Unable to register an Event Gateway to an existing gateway group


You add an Event Gateway to an existing gateway group and you receive no confirmation in the UI that it is added successfully. You check the logs for the Event Gateway and the Event Manager, and you find repeated 401 errors with the following messages.

In the Event Gateway logs, you see:

Failed to register with Event Manager

In the Event Manager logs, you see something similar to the following example:

Event Gateway: gwgroup/gwid, invalid: Not capable of handling Options: option-1, option-2, option-3. Errors: Option: option-1, invalid: Gateway : gwgroup/gwid, missing capability : quota; Option: option-2, invalid: Gateway : gwgroup/gwid, ...


The gateway that you want to register to the group does not support the options that are published to that group. This is due to new controls added to Event Endpoint Management from versions 11.2 and later which are not supported by the gateway that you are trying to register to the group.

Resolving the problem

Follow the instructions to Enable Event Gateway instances from version 11.2.0 and earlier to work with 11.4.0 and later.