vios – Creation and management of Virtual I/O Server partition


Creates VIOS partition

Installs VIOS

Displays VIOS information

Accepts VIOS License


hmc_host (True, str, None)

The IP Address or hostname of the HMC.

hmc_auth (True, dict, None)

Username and Password credential of the HMC.

username (True, str, None)

Username of the HMC to login.

password (optional, str, None)

Password of the HMC.

system_name (optional, str, None)

The name or mtms (machine type model serial) of the managed system.

name (optional, str, None)

The name of the VirtualIOServer for installation through nim server or image available on HMC local disk.

settings (optional, dict, None)

To configure various supported attributes of VIOS partition.

Supports all the attributes available for creation of VIOS on the mksyscfg command except ‘lpar_env’.

valid only for state = present

nim_IP (optional, str, None)

This parameter determines whether to use Network Installation Manager (NIM) rather than relying on the HMC based image for VIOS installation.

IP Address of the NIM Server.

valid only for action = install

location_code (optional, str, None)

Network adapter location code to be used while installing VIOS through nim server.

If user doesn’t provide, it automatically picks the first pingable adapter attached to the partition.

valid only for action = install

nim_vlan_id (optional, str, None)

Specifies the VLANID(0 to 4094) to use for tagging Ethernet frames during network install for virtual network communication.

Default value is 0

valid only for action = install

nim_vlan_priority (optional, str, None)

Specifies the VLAN priority (0 to 7) to use for tagging Ethernet frames during network install for virtual network communication.

Default value is 0

valid only for action = install

nim_gateway (optional, str, None)

VIOS gateway IP Address.

valid only for action = install

supports installation through nim server.

This parameter is deprecated now and will be removed from future versions and as a replacement vios_gateway can be used now onwards.

nim_subnetmask (optional, str, None)

Subnetmask IP Address to be configured to VIOS.

valid only for action = install

supports installation through nim server.

This parameter is deprecated now and will be removed from future versions and as a replacement vios_subnetmask can be used now onwards.

vios_gateway (optional, str, None)

VIOS gateway IP Address.

valid only for action = install

supports installation through nim server and image available on the HMC local disk.

vios_subnetmask (optional, str, None)

Subnetmask IP Address to be configured to VIOS.

valid only for action = install

supports installation through nim server and image available on the HMC local disk.

vios_IP (optional, str, None)

IP Address to be configured to VIOS.

valid only for action = install

prof_name (optional, str, None)

Profile Name to be used for VIOS install.

Default profile name ‘default_profile’.

valid only for action = install

timeout (optional, int, None)

Max waiting time in mins for VIOS to bootup fully.

Min timeout should be more than 10 mins.

Default value is 60 min.

valid only for action = install

image_dir (optional, str, None)

This parameter determines whether to use the HMC based image for VIOS installation, rather than relying on the Network Installation Manager (NIM).

Name of the directory on which VIOS image is available on HMC.

This represent the same parameter directory_name that is used during the copy action.

valid only for action = install

label (False, str, None)

Specifies a label name for installed vios to use instead of creating a default label name.

supports only installation through image available on the HMC local disk.

valid only for action = install

network_macaddr (optional, str, None)

Specifies the client MAC address through which the network installation of the Virtual I/O Server will take place.

If user doesn’t provide, it automatically picks the first pingable adapter attached to the partition.

valid only for action = install

vios_iso (optional, str, None)

The vios iso file to be installed.

supports only installation through image available on the HMC local disk.

valid only for action = install

virtual_optical_media (optional, bool, None)

Provides the virtual optical media details.

Default value is False.

Valid only for state = facts

free_pvs (optional, bool, None)

Provides the Unassigned Physical Volume details.

Default value is False.

Valid only for state = facts

directory_name (optional, str, None)

The name to give the VIOS installation image on the HMC.

files (optional, list, None)

Specify one or two comma-separated VIOS ISO files.

