will be deleted and recreated following the process outlined in the volume option.

When dest is and existing VSAM (LDS), then source must be an LDS. The VSAM (LDS) will be deleted and recreated following the process outlined in the volume option.

When dest is a data set, you can override storage management rules by specifying volume if the storage class being used has GUARANTEED_SPACE=YES specified, otherwise, the allocation will fail. See volume for more volume related processes.

required: True
type: str

Specifies which encodings the destination file or data set should be converted from and to.

If encoding is not provided, the module determines which local and remote charsets to convert the data from and to. Note that this is only done for text data and not binary data.

Only valid if is_binary is false.

required: False
type: dict

The encoding to be converted from

required: True
type: str

The encoding to be converted to

required: True
type: str

Override the default high level qualifier (HLQ) for temporary and backup datasets.

The default HLQ is the Ansible user used to execute the module and if that is not available, then the value TMPHLQ is used.

required: False
type: str

If set to true and the remote file or data set dest is empty, the dest will be reused.

If set to true and the remote file or data set dest is NOT empty, the dest will be deleted and recreated with the src data set attributes, otherwise it will be recreated with the dest data set attributes.

To backup data before any deletion, see parameters backup and backup_name.

If set to false, the file or data set will only be copied if the destination does not exist.

If set to false and destination exists, the module exits with a note to the user.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

By default, when dest is a MVS data set and is being used by another process with DISP=SHR or DISP=OLD the module will fail. Use force_lock to bypass this check and continue with copy.

If set to true and destination is a MVS data set opened by another process then zos_copy will try to copy using DISP=SHR.

Using force_lock uses operations that are subject to race conditions and can lead to data loss, use with caution.

If a data set member has aliases, and is not a program object, copying that member to a dataset that is in use will result in the aliases not being preserved in the target dataset. When this scenario occurs the module will fail.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

During data transfer through SFTP, the module fails if the SFTP command directs any content to stderr. The user is able to override this behavior by setting this parameter to true. By doing so, the module would essentially ignore the stderr stream produced by SFTP and continue execution.

When Ansible verbosity is set to greater than 3, either through the command line interface (CLI) using -vvvv or through environment variables such as verbosity = 4, then this parameter will automatically be set to true.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

If set to true, indicates that the file or data set to be copied is a binary file or data set.

When is_binary=true, no encoding conversion is applied to the content, all content transferred retains the original state.

Use is_binary=true when copying a Database Request Module (DBRM) to retain the original state of the serialized SQL statements of a program.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

If set to true, indicates that the file or library to be copied is an executable.

If the src executable has an alias, the alias information is also copied. If the dest is Unix, the alias is not visible in Unix, even though the information is there and will be visible if copied to a library.

If executable=true, and dest is a data set, it must be a PDS or PDSE (library).

If dest is a nonexistent data set, the library attributes assigned will be Undefined (U) record format with a record length of 0, block size of 32760 and the remaining attributes will be computed.

If dest is a file, execute permission for the user will be added to the file (u+x).

required: False
type: bool
default: False

If set to true, indicates that any aliases found in the source (USS file, USS dir, PDS/E library or member) are to be preserved during the copy operation.

Aliases are implicitly preserved when libraries are copied over to USS destinations. That is, when executable=True and dest is a USS file or directory, this option will be ignored.

Copying of aliases for text-based data sets from USS sources or to USS destinations is not currently supported.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

This flag indicates that any existing filesystem links in the source tree should be followed.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

The permission of the destination file or directory.

If dest is USS, this will act as Unix file mode, otherwise ignored.

It should be noted that modes are octal numbers. The user must either add a leading zero so that Ansible’s YAML parser knows it is an octal number (like 0644 or 01777)or quote it (like '644' or '1777') so Ansible receives a string and can do its own conversion from string into number. Giving Ansible a number without following one of these rules will end up with a decimal number which will have unexpected results.

The mode may also be specified as a symbolic mode (for example, u+rwx or u=rw,g=r,o=r) or a special string preserve.

mode=preserve means that the file will be given the same permissions as the source file.

required: False
type: str

If set to false, the module searches for src at the local machine.

