hmc_pwdpolicy – Manages the list, create, change and remove password policies of the HMC.


Lists Hardware Management Console password policy information by password policies or password policy status.

Creates a password policy.

Change password policies on the Hardware Management Console to activate, deactivate or modify password policy.

Removes a password policy from the Hardware Management Console.


hmc_host (True, str, None)

The IPaddress or hostname of the HMC.

hmc_auth (True, dict, None)

Username and Password credential of the HMC.

username (True, str, None)

Username of the HMC to login.

password (optional, str, None)

Password of the HMC.

policy_name (optional, str, None)

The name of the password policy.

policy_config (optional, dict, None)

Configuration parameters required for the HMC password policies. This option is valid for state like present, modified.

pwage (optional, str, None)

The number of days that can elapse before a password expires and must be changed. A value of 99999 indicates no password expiration.

description (optional, str, None)

Description for the password policy.

min_pwage (optional, str, None)

The number of days that must elapse before a password can be changed.

warn_pwage (optional, str, None)

The number of days prior to password expiration when a warning message will begin to be displayed.

min_length (optional, str, None)

The minimum password length.

hist_size (optional, str, None)

The number of times a password must be changed before a password can be reused. This value cannot exceed 50.

min_digits (optional, str, None)

The minimum number of digits that a password must contain

min_uppercase_chars (optional, str, None)

The minimum number of uppercase characters that a password must contain.

min_lowercase_chars (optional, str, None)

The minimum number of lowercase characters that a password must contain.

min_special_chars (optional, str, None)

The minimum number of special characters that a password must contain. Special characters include symbols, punctuation, and white space characters.

new_name (optional, str, None)

The new name of the password policy. This option valid only when state=modified.

policy_type (optional, str, None)

policies list all the password policies on the HMC.

status list password policy status information.

state (True, str, None)

The desired password policy state of the target HMC.

present ensure the target HMC is having the mentioned password policy.

modified ensure the policy on target HMC password is modified.

absent ensure the policy on the target HMC password is removed.

facts does not change anything on the HMC and returns current policy status/settings of HMC.

activated ensure the policy on the target HMC password is activated.

deactivated ensure the password policy is deactivated on the target HMC.



  • All operations support passwordless authentication.


- name: List the HMC password policy current status
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    policy_type: status
    state: facts

- name: create the password policy
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    policy_name: dummy
    state: present

- name: update the password policy with new settings
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    policy_name: dummy
       pwage: 80
       hist_size: 12
    state: modified

- name: activate the password policy
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    policy_name: dummy
    state: activated

- name: De-activate any active policy on HMC
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    state: deactivated

- name: remove the password policy
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    policy_name: dummy
    state: absent

Return Values

policy_info (always, dict, )

Respective policy information


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • Anil Vijayan (@AnilVijayan)