Source code for ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.schema._api

#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2024.
#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from typing import Any, Type, TypeVar, get_origin
from tabulate import tabulate
from enum import Enum

from ibm_watsonx_ai.utils.utils import StrEnum
from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass, fields

T = TypeVar("T", bound="BaseSchema")

[docs] @dataclass class BaseSchema: @classmethod def from_dict(cls: Type[T], data: dict[str, Any]) -> "BaseSchema": kwargs = {} for field in fields(cls): field_name = field_type = field.type if field_name in data: value = data[field_name] origin = get_origin(field_type) if origin is not None and issubclass(origin, BaseSchema): if hasattr(origin, "from_dict"): value = origin.from_dict(value) kwargs[field_name] = value return cls(**kwargs) def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: def unpack( value: Enum | list[Any] | Any, ) -> int | dict[str, Any] | list[Any] | Any: if isinstance(value, Enum): return value.value elif is_dataclass(value): return { k: unpack(v) for k, v in value.__dict__.items() if v is not None and not k.startswith("_") } elif isinstance(value, list): return [unpack(v) for v in value] else: return value return { k: unpack(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if v is not None and not k.startswith("_") }
[docs] @classmethod def show(cls) -> None: """Displays a table with the parameter name, type, and example value.""" sample_params = cls.get_sample_params() table_data = [] for field in fields(cls): field_name = field_type = field.type example_value = sample_params.get(field_name, "N/A") table_data.append([field_name, field_type, example_value]) print( tabulate( table_data, headers=["PARAMETER", "TYPE", "EXAMPLE VALUE"], tablefmt="grid", ) )
[docs] @classmethod def get_sample_params(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Override this method in subclasses to provide example values for parameters.""" return {}
############## # TEXT-GEN # ##############
[docs] class TextGenDecodingMethod(StrEnum): GREEDY = "greedy" SAMPLE = "sample"
[docs] @dataclass class TextGenLengthPenalty: decay_factor: float | None = None start_index: int | None = None @classmethod def get_sample_params(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Provide example values for TextGenLengthPenalty.""" return { "decay_factor": 2.5, "start_index": 5, }
[docs] @dataclass class ReturnOptionProperties(BaseSchema): input_text: bool | None = None generated_tokens: bool | None = None input_tokens: bool | None = None token_logprobs: bool | None = None token_ranks: bool | None = None top_n_tokens: bool | None = None @classmethod def get_sample_params(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Provide example values for ReturnOptionProperties.""" return { "input_text": True, "generated_tokens": True, "input_tokens": True, "token_logprobs": True, "token_ranks": False, "top_n_tokens": False, }
[docs] @dataclass class TextGenParameters(BaseSchema): decoding_method: str | TextGenDecodingMethod | None = None length_penalty: dict | TextGenLengthPenalty | None = None temperature: float | None = None top_p: float | None = None top_k: int | None = None random_seed: int | None = None repetition_penalty: float | None = None min_new_tokens: int | None = None max_new_tokens: int | None = None stop_sequences: list[str] | None = None time_limit: int | None = None truncate_input_tokens: int | None = None return_options: dict | ReturnOptionProperties | None = None include_stop_sequence: bool | None = None prompt_variables: dict | None = None @classmethod def get_sample_params(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Provide example values for TextChatParameters.""" return { "decoding_method": list(TextGenDecodingMethod)[1].value, "length_penalty": TextGenLengthPenalty.get_sample_params(), "temperature": 0.5, "top_p": 0.2, "top_k": 1, "random_seed": 33, "repetition_penalty": 2, "min_new_tokens": 50, "max_new_tokens": 1000, "stop_sequences": 200, "time_limit": 600000, "truncate_input_tokens": 200, "return_options": ReturnOptionProperties.get_sample_params(), "include_stop_sequence": True, "prompt_variables": {"doc_type": "emails", "entity_name": "Golden Retail"}, }
############### # TEXT-CHAT # ###############
[docs] class TextChatResponseFormatType(StrEnum): JSON_OBJECT = "json_object"
[docs] @dataclass class TextChatResponseFormat(BaseSchema): type: str | TextChatResponseFormatType | None = None @classmethod def get_sample_params(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Provide example values for TextChatResponseFormat.""" return {"type": list(TextChatResponseFormatType)[0].value}
[docs] @dataclass class TextChatParameters(BaseSchema): frequency_penalty: float | None = None logprobs: bool | None = None top_logprobs: int | None = None presence_penalty: float | None = None response_format: dict | TextChatResponseFormat | None = None temperature: float | None = None max_tokens: int | None = None time_limit: int | None = None top_p: float | None = None n: int | None = None @classmethod def get_sample_params(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Provide example values for TextChatParameters.""" return { "frequency_penalty": 0.5, "logprobs": True, "top_logprobs": 3, "presence_penalty": 0.3, "response_format": TextChatResponseFormat.get_sample_params(), "temperature": 0.7, "max_tokens": 100, "time_limit": 600000, "top_p": 0.9, "n": 1, }
############ # RERANK # ############
[docs] @dataclass class RerankReturnOptions(BaseSchema): top_n: int | None = None inputs: bool | None = None query: bool | None = None @classmethod def get_sample_params(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Provide example values for RerankReturnOptions.""" return {"top_n": 1, "inputs": False, "query": False}
[docs] @dataclass class RerankParameters(BaseSchema): truncate_input_tokens: int | None = None return_options: dict | RerankReturnOptions | None = None @classmethod def get_sample_params(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Provide example values for RerankParameters.""" return { "truncate_input_tokens": 100, "return_options": RerankReturnOptions.get_sample_params(), }