Required for remote imports [‘sftp’, ‘nfs’]; not valid for USB.

directory_list (optional, list, None)

The name of one or more VIOS installation images to remove

media (optional, str, None)

Media type for the VIOS installation (e.g., nfs, sftp).

remote_server (optional, str, None)

The host name or IP address of the remote server [‘sftp’, ‘nfs’].

ssh_key_file (optional, str, None)

Specify the SSH private key file name.

If not fully qualified, it must be in the user’s home directory on the HMC.

This option is only valid for sftp and is mutually exclusive with password.

mount_location (optional, str, None)

Required for VIOS image imports from NFS; specify the NFS server mount location.

remote_directory (optional, str, None)

Specify the directory on the remote server for the VIOS installation image.

If not provided for SFTP, the user’s home directory is used; for NFS, the mount location is used.

options (optional, str, None)

Specify options for the NFS mount command in double quotes.

Default is version 3; use vers=4 for version 4. Valid only for VIOS image imports from NFS.

sftp_auth (optional, dict, None)

Username and Password credential of the SFTP Server.

sftp_username (optional, str, None)

Username of the SFTP server to login.

sftp_password (optional, str, None)

Password of the SFTP sever.

state (optional, str, None)

facts fetch details of specified VIOS.

present creates VIOS with specified settings.

action (optional, str, None)

install install VIOS through NIM Server or disk.

accept_license Accept license after fresh installation of VIOS.



  • Only state=present, action=install and action=accept_license operations support passwordless authentication.

  • install action parameters nim_gateway and nim_subnetmask are deprecated now and will be removed from future versions and as a replacement vios_gateway and vios_subnetmask can be used from now onwards.


- name: Create VIOS with default configuration.
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    name: <vios_partition_name>
    state: present

- name: Create VIOS with user defined settings.
    hmc_host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    name: <vios_partition_name>
      profile_name: <profileName>
      io_slots: <ioslot1>,<ioslot2>
    state: present

- name: Install VIOS using NIM Server.
    hmc_host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    name: <vios name>
    nim_IP: <NIM Server IP>
    nim_gateway: <vios gateway ip>
    vios_IP: <vios ip>
    nim_subnetmask: <subnetmask>
    action: install

- name: Install VIOS using the image available on the HMC local disk
    hmc_host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    image_dir: <image directory name>
    vios_iso: <vios iso>
    vios_IP: <vios ip>
    vios_gateway: <vios gateway ip>
    vios_subnetmask: <subnetmask>
    network_macaddr: <mac address>
    name: <vios name>
    prof_name: <profile name>
    timeout: <timeout>
    label: <label>
    action: install

- name: Accept License after VIOS Installation.
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    name: <vios_partition_name>
    action: accept_license

- name: Show VIOS details with Free PVs and Virtual Optical Media.
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    name: <vios_partition_name>
    free_pvs: true
    virtual_optical_media: true
    state: facts

- name: List all VIOS Images
    hmc_host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    state: listimages
    register: images_info

- name: Stdout the VIOS Images Info
    msg: '{{ images_info }}'

- name: Copy Vios Image via SFTP Server
    hmc_host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    media: sftp
    directory_name: dir_name
    remote_server: remote_server_IP
      sftp_username: username
      sftp_password: password
    remote_directory: <directory_path>
      - file1
      - file2
    action: copy
    register: testout

- name: Copy Vios Image via NFS
    hmc_host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    media: nfs
    directory_name: dir_name
    remote_server: remote_server_IP
    remote_directory: <directory_path>
    mount_location: <mount_location>
      - file1
      - file2
    options: <NFS_version>
    action: copy
    register: testout

- name: Delete Vios Image
    hmc_host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
      password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
      - dir_name1
      - dir_name2
    action: delete

Return Values

vios_info (on success for action install, dict, )

Respective VIOS information


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • Anil Vijayan (@AnilVijayan)

  • Navinakumar Kandakur (@nkandak1)