If set to true, the module goes to the remote/target machine for src.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Path to a file/directory or name of a data set to copy to remote z/OS system.

If remote_src is true, then src must be the path to a Unix System Services (USS) file, name of a data set, or data set member.

If src is a local path or a USS path, it can be absolute or relative.

If src is a directory, dest must be a partitioned data set or a USS directory.

If src is a file and dest ends with “/” or is a directory, the file is copied to the directory with the same filename as src.

If src is a directory and ends with “/”, the contents of it will be copied into the root of dest. If it doesn’t end with “/”, the directory itself will be copied.

If src is a directory or a file, file names will be truncated and/or modified to ensure a valid name for a data set or member.

If src is a VSAM data set, dest must also be a VSAM.

Wildcards can be used to copy multiple PDS/PDSE members to another PDS/PDSE.

Required unless using content.

required: False
type: str

Specifies whether to perform checksum validation for source and destination files.

Valid only for USS destination, otherwise ignored.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

If dest does not exist, specify which volume dest should be allocated to.

Only valid when the destination is an MVS data set.

The volume must already be present on the device.

If no volume is specified, storage management rules will be used to determine the volume where dest will be allocated.

If the storage administrator has specified a system default unit name and you do not set a volume name for non-system-managed data sets, then the system uses the volumes associated with the default unit name. Check with your storage administrator to determine whether a default unit name has been specified.

required: False
type: str

Data set attributes to customize a dest data set to be copied into.

required: False
type: dict

Organization of the destination

required: True
type: str

If the destination dest data set does not exist , this sets the primary space allocated for the data set.

The unit of space used is set using space_type.

required: False
type: int

If the destination dest data set does not exist , this sets the secondary space allocated for the data set.

The unit of space used is set using space_type.

required: False
type: int

If the destination data set does not exist, this sets the unit of measurement to use when defining primary and secondary space.

Valid units of size are K, M, G, CYL, and TRK.

required: False
type: str
choices: K, M, G, CYL, TRK

If the destination data set does not exist, this sets the format of the data set. (e.g FB)

Choices are case-insensitive.

required: False
type: str
choices: FB, VB, FBA, VBA, U

The length of each record in the data set, in bytes.

For variable data sets, the length must include the 4-byte prefix area.

Defaults vary depending on format: If FB/FBA 80, if VB/VBA 137, if U 0.

required: False
type: int

The block size to use for the data set.

required: False
type: int

The number of directory blocks to allocate to the data set.

required: False
type: int

The key offset to use when creating a KSDS data set.

key_offset is required when type=KSDS.

key_offset should only be provided when type=KSDS

required: False
type: int

The key length to use when creating a KSDS data set.

key_length is required when type=KSDS.

key_length should only be provided when type=KSDS

required: False
type: int

The storage class for an SMS-managed dataset.

Required for SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule.

Not valid for datasets that are not SMS-managed.

Note that all non-linear VSAM datasets are SMS-managed.

required: False
type: str

The data class for an SMS-managed dataset.

Optional for SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule.

Not valid for datasets that are not SMS-managed.

Note that all non-linear VSAM datasets are SMS-managed.

required: False
type: str

The management class for an SMS-managed dataset.

Optional for SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule.

Not valid for datasets that are not SMS-managed.

Note that all non-linear VSAM datasets are SMS-managed.

required: False
type: str

Whether the module should treat src as a Jinja2 template and render it before continuing with the rest of the module.

Only valid when src is a local file or directory.

All variables defined in inventory files, vars files and the playbook will be passed to the template engine, as well as Ansible special variables, such as playbook_dir, ansible_version, etc.

If variables defined in different scopes share the same name, Ansible will apply variable precedence to them. You can see the complete precedence order in Ansible’s documentation

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Options to set the way Jinja2 will process templates.

Jinja2 already sets defaults for the markers it uses, you can find more information at its official documentation.

