hmc_user – Manage the hmc users
Create a Hardware Management Console user
List Hardware Management Console user information
Modify a Hardware Management Console user
Remove Hardware Management Console users
List LDAP Configurations
Configure LDAP Settings
Remove LDAP Configurations
- hmc_host (True, str, None)
The IP address or hostname of the HMC.
- hmc_auth (True, dict, None)
Username and Password credential of the HMC.
- username (True, str, None)
Username of the HMC to login.
- password (optional, str, None)
Password of the HMC.
- name (optional, str, None)
The user name of the HMC user. This option is valid for state=present, state=absent, state=updated, state=facts and state=ldap_facts.
- enable_user (optional, bool, None)
To enable an HMC user that was disabled due to inactivity.
This option is only valid if state=updated.
- type (optional, str, None)
The type of user. During state=updated to change the default settings of HMC user, specify
with this option. The values of this option changes during state=absent. Supported values areall|local|kerberos|ldap|automanage
. During state=facts, valid values aredefault|user
.- resource (optional, str, None)
The LDAP resources to be listed. This option is valid only for state=ldap_facts. To filter out the LDAP configuration of particular user we can use
parameter with resource=user.- ldap_resource (optional, str, None)
LDAP configuration to be removed. This is valid only for action=remove_ldap_config.
- attributes (optional, dict, None)
Configuration attributes used during the create and modify of HMC user.
- new_name (optional, str, None)
The new name to be updated.
- taskrole (optional, str, None)
Valid values are
hmcsuperadmin|hmcoperator|hmcviewer| hmcpe|hmcservicerep|hmcclientliveupdate|<custom user role>
.- resourcerole (optional, str, None)
The name of the resource role.
- description (optional, str, None)
The description of the user.
- passwd (optional, str, None)
Local and Kerberos users only.
- current_passwd (optional, str, None)
When changing the password for a Kerberos user, use this attribute to specify the user’s current password.
- pwage (optional, str, None)
Number of days. Valid only for local user. Default value is 99999.
- min_pwage (optional, str, None)
Number of days. Valid only for local user. Default value is 0.
- authentication_type (optional, str, None)
Valid values are
.- session_timeout (optional, int, None)
Number of minutes. Default value is 0.
- verify_timeout (optional, int, None)
Number of minutes. Default value is 15.
- idle_timeout (optional, int, None)
Number of minutes. Default value is 120.
- inactivity_expiration (optional, int, None)
Number of days. Default value is 0.
- remote_webui_access (optional, bool, None)
Allow or not allow the user to log in remotely to the HMC Web user interface. Default value is False.
- remote_ssh_access (optional, bool, None)
Allow or not allow the user to log in remotely to the HMC using SSH. Default value is True.
- passwd_authentication (optional, bool, None)
Allow or not allow the user to log in remotely to the HMC using a password.
- remote_user_name (optional, str, None)
Kerberos users only.
- max_webui_login_attempts (optional, int, None)
Maximum HMC UI login attempts.
- webui_login_suspend_time (optional, int, None)
Number of minutes.
- ldap_settings (optional, dict, None)
Configuration attributes used during Configuration of LDAP on HMC.
- primary (optional, str, None)
The primary LDAP server.
- backup (optional, str, None)
The backup LDAP server.
- basedn (optional, str, None)
The base DN for LDAP search.
- binddn (optional, str, None)
The DN to use for binding to the LDAP server when the LDAP server is configured to use non-anonymous binding.
- bindpw (optional, str, None)
The password to use when binding to the LDAP server when the LDAP server is configured to use non-anonymous binding.
- timelimit (optional, str, None)
The LDAP search time limit in seconds.
- bindtimelimit (optional, str, None)
The LDAP server bind time limit in seconds.
- automanage (optional, str, None)
Use this option to indicate whether the HMC should automatically manage remotely authenticated LDAP users.
Valid values are 0 to disable automatic management, or 1 to enable automatic management.
- auth (optional, str, None)
The type of authentication to use for automatically managed LDAP users.
- loginattribute (optional, str, None)
The login attribute to use to authenticate LDAP users on the HMC.
- hmcuserpropsattribute (optional, str, None)
The attribute to use to retrieve the user roles and properties from the LDAP server.
- hmcauthnameattribute (optional, str, None)
The attribute to use to retrieve the remote user ID used in Kerberos authentication.
- searchfilter (optional, str, None)
The filter to use for limiting the search of the LDAP server for user information.
- scope (optional, str, None)
The search scope starting from base DN.
- referrals (optional, str, None)
Specifies whether automatic referral chasing is to be enabled or disabled.
- starttls (optional, str, None)
Specifies whether Start Transport Layer Security (TLS) is to be enabled or disabled.
- hmcgroups (optional, str, None)
Specifies the name of one or more user groups allowed to log in to this HMC.
- authsearch (optional, str, None)
Specifies whether the HMC will attempt an LDAP search, with the user’s credentials, as an additional confirmation that the bind operation was successful.
- tlsreqcert (optional, str, None)
Specifies what checks to perform on a server-supplied certificate.
- groupattribute (optional, str, None)
Specifies the name of the Group attribute on the LDAP server.
When this option is specified, the member-attribute option must also be specified.
- memberattribute (optional, str, None)
Specifies the name of the group Member attribute on the LDAP server.
When this option is specified, the ‘groupattribute’ option must also be specified.
- state (optional, str, None)
The desired state of the HMC user and ldap.
does not change anything on the HMC and returns the HMC user information or the default settings of HMC user attributes.
does not change anything on the HMC and returns LDAP configuration or LDAP user details.
ensures the HMC user is updated with provided configuration.
ensures the HMC user is created with provided configuration.
ensures the HMC user is removed.- action (optional, str, None)
Configure Hardware Management Console (HMC) Light weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client configuration.
Remove the Hardware Management Console (HMC) Light weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client configuration.
All Operations support passwordless authentication.
- name: List the properties of hmc user.
state: facts
hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
name: <user_name>
username: <username>
password: <password>
- name: Create hmc user.
state: present
hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
name: <user_name>
username: <username>
password: <password>
authentication_type: local
taskrole: hmcsuperadmin
passwd: <new_user_password>
- name: Modify hmc user.
state: updated
hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
name: <user_name>
username: <username>
password: <password>
new_name: <new_user_name>
max_webui_login_attempts: 20
- name: Remove hmc user.
state: absent
hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
name: <user_name>
username: <username>
password: <password>
- name: List the ldap configuration.
hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
username: <username>
password: <password>
resource: user
name: <hmc_user_name>
state: ldap_facts
- name: Configure ldap settings.
hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
username: <username>
password: <password>
primary: <primary_url>
bindpw: <bind_pwd>
basedn: ou=People,dc=<url>
hmcauthnameattribute: <attribute>
hmcuserpropsattribute: <attribute>
binddn: cn=Manager,dc=<url>
starttls: 0
action: configure_ldap
- name: Remove ldap configuration.
hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
username: <username>
password: <password>
ldap_resource: <resource_name>
action: remove_ldap_config
Return Values
- Command_output (on success of all states except C(absent), dict, )
Respective user configuration
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by community.