Configuration for trace logging

When requested by IBM support, trace logging can be configured in Event Endpoint Management to add more troubleshoot logging. This is useful for attempting to debug the system, as it captures additional details about what precisely is happening in the Event Endpoint Management code.

How to configure trace logging

You can configure trace logging for the Event Manager instance, Event Gateway instance or in the Event Endpoint Management UI.

Different levels of trace logging are permitted, however the most relevant ones to use when you configure troubleshooting are trace or debug.

For the Event Endpoint Management instance

Trace logging can be configured for an Event Manager instance by editing the EventEndpointManagement custom resource. This enables trace logging that can be observed from the pod logs. To enable trace logging, update env in your EventEndpointManagement custom resource as follows:

# excerpt from Event Endpoint Management CRD
            - name: manager
                - name: TRACE_SPEC
                  value: "<VALUE>"

Note: <VALUE> is provided by IBM Support.

To add trace logging when you are deploying with an overridden image, update env in your EventEndpointManagement custom resource as follows:

# excerpt from Event Endpoint Management CRD
        - env:
            - name: TRACE_SPEC
              value: "<VALUE>"
          image: >-
          name: manager

Note: <VALUE> is provided by IBM Support.

For the Event Gateway instance

It is possible to configure trace logging for an Event Gateway instance by editing the EventGateway custom resource. This enables trace logging that can be observed from the pod logs. To enable trace logging, update env in your EventGateway custom resource as follows:

# excerpt from Event Gateway CRD
          - env:
            - name: TRACE_SPEC
              value: "<VALUE>"
            name: egw

Note: <VALUE> is provided by IBM Support.

In the Event Endpoint Management UI

Additionally, it is possible to configure trace logging specifically for actions completed in the Event Endpoint Management UI. This can be done by adding a query parameter to the browser URL.

IBM support might ask you to add trace logging for the UI, by updating the URL of your Event Endpoint Management UI:<VALUE>

Note: <VALUE> will be provided by IBM support. When navigating around the UI, it might look as though your logging configuration has disappeared. You do not need to worry, as the trace logging is enabled until you either close the UI webpage or press the refresh button.