These options are ignored unless use_template is true.

required: False
type: dict

Marker for the beginning of a statement to print a variable in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {{

Marker for the end of a statement to print a variable in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: }}

Marker for the beginning of a block in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {%

Marker for the end of a block in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: %}

Marker for the beginning of a comment in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: {#

Marker for the end of a comment in Jinja2.

required: False
type: str
default: #}

Prefix used by Jinja2 to identify line-based statements.

required: False
type: str

Prefix used by Jinja2 to identify comment lines.

required: False
type: str

Whether Jinja2 should strip leading spaces from the start of a line to a block.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Whether Jinja2 should remove the first newline after a block is removed.

Setting this option to False will result in newlines being added to the rendered template. This could create invalid code when working with JCL templates or empty records in destination data sets.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

Whether Jinja2 should keep the first trailing newline at the end of a template after rendering.

required: False
type: bool
default: False

Sequence that starts a newline in a template.

required: False
type: str
default: \n
choices: \n, \r, \r\n

Whether to reload a template file when it has changed after the task has started.

required: False
type: bool
default: False


- name: Copy a local file to a sequential data set
    src: /path/to/sample_seq_data_set

- name: Copy a local file to a USS location and validate checksum
    src: /path/to/test.log
    dest: /tmp/test.log
    validate: true

- name: Copy a local ASCII encoded file and convert to IBM-1047
    src: /path/to/file.txt
    dest: /tmp/file.txt

- name: Copy a local directory to a PDSE
    src: /path/to/local/dir/
    dest: HLQ.DEST.PDSE

- name: Copy file with permission details
    src: /path/to/foo.conf
    dest: /etc/foo.conf
    mode: 0644
    group: foo
    owner: bar

- name: Module will follow the symbolic link specified in src
    src: /path/to/link
    dest: /path/to/uss/location
    local_follow: true

- name: Copy a local file to a PDS member and convert encoding
    src: /path/to/local/file
      from: UTF-8
      to: IBM-037

- name: Copy a VSAM  (KSDS) to a VSAM  (KSDS)
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy inline content to a sequential dataset and replace existing data
    content: 'Inline content to be copied'

- name: Copy a USS file to sequential data set and convert encoding beforehand
    src: /path/to/remote/uss/file
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy a USS directory to another USS directory
    src: /path/to/uss/dir
    dest: /path/to/dest/dir
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy a local binary file to a PDSE member
    src: /path/to/binary/file
    is_binary: true

- name: Copy a sequential data set to a PDS member
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy a local file and take a backup of the existing file
    src: /path/to/local/file
    dest: /path/to/dest
    backup: true
    backup_name: /tmp/local_file_backup

- name: Copy a PDS on remote system to a new PDS
    src: HLQ.SRC.PDS
    dest: HLQ.NEW.PDS
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy a PDS on remote system to a PDS, replacing the original
    remote_src: true
    force: true

- name: Copy PDS member to a new PDS member. Replace if it already exists
    remote_src: true
    force: true

- name: Copy a USS file to a PDSE member. If PDSE does not exist, allocate it
    src: /path/to/uss/src
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy a sequential data set to a USS file
    dest: /tmp/
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy a PDSE member to USS file
    dest: /tmp/member
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy a PDS to a USS directory (/tmp/SRC.PDS)
    src: SRC.PDS
    dest: /tmp
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy all members inside a PDS to another PDS
    src: SOME.SRC.PDS(*)
    dest: SOME.DEST.PDS
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy all members starting with 'ABC' inside a PDS to another PDS
    src: SOME.SRC.PDS(ABC*)
    dest: SOME.DEST.PDS
    remote_src: true

- name: Allocate destination in a specific volume
    src: SOME.SRC.PDS
    dest: SOME.DEST.PDS
    volume: 'VOL033'
    remote_src: true

- name: Copy a USS file to a fully customized sequential data set
    src: /path/to/uss/src
    dest: SOME.SEQ.DEST
    remote_src: true
    volume: '222222'
      type: SEQ
      space_primary: 10
      space_secondary: 3
      space_type: K
      record_format: VB
      record_length: 150

- name: Copy a Program Object and its aliases on a remote system to a new PDSE member MYCOBOL
    remote_src: true
    executable: true
    aliases: true

- name: Copy a Load Library from a USS directory /home/loadlib to a new PDSE
    src: '/home/loadlib/'
    remote_src: true
    executable: true
    aliases: true

- name: Copy a file with ASA characters to a new sequential data set.
    src: ./files/print.txt
    dest: HLQ.PRINT.NEW
    asa_text: true



Destination data sets are assumed to be in catalog. When trying to copy to an uncataloged data set, the module assumes that the data set does not exist and will create it.

