Audit logging

Find out how to configure Event Endpoint Management to log audit data that permit administrators to monitor user activity and identify security breaches.

Event model

Event Endpoint Management uses the event model defined by the Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) to record auditable events arising from interaction with users and other systems. In this model, events are recorded against resources, which can be infrastructure components such as servers, applications or databases, or business entities, such as users, accounts and roles. In general terms, the CADF model creates audit records that follow a basic pattern:

  • An observer resource records an action performed by an initiator resource against a target resource resulting in a specific outcome.

In Event Endpoint Management, the observer is the Event Manager. The observer can record three types of events:

  • Monitoring: Information about the status of a resource.
  • Activity: Information about the change in a resource’s state or configuration.
  • Control: Information about how policies or constraints apply to a resource’s operation.

The observer also attaches more contextual information to the event record, such as a timestamp, severity, and descriptive message.


The following are examples of audit events logged by the Event Manager that show the event model in use:

  1. Creating a user shen with role viewer:
     "id": "8deefc4d-c3a6-4802-a368-f553d559496d",
     "eventTime": "2024-06-10T09:11:25.217703389Z",
     "eventType": "ACTIVITY",
     "action": "UPDATE",
     "severity": "CRITICAL",
     "outcome": "SUCCESS",
     "initiator": {
         "id": "/opt/ibm/eim-backend/roles/user-mapping.json",
         "ip": "",
         "type": ""
     "observer": {
         "app": "ibm-event-endpoint-management",
         "class": "PlaintextJsonFileAuthorizationProvider"
     "target": {
         "id": "role-mappings/shen",
         "type": ""
     "message": "shen created with roles viewer"
  2. User kevin updating a cluster:
     "id": "53f316ee-a91b-4825-a429-befc5daf4d98",
     "eventTime": "2024-07-02T15:51:07.580379030Z",
     "eventType": "ACTIVITY",
     "action": "UPDATE",
     "severity": "NORMAL",
     "outcome": "SUCCESS",
     "initiator": {
         "id": "kevin",
         "ip": "",
         "type": ""
     "observer": {
         "app": "ibm-event-endpoint-management",
         "class": "AuditHelpers"
     "target": {
         "id": "eem/Cluster/6f77be05-dacc-481a-a995-36413ece43ee",
         "type": ""
     "message": "Data accessed : Cluster"

Configuring audit logging

Event Endpoint Management can be configured to produce audit logging in one of three formats:

  1. CADF: The audit log output follows the full JSON format for logging defined by CADF.
  2. SIMPLE: A succinct version of the CADF format that contains only essential elements. The previous examples were produced using this format.
  3. NONE: No audit logging is produced.

Additionally, Event Endpoint Management can be configured to write audit logging to one of two destinations:

  1. FILE: Audit logging is written to a file separate from the standard output logs. When a file reaches a set size, it is rotated, and the old file can be retained. For details about managing file handling, see Environment variables.
  2. STDOUT: Audit logging is included in the standard output logs.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to control audit logging:

Name Possible values Default Notes
AUDIT_LOG_WRITER FILE, STDOUT FILE See Configuring Audit Logging
AUDIT_LOG_DIRECTORY string /var/log/audit  
AUDIT_LOG_FILE string eem-audit.log  
AUDIT_LOG_FILE_WRITER_MAX_FILES int 5 The maximum number of previous log files to be retained before being removed.
AUDIT_LOG_FILE_WRITER_MAX_FILE_MBYTES int 50 The maximum size in Mb of log file before rotation to new file.
AUDIT_LOG_WRITE_INTERVAL_SECONDS int 30 The maximum interval in seconds before flushing log entries to file.

Environment variables can be set in the EventEndpointManagement custom resource as follows:

                      - name: manager
                          - name: <variable_name>
                            value: <variable_value>
                          - name: <variable_name>
                            value: <variable_value>