power_system – PowerOn, PowerOff, modify_syscfg, modify_hwres, facts of the Managed system


Poweron specified managed system

Poweroff specified managed system

Modify System configuration of the specified managed system with specified configuration details

Modify hardware resource of the specified managed system with specified hardware resource details

Get the facts of the specified managed system

Enable and Disable PCM metrics


hmc_host (True, str, None)

The IPaddress or hostname of the HMC.

hmc_auth (True, dict, None)

Username and Password credential of the HMC.

username (True, str, None)

Username of the HMC to login.

password (optional, str, None)

Password of the HMC.

system_name (True, str, None)

The name or mtms (machine type model serial) of the managed system.

new_name (optional, str, None)

The new name to be configured on specified system_name.

This option works with modify_syscfg action.

power_off_policy (optional, int, None)

power off policy to be configured on specified system_name.

This option works with modify_syscfg action.

Configuring this option to ‘1’ will power off the Managed System after all partitions are shutdown.

power_on_lpar_start_policy (optional, str, None)

power on partition start policy to be configured on specified system_name for the next system restart.

This option works with modify_syscfg action.

requested_num_sys_huge_pages (optional, int, None)

Configures the number of pages of huge page memory.

User can change this value only when the managed system is powered off.

This option works with modify_hwres action.

mem_mirroring_mode (optional, str, None)

Configures the memory mirroring mode on specified system_name for the next system poweron or system restart.

User can use this option on only managed systems which supports memory mirroring.

This option works with modify_hwres action.

pend_mem_region_size (optional, str, None)

Configures the memory region size setting on specified system_name.

choices are in MB.

This option works with modify_hwres action.

metrics (optional, list, None)

Provides five types of utilization data

Long Term Monitor(LTM), Short Term Monitor(STM), Aggregated metrics(AM), ComputeLTM(CLTM), EnergyMonitor(EM).

AM collects data from LTM and EM, hence when the AM is enabled automatically LTM and EM will be enabled.

When LTM or EM is disabled then automatically the AM will also get disabled.

This option works only with enable_pcm and disable_pcm action.

action (optional, str, None)

poweroff poweroff a specified system_name.

poweron poweron a specified system_name.

modify_syscfg Makes system configurations of specified system_name.

modify_hwres Makes hardware resource configurations of specified system_name.

enable_pcm Enables the Performance and Capacity Monitoring for specified types of utilization data.

disable_pcm Disables the Performance and Capacity Monitoring for specified types of utilization data.

state (optional, str, None)

facts fetch details of specified system_name

pcm_facts fetch Performance and Capacity Monitoring details of specified system_name



  • All operations except facts support passwordless authentication.


- name: poweroff managed system
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    action: poweroff

- name: poweron managed system
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_sysystem_name/mtms>
    action: poweron

- name: modify managed system name, powerOn lpar start policy and powerOff policy
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    new_name: <system_name_to_be_changed>
    power_off_policy: '1'
    power_on_lpar_start_policy: autostart
    action: modify_syscfg

- name: modify managed system memory settings
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    requested_num_sys_huge_pages: <sys_huge_pages_to_be_set>
    mem_mirroring_mode: sys_firmware_only
    pend_mem_region_size: auto
    action: modify_hwres

- name: fetch the managed system details
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    state: facts

- name: Fetch facts about monitoring metrics
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
    state: pcm_facts

- name: enable the long-term monitoring
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
         - LTM
    action: enable_pcm

- name: disable the short-term monitoring
    hmc_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
         username: '{{ ansible_user }}'
         password: '{{ hmc_password }}'
    system_name: <managed_system_name/mtms>
         - STM
    action: disble_pcm

Return Values

system_info (always, dict, )

Respective System information


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • Anil Vijayan (@AnilVijayan)

  • Navinakumar Kandakur (@nkandak1)