What’s new

Find out what is new in Event Endpoint Management version 11.4.x.

Release 11.4.0

Deprecation of support for Event Gateway instances from Event Endpoint Management version 11.2.0 and earlier

Support for using an Event Gateway from Event Endpoint Management version 11.2.0 and earlier with 11.4.0 and later deployments will be removed in a future release.

By default, Event Endpoint Management 11.4.0 and later versions do not allow any Event Gateway from Event Endpoint Management version 11.2.0 and earlier to register with the Event Manager.

You can configure Event Gateway instances from Event Endpoint Management version 11.2.0 and earlier to continue to work with Event Manager instances from an 11.4.0 and later deployment. However, this option will be removed in a future release.

Support for Kubernetes 1.31

Event Endpoint Management version 11.4.0 introduces support for Kubernetes platforms version 1.31 that support the Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI) containers.

Security and bug fixes

Event Endpoint Management release 11.4.0 contains security and bug fixes.