powervm_lpar_migration – validate, migrate and recover of the LPAR


Validate provided LPAR/s for migration

Migrate provided LPAR/s

Recover provided LPAR

Authenticate HMC


hmc_host (True, str, None)

The IP Address or hostname of the HMC.

hmc_auth (True, dict, None)

Username and Password credential of the HMC.

username (True, str, None)

Username of the HMC to login.

password (optional, str, None)

Password of the HMC.

src_system (optional, str, None)

The name of the source managed system.

dest_system (optional, str, None)

The name of the destination managed system.

valid only for validate and migrate action operation.

vm_names (optional, list, None)

Name of the partition/s to be migrated/validated.

To perform action on multiple partitions, provide comma separated partition names or in list form.

For recover action only one partition name is allowed.

vm_ids (optional, list, None)

ID/s of the partition to be migrated/validated.

To perform action on multiple partitions, provide comma separated partition ids or in list form.

For recover action only one partition id is allowed.

all_vms (optional, bool, None)

All the partitions of the src_system to be migrated.

valid only for migrate action

remote_ip (optional, str, None)

If the destination managed system is not managed by the same management console that is managing the source managed system, then use this option to specify the IP address or host name of the management console that is managing the destination managed system. This option is mandatory for authenticate action and optional for other action

remote_username (optional, str, None)

Username of the remote HMC

This option can be used only with authenticate action

remote_passwd (optional, str, None)

Password of the remote HMC

This option can be used only with authenticate action

wait (optional, int, None)

The maximum time, in minutes, to wait for operation to complete

This option can be used only with migrate and validate action

shared_proc_pool (optional, list, None)

list of the details of the shared processor pools to use on the destination managed system.

this parameter support single and multiple pools.

This option can be used only with migrate

lpar_name (optional, str, None)

Name of the partition to be migrated.

lpar_name and lpar_id are mutually exclusive.

lpar_id (optional, int, None)

Id of the partition to be migrated.

lpar_name and lpar_id are mutually exclusive.

pool_id (optional, int, None)

IDs of the shared processor pools to use on the destination managed.

pool_id and pool_name are mutually exclusive.

pool_name (optional, str, None)

Names of the shared processor pools to use on the destination managed.

pool_id and pool_name are mutually exclusive.

action (True, str, None)

validate validate a specified partition/s.

migrate migrate a specified partition/s from src_system to dest_system.

recover recover a specified partition.

authenticate adds SSH authentication key of remote management console.



  • All the actions support passwordless authentication.


- name: Validate that the input partitions can be migrated to the destination
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    src_system: <managed_system_name>
    dest_system: <destination_managed_system>
      - <vm_name1>
      - <vm_name2>
    action: validate

- name: Recover specifed vm_id from migration failure
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    src_system: <managed_system_name>
      - <id1>
    action: recover

- name: Migrate all partitions of the cec to remote HMC
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    src_system: <managed_system_name>
    dest_system: <destination_system_name>
    remote_ip: <ipaddress of the remote HMC>
    all_vms: true
    action: migrate

- name: Migrate 2 partitions of the cec to another
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    src_system: <managed_system_name>
    dest_system: <destination_system_name>
      - <id1>
      - <id2>
         - lpar_id: <id1>
           pool_id: <poolid1>
         - lpar_id: <id2>
           pool_id: <poolid2>
    action: migrate

- name: Adds SSH authentication key of remote HMC.
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    remote_ip: <IP Address of the remote HMC>
    remote_username: <Username of the remote HMC>
    remote_passwd: <Password of the remote HMC>
    action: authenticate

Return Values

system_info (always, dict, )

Respective partition migration information


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • Navinakumar Kandakur (@nkandak1)