Destination will be backed up if either backup is true or backup_name is provided. If backup is false but backup_name is provided, task will fail.

When copying local files or directories, temporary storage will be used on the remote z/OS system. The size of the temporary storage will correspond to the size of the file or directory being copied. Temporary files will always be deleted, regardless of success or failure of the copy task.

VSAM data sets can only be copied to other VSAM data sets.

For supported character sets used to encode data, refer to the documentation.

This module uses SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) for the underlying transfer protocol; SCP (secure copy protocol) and Co:Z SFTP are not supported. In the case of Co:z SFTP, you can exempt the Ansible user id on z/OS from using Co:Z thus falling back to using standard SFTP. If the module detects SCP, it will temporarily use SFTP for transfers, if not available, the module will fail.

Beginning in version 1.8.x, zos_copy will no longer attempt to correct a copy of a data type member into a PDSE that contains program objects. You can control this behavior using module option executable that will signify an executable is being copied into a PDSE with other executables. Mixing data type members with program objects will result in a (FSUM8976,./zos_copy.html) error.

Return Values


Source file or data set being copied.

returned: changed
type: str
sample: /path/to/source.log

Destination file/path or data set name.

returned: success
type: str

Indicates whether the module created the destination.

returned: success and if dest was created by the module.
type: bool

Attributes of a dest created by the module.

returned: success and destination was created by the module.
type: dict
    "block_size": 32760,
    "record_format": "FB",
    "record_length": 45,
    "space_primary": 2,
    "space_secondary": 1,
    "space_type": "K",
    "type": "PDSE"

Block size of the dataset.

type: int
sample: 32760

Record format of the dataset.

type: str
sample: FB

Record length of the dataset.

type: int
sample: 45

Allocated primary space for the dataset.

type: int
sample: 2

Allocated secondary space for the dataset.

type: int
sample: 1

Unit of measurement for space.

type: str
sample: K

Type of dataset allocated.

type: str
sample: PDSE

SHA256 checksum of the file after running zos_copy.

returned: When validate=true and if dest is USS
type: str
sample: 8d320d5f68b048fc97559d771ede68b37a71e8374d1d678d96dcfa2b2da7a64e

Name of the backup file or data set that was created.

returned: if backup=true or backup_name=true
type: str

Group id of the file, after execution.

returned: success and if dest is USS
type: int
sample: 100

Group of the file, after execution.

returned: success and if dest is USS
type: str
sample: httpd

Owner of the file, after execution.

returned: success and if dest is USS
type: str
sample: httpd

Owner id of the file, after execution.

returned: success and if dest is USS
type: int
sample: 100

Permissions of the target, after execution.

returned: success and if dest is USS
type: str
sample: 420

Size(in bytes) of the target, after execution.

returned: success and dest is USS
type: int
sample: 1220

State of the target, after execution.

returned: success and if dest is USS
type: str
sample: file

A note to the user after module terminates.

returned: When force=true and dest exists
type: str
sample: No data was copied

Failure message returned by the module.

returned: failure
type: str
sample: Error while gathering data set information

The stdout from a USS command or MVS command, if applicable.

returned: failure
type: str
sample: Copying local file /tmp/foo/src to remote path /tmp/foo/dest

The stderr of a USS command or MVS command, if applicable.

returned: failure
type: str
sample: No such file or directory “/tmp/foo”

List of strings containing individual lines from stdout.

returned: failure
type: list
    "u\"Copying local file /tmp/foo/src to remote path /tmp/foo/dest..\""

List of strings containing individual lines from stderr.

returned: failure
type: list
        "u\"FileNotFoundError": "No such file or directory \u0027/tmp/foo\u0027\""

The return code of a USS or MVS command, if applicable.

returned: failure
type: int
sample: 8

The MVS command issued, if applicable.

returned: failure